Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 230 Naruto intervenes in politics in the past dynasties! I'm on Tsunade-sama's sid

The high-level Konoha left the Daming Mansion.

After seeing them leave, some ministers of the Kingdom of Fire immediately relaxed psychologically, thinking that these Konoha ninjas had let them go.


Xianglin took the root ninja and stopped in the meeting room without moving.


The ministers of the Kingdom of Fire were still a little confused.

"Kill them."

Xianglin pushed his glasses, and put some criminal evidence in his hand on the table in the conference room: "This is their criminal evidence, we are not killing innocent people indiscriminately."

clang clang!

This time it was really a knife!

A group of root ninjas moved quickly and quickly fell behind several ministers. They directly beheaded these ministers with their knives in their hands, and blood splashed in the conference room!

"This is…"

The daimyo of the country of fire trembled with fear.

As the highest authority in the Kingdom of Fire, the daimyo's status has always been extremely respected, and no one dares to offend him. The former guardian ninja twelve warriors would deliberately avoid him when they killed each other.

This is the first time...

Someone was killing people with impunity in front of him.

After Xianglin took the root ninja to kill, he left the conference room. A group of nobles from the Fire Nation were too scared to move, and some even wet their pants.

"This Konoha's new Hokage is too arrogant..."

As soon as a nobleman spoke out, he was frightened by the people around him and hurriedly stopped.

Obviously it was Akihara Kagura and the ninjas who were doing things, these nobles and ministers subconsciously put the matter on the head of Tsunade, the new Hokage, because Tsunade did seem to be the person who presided over all this behind the scenes.

"Ahem...well, let's go!"

The daimyo of Fire Nation couldn't help coughing a few times, and he was also dissatisfied with Tsunade in his heart, but he was still a little too scared to speak out at this time, and ordered the attendants around him: "Help me back first. Dressing in the bedroom..."


A group of ministers immediately left the meeting room.

This group of pampered people were so well protected by Konoha, they always used ninjas as a tool to maintain their own rule, but they forgot that sharp tools were used to kill people.


Tsunade glanced at his Naruto guards, and then looked curiously behind Akihara Kagura: "Kagura, where's the root ninja?"

"They followed after killing people."

Akihara Kagura smiled, and took the initiative to remind: "Those ministers who may have objections to Mr. Tsunade may hinder our war between Wuyin Village and Sand Hidden Village. It is inappropriate for Mr. Naruto to come forward. Genbu Ninja Will be in charge of cleaning them up…”

"As long as it doesn't hurt the daimyo."

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun had expected this, nodded lightly and said: "Kagura is also right, these people may indeed hinder Konoha in the future..."

"Let's talk about the war later..."

Mitomon also nodded, and continued: "Didn't you say you want to revive the monkey first? Let the monkey and past Hokage also express their opinions!"


Tsunade nodded.

According to Tsunade's understanding of past Hokage, there is a high probability that they will agree to negotiate a settlement, and most of past Hokage do not approve of unnecessary sacrifices.


Tsunade thought well.

The reality is still a little bit off.

the next day.

The meeting room of Naruto Building.

Tsunade and two Hokage consultants came here.

A group of root ninjas and dark parts are scattered and guarded around, prohibiting anyone from approaching the Hokage Building, so as to prevent what is about to happen in the meeting room from being discovered.


Koharu stared at Akihara Kagura and said softly, "The succession ceremony of Tsunade will begin in the afternoon. At this time, we must revive the previous Hokage and witness Tsunade's succession to the Fifth Hokage?"

"This is the request of Hokage through the ages."

"I revived them yesterday, they want to see the future of the village..."

Akihara Kagura stood in the middle of the office, raised his palm, and completed the handprint of psychic art: "Ninja, psychic art!"

Four black spells appeared on the ground!

Four coffins emerged from the black spell!

Mitomonyan widened his eyes, looked at the four coffins that appeared in shock, and stood up involuntarily: "Is it true that all the previous Hokages have been resurrected?"


Akihara Kagura nodded.

The covers of the four coffins behind Akihara Kagura fell down with a clatter, and the four Hokages suddenly opened their eyes, staring at the people present!

Tsunade had already been mentally prepared. When he saw the first Hokage and the second Hokage, he was still a little shocked and said: "Grandpa...Second Grandpa..."

"Xiao Gang!"

When the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama saw Tsunade, a smile appeared on his face immediately: "It's been a long time since I saw you, but he has grown so big..."

"Brother, after all, we've all been dead for so many years..."

The second generation of Hokage, Senshou, reminded his elder brother in a cold voice, and his eyes fell on Xiaochun and Mitomonyan: "Xiaochun, Yan, you are also here..."

"Second Hokage-sama!"

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun and Mitomenyan quickly became respectful, and they also saw the little old man next to them, feeling a little dazed in their hearts.

Three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Hiruza.

The two Naruto consultants never expected to see their old friend again, but this old friend who has known each other for nearly seventy years is already separated from them.


The two Hokage consultants also saw the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

"haven't seen you for a long time…"

Namikaze Minato laughed a little embarrassedly.

"The four Hokage-samas think they are the dead, and it's inconvenient to stay in the Hokage Building all the time to avoid being discovered by other living people and causing panic in the village."

Akihara Kagura spread out her palm, and took the initiative to raise the issue of the resettlement of Hokage in the past: "The four Hokage masters will usually live in the root, and only when they participate in politics, they will use the flying thunder god to go back and forth between the root and the Hokage building. ..."


Turning to bed Koharu and Mito Menyan nodded at the same time.


Tsunade hesitated for a while, and seemed to be unable to raise any objections. Seeing that the four Hokages had no objections, he nodded and said, "It's okay to do it this way."


The four Hokages looked at Akihara Kagura one after another.

Is this what they think?

However, if Akihara Kagura did this, it was also in line with their ideas. It is really inconvenient for people like them to appear in the Hokage Building.


Senjujuma didn't mention this topic that didn't make him happy, but looked at Tsunade and said with a smile: "Didn't Tsunade say that the succession ceremony of the Fifth Hokage will be held today?"

"The first generation of adults."

Turning to bed Koharu was not used to it, so he took the initiative to answer: "Tsunade's succession ceremony is this afternoon, and there are still a few hours left."

"Let's discuss first!"

Qianshou Feijian's eyes fell on Akihara Kagura, and said in a deep voice: "This brat said, what are you juniors who can't make up your mind..."


Mitomon Yan nodded, looked at Hiruzaru Sarutobi, an old friend, and said softly: "We are discussing whether to launch a war to punish the fact that Kirigakure Village and Sand Gaze Village colluded with Orochimaru and killed Sarutobi. But they also sent a request to negotiate a peace..."


Sarutobi has been revived...

Do they really need to go to war?

Mitomon Yan looked at Hiruzaru Sarutobi and felt a little weird. He launched a war in the name of Hiruzaru Sarutobi who was killed. Hiruza Sarutobi, the victim, can still participate in the war?


Mito Menyan deliberately avoided Shimura Danzo's question.

to be honest.

The four resurrected Hokages even had their scalps tingle.

Because Shayin Village, Wuyin Village and even Orochimaru were used by Akihara Kagura, the real behind-the-scenes of this riot stood in front of them.

"Then there's no need to start a war, is there?"

Senshou Zhuma subconsciously finished this sentence.

"I also…"

Sarutobi Hiruza also wanted to echo the opinions of the first Hokage.

next moment!

The four Hokages present received a message from Akihara Kagura in their spiritual will, asking the four Hokages to support the war against the two ninja villages.


The four Hokages frowned at the same time.

"It's okay to punish them."

Senshou Tomona knows the situation best. He believes in the power of Akihara Kagura, plus the four Hokages who were reincarnated from the dirt...

to be honest.

At this stage, there should be no problem with Konoha fighting on both sides.

Akihara Kagura and the first Hokage Senjujuma go out separately, and they can push a ninja village directly, unless there is a character like Uchiha Madara in other ninja villages.

Is such a thing possible?

If there is, it is impossible to negotiate with Konoha!

Senshou Feima is the most sensitive to this, and the person who can recognize the situation the most. Since he can't resist Akihara Kagura, why not take this opportunity to seek benefits for Konoha.

This war is beneficial to Konoha.

What's more, Shayin Village and Wuyin Village betrayed Konoha first, and didn't suppress them when Konoha was at its strongest. Would it be possible to wait for these two villages to become stronger before endangering Konoha?

"It's a perfect time."

Qianshou Feijian didn't wait for other people to make any comments, Shen Sheng continued: "Now is the time when Konoha is the strongest, immediately eliminate them with a thunderous offensive, force the two ninja villages to sign a harsh agreement with Konoha, force them Standing on Konoha's chariot forever..."

"I also agree with the second Hokage-sama's opinion."

Akihara Kagura nodded quickly, and took the initiative to remind: "Besides, they still have many captives in our hands..."

"The strength of these two villages is not strong now, the fourth Kazekage also died in the hands of Orochimaru, there is no Mizukage in Wuyin Village, and Yuanshi has also died..."

"Are there no leaders in the two villages?"

Qianshou Feijian felt that this kind of opportunity might not be possible again in the future, and looked at everyone present: "This is indeed an excellent opportunity..."

"Between the door..."

Before Senju Zhuma had time to plan to reprimand his younger brother, his body was a little out of control, and the figure of Akihara Kagura appeared in his will.

"I don't agree."

Tsunade raised his own objection, opposing the Second Hokage Senshou Tobima's act of initiating war: "Since they have already negotiated..."

"Tsunade, my decision is the most correct..."

Senju stared at Tsunade, and reminded in a deep voice: "As a Hokage, you must consider Konoha as much as possible..."

"Second grandfather."

Tsunade looked at the door of Senju, and seriously reminded his second grandfather: "The times have changed, and the experience of the past may not be suitable for the present. Now I am Konoha's Fifth Hokage..."

"Tsunade, you will regret it."

Qianshou Feijian shook his head, looked at the people present, and his eyes fell on Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomenyan: "Xiaochun, Yan, do you have any opinions?"

"Actually, Tsunade-sama is right..."

Akihara Kagura suddenly stood by Tsunade's side.

"Little devil, you..."

Senshou Feijian looked at Akihara Kagura in disbelief, and he managed to convince himself to stand by Akihara Kagura for Konoha...

How did this brat jump to Tsunade's side!

A group of Hokage also looked sideways, looking at Akihara Kagura with some surprise, has this brat changed his temper?

"Second Hokage-sama."

Akihara Kagura glanced at everyone present, and put forward his own opinion: "Yesterday we killed some noble ministers, and the daimyo of Fire Country is probably jealous of Master Tsunade..."

"We want to start a war. In order to ensure the peace of the rear, we must first clean up the daimyos and nobles of the country of fire, and install those who belong to..."


"I agree with the second Hokage-sama's opinion."

After turning to bed, Koharu immediately interrupted Akihara Kagura's words.

"I also agree with the second Hokage-sama's opinion."

Mitomonyan looked back at Akihara Kagura, and mentioned what Shimura Danzo once said when he wanted to kill him: "Kagura, there is no need to get rid of daimyo and nobles in extreme ways. As long as we launch an external war, The internal conflicts in the Land of Fire will be eliminated..."

"I also agree with the Second Hokage-sama..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato could only sigh.

Compared with launching a war, it is too extreme to directly eliminate the daimyo.

"I'll still support Tobima..."

Senshou Bashirama feels that it is better to support Senju Tobema.

"I still agree with Tsunade-sama's opinion."

Akihara Kagura unequivocally stood on Tsunade's side.

After everyone present voted, they looked at the current Fifth Hokage Tsunade.


Tsunade looked at Kagura with a vaguely complicated expression.

The second update!

Something is wrong today!

I am as happy as possible!

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