Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 203 Sarutobi Hiruza: I want to deal with Shimura Danzo with my own hands!

What does it mean not to choose Orochimaru for power?

The Fourth Kazekage Rasa is simply watching the fun and it is not too big of a deal.

At this time, he is still fanning the flames here, it sounds like he is speaking for Shimura Danzo, and even wants to help Konoha's rebellious ninja Orochimaru.

However, Shimura Danzo seemed to have caught the loophole of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and immediately followed Luo Sha's words and said: "No matter what you say, you can't change the fact that you have been monopolizing power in Konoha, and even after the death of the fourth generation, you can take it yourself. With the power of Hokage gone, is there any thing in this world where the former Hokage regains power?"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression was a bit ugly.

It’s really not clear why I reassigned as Hokage. At that time, Konoha really didn’t have a more suitable candidate. People like Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga Nichizu, and Nara Shikahisa couldn’t be elected, right? What's more, Orochimaru was still in Konoha at that time!

This is a fact.

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't speak out.

"This is an order from the daimyo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen could only blame this incident on the Fire Nation daimyo, who happened to have mentioned that he should be Hokage again.


No one present would believe this statement.

Sidai Kazekage Rasa who was sitting next to him even laughed out loud.

Because the shadow or leader of Ninja Village has always been decided by the village itself before being handed over to the daimyo and nobles for discussion.

"For power, understandable."

The fourth Kazekage Rasa nodded with a smile, and even said something to help the third Hokage explain: "If Orochimaru is in power, maybe the third Hokage will not be allowed to continue to hold power because of the disagreement between the two people's ideas..."

The fourth generation of Kazekage Luosha sat beside him and said sarcastic words: "There is no way to do this. If it were me, I hope that the next generation of Kazekage will respect me. His philosophy is the same as mine. It is best to let him I still have the authority of Kazekage, and even manipulated him into a puppet that I can continue to hold the power of Hidden Sand Village..."

As soon as these words are spoken.

Everyone present couldn't help but change color.

Even Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression turned ugly.


When the Fourth Kazekage Rasa said this, he also looked at Akihara Kagura: "The ninja world has always believed that Konoha's Akihara Kagura will become the future Fifth Hokage..."

"Lord Fengying."

Akihara Kagura had to stand up, interrupted him, and talked about his own thoughts: "Don't speak when you shouldn't speak, Konoha's Hokage election is Konoha's business, not to mention I never thought of becoming Hokage ..."


Fourth Kazekage Rasa chuckled.

This brat is really a hypocrite, at this time we have to avoid suspicion!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi glanced at Akihara Kagura, and continued: "Kagura is a little younger now, maybe he may become Hokage in the future, but Konoha has a more suitable candidate now..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen has thought about it many times, especially after experiencing Hinata Hizuru, he still thinks that Jiraiya should succeed as Hokage first, and hope that after Jiraiya also becomes Hokage, he will slowly consider whether Akihara Kagura can become Hokage. Naruto.


The jonin on the scene looked a little weird.

Everyone's eyes turned to Akihara Kagura involuntarily.

Many people think that Akihara Kagura will become the next Hokage. At this time, the third Hokage personally denied it. What does this mean?


Shimura Danzo laughed coldly: "Because the little guy Akihara Kagura would not be willing to obey your orders, so you refused to let him become Hokage, right? Monkey, you want to pick another obedient person to be you again Is it a puppet?"

"shut up!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen could only yell at Shimura Danzo to shut up.

"The old man's words are not finished yet!"

Danzo Shimura glanced coldly at all the people present, and continued: "If this old man has committed any crime, then explain it clearly in front of everyone..."


Akihara Kagura actually wanted to take Shimura Danzo with him.

The old boss's mouth is too good, if it weren't for the Kazekage next to him beating the side drum from time to time, he wouldn't have posed the slightest threat to Sarutobi Hiruzen at all.

"You think the old man and Uchiha Itachi killed the Uchiha clan together."

Danzo Shimura stared at Hiruzen Sarutobi coldly: "Did you forget what you sent me to do at the beginning? It was you who asked me to monitor the Uchiha clan. It was you who were worried that the Uchiha clan would rebel in a coup, but you delayed Can't find a way to…”

"Shut up!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't dare to let Shimura Danzo continue talking.


The jonin present looked a little weird.

Although everyone knows that the Uchiha clan is arrogant, it still makes people feel a little uneasy that the fact that the Uchiha extermination of the clan really originated from Konoha's high-level officials.

Shimura Danzo hesitated for a while, and actually listened to Sarutobi Hiruzen's idea, thinking that it was really hard to tell because it involved Uchiha Itachi.


Sarutobi Hirzen looked at Shimura Danzo, completely disappointed with this old friend: "I never thought you would become so disregarding the overall situation..."

"The old man also wants to take care of the overall situation."

Shimura Danzo's face also turned ugly, and he said coldly: "But the old man has been helping you to bear the darkness, not all the things I do are from your instructions, don't think that I committed all the crimes, you It is the source of Konoha's darkness."


Sarutobi Hiruzen's forehead rose up a little angrily.

Because he knows that this is the truth, many things are done by himself with tacit consent to Shimura Danzo, and those things are beneficial to Konoha.


Shimura Danzo actually said it openly!

Shimura Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and his voice became more and more gloomy: "You are the Konoha bathed in the sun, I am the root buried deep in the ground, you are enjoying the glamorous Hokage above, and I am below Bearing all the filth of rotting leaves..."

"I can live with all of this..."

Shimura Danzo raised his palm, and said coldly: "But if you want to cut off the roots, do you think that this big tree, Konoha, will not perish together!"

Danzo Shimura tore open his sleeve suddenly, raised his palm, and opened his mouth to spit out a powerful wind escape ninjutsu!

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Wave!"

This wind escape technique, like a sickle itachi, cut off the wall behind the entire high platform in an instant, and directly forced back all the ninjas present!

According to Konoha's collapse plan, Shimura Danzo first fought with Sarutobi Hiruzen, consuming Sarutobi Hiruzen's Chakra, making the next step of the plan smoother.


Shimura Danzo pulled out the ninja sword hidden in his sleeve, and pointed the blade at his old friend: "Let's come here to end the past..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi calmly took off his Naruto hat, intending to face the challenge from his old friend by himself, and even waved back the members of the Hokage guards: "Shimura Danzo is my friend from the past, let me come Let him go for the last time!"

"It's really shameless, monkey..."

Shimura Danzo narrowed his eyes.


A group of Konohagami Shinobu looked at each other.

"Stop meddling in their battle."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, sighed, and said, "Everyone lock up the rioting Kirigakure ninjas. After a while, I will help Hokage-sama and Danzo-sama create a fighting environment."


The group of jounin could only agree.

Since Hokage-sama is inconvenient to issue orders, he can only obey the orders of Assistant Hokage, and there must be no problem in following what Akihara Kagura said.

Fourth Kazekage Rasa saw that Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura were going to fight on the high platform, chuckled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and changed to a more comfortable auditorium.

the other side.

Inside the examination room of the Chunin Exam.

The battle between Gaara and Karin is over.

Because Gaara couldn't take down Xianglin for a long time, Shukaku finally couldn't hold back and took over the battle on his own initiative. As a result, Xianglin used the diamond chain to tie up the explosive hammer when he appeared on the stage, and even directly implicated Gaara's defeat , I simply lost the face of the tailed beast...

The sealed space in Gaara's body.

Shuhe and Gaara were still staring at each other in the sealed space.

"It's all your fault for insisting on coming out."

Gaara looked at Shuhe with dissatisfaction, with a gloomy face: "It made me lose to that stinky woman wearing glasses again. If I fight by myself, I won't lose so quickly..."

"Why did you lose again?"

Shouhe ignored Gaara's matter, and was still thinking about his defeat, recalling what the diamond chain that Xianglin used was: "What kind of spell is that thing like the diamond chain? Do you want to do it again? Go ask those guys..."

Because Xianglin's vajra chain restrains Shouhe too much, Shouhe feels a little confused for a while, why is it difficult to use chakra when he is bound by the vajra chain?


Go ask those tailed beasts?

Shuhe had this idea, but immediately gave up.

Because the last lesson was too profound, it planned to think about it again, and when it encountered Xianglin in the future, it would try to see if it could get rid of Xianglin.


This scene was watched by Naruto Uzumaki.

In the sealed space inside Uzumaki Naruto, Kyuubi was able to see Gaara and Shuzuru being chased and beaten by Kaorin through Uzumaki Naruto's eyes, and sneered contemptuously.

Shukaku, that idiot!

He actually fought head-on against the Uzumaki clan!

Even if he had suffered enough from the Uzumaki Clan's Vajra chains, that idiot Shukaku really thought that he had developed some trash-like abilities to change the fact that it was the weakest of the nine-tailed beasts? ?

Kyuubi is planning to write down everything that happened today, so that in the future, when the idiot Shuzuru quarrels with him, it can be used as material to laugh at Shuzuru.

"Scented phosphorus wins."

After Shiranui Genma announced the winner, he looked in the direction of Akihara Kagura with hesitant eyes, as if asking whether the exam should continue.


Akihara Kagura glanced at Shiranui Genma calmly, but disbanded all his wooden clones, and re-executed the technique of multiple wooden clones!

"Wood Dungeon Multi-Wood Clone Technique!"

Eight wooden clones got out from behind Akihara Kagura!

"Ninja Four Red Sun Formation!"

The four wooden clones stayed in the Zhongnin examination room to prevent the situation in the examination room from threatening the safety of the audience; the four wooden clones jumped onto the high platform and surrounded the battlefield of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo to avoid their fighting The aftermath spread to others.

Two scarlet sun formation barriers appeared here at the same time!

All the audience present felt that their brains and eyes were not enough. They didn't know whether to watch the duel between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo, or continue to watch the battle of the Chunin Exam.

"Do you still want to continue the exam at this time?"

Hatake Kakashi stood beside Akihara Kagura, feeling a little speechless: "Isn't the most important thing now is to solve the matter of Shimura Danzo and Kirigakure Village? Will the people of Sand Hidden Village have any problems?" idea…"

"It's not too late."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Hatake Kakashi, and continued indifferently: "Don't worry, there will be no problems. Didn't everyone say that? Some allies will not betray us."


Hatake Kakashi sighed helplessly.

to be honest.

Everyone's words are not very credible.

Hatake Kakashi is still more willing to believe in Akihara Kagura's judgment.

Although the people in Hidden Sand Village and other Ninja Villages have not changed much, Kakashi Hatake doubts whether there will be a new crisis after a while...

Because Shimura Danzo and Kirigakure Village suddenly exploded, it seems that they never thought about the problem of Akihara Kagura suppressing them, which seems a bit brainless.

How dare these people do this...

Unless there are additional plans...

Could it be that Danzo Shimura sacrificed himself and Kirigakure Village just to let himself and Hiruzaru Sarutobi have a fair fight at this time?

Shimura Danzo is not the opponent of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and this former Hokage assistant is not a bold figure, and there are often news of his collusion with Orochimaru in the ninja world. If there is no bigger crisis coming, Qi Mukakashi really didn't believe it...

On the high platform.

Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura have long been fighting together.

These two old men were already very old, and they were a little out of breath just after a few moves, and even used their respective special skills to fight in the scarlet sun formation barrier!

"Wind escape Shuriken!"

A pair of shurikens appeared in Shimura Danzo's hand, and he opened his mouth to spit out the wind escape chakra attached to each shuriken. The sharp outline of the wind escape appeared on the periphery of these shurikens, turning into a handle The high-speed rotating ground wind escape sharp blade shot towards Sarutobi Hiruzen!

"Ninja Shuriken Shadow Cloning Technique!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was not afraid, threw a shuriken with his hands, and quickly closed his palms to form a seal. Dozens of shurikens collided with Feng Dun Shuriken in an instant, changing the shape of Feng Dun Shuriken. In the direction of the sword, these wind escape shurikens directly pierced the barrier of the Chiyang Formation and dissipated!


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face was serious, staring at his old friend: "This time, in order to protect the village, I will definitely kill you here..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi does not intend to leave this matter to others, he wants to deal with Danzo Shimura here with his own hands, just like the first Hokage once killed Madara Uchiha!

The second update!

Feels like it's just getting started...

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