Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 202 Danzo Shimura's mouth is too bad!

"our teacher?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although my teacher, the second generation of Hokage, Qianshou Feijian's Water Dungeon is indeed quite good, but it seems that it shouldn't be said from the mouth of Yuan Shi in Wuyin Village.

"Your Excellency Master Yuan..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Master Yuan in front of him, thinking whether the elder of Wuyin Village was too old, so confused that he couldn't tell who his teacher was...


Yuanshi of Wuyin Village raised his palm, and made a gesture of seal with his fingers. Along with his movement, many Wuyin ninjas present suddenly rioted and jumped towards the position of the high platform come galloping!

This is a premeditated sneak attack!

Many Konoha ninjas didn't even have time to react!

Only the members of Anbe, who had been guarding near Sarutobi Hiruzen, reacted, and fought the group of Kirigakure ninjas in an instant, preventing them from rushing up to the high platform!

"Master Yuan, what does this mean?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi clenched his palms slightly, but he didn't pay all his attention to the old man Yuanshi, he also quietly observed the Fourth Kazekage Rasa next to him.

However, the fourth-generation Fengkage Luosha still sat there calmly, as if he did not want to participate in the conflict between Wuyin Village and Konoha, and even watched this good show with great interest.

The ninjas of Hidden Sand Village have also stayed where they are.

On the contrary, some sand hidden ninjas who couldn't hold back gathered around Kazekage's assistant Ma Ji, and asked urgently: "Master Ma Ji, shall we not do it?"

"When will it start to activate!"

"Why doesn't Kazekage-sama let us do it..."

"Do not worry."

Ma Ji looked at the fourth generation of Kazekage Luosha who was sitting on the high platform like a mountain, and said in a deep voice: "Everything is waiting for the order of Master Kazekage, no one is allowed to do anything!"

On the high platform.

Fourth Kazekage Rasa's fingers tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's mood slowly relaxed. As long as Sand Hidden Village did not launch a surprise attack at the same time, but Kirigakure Village had the intention of breaking the covenant, it was not a big problem for Konoha, and it could be easily suppressed at any time.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi still didn't want to tear his face apart.

"Your Excellency Master Yuan."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the old man sitting not far from him, and asked in a deep voice: "Since Konoha and Guicun made an alliance, I have never felt sorry for Guicun, and our alliance is fair... "

"You did very well."

The elder Master Yuan of Wuyin Village shook his head slowly, and continued calmly: "Even at the expense of Konoha's interests to maintain the covenant..."

"Your Majesty Yuanshi understands my painstaking efforts..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's fingers were hidden under the Hokage Yushen robe, even though he was ready to make seal seals, he still wanted to try to negotiate to solve the problem: "If you have any ideas, we can talk slowly, or don't have to..."

"Master Yuan of Wuyin Village has no opinion on you..."

Master Yuan of Wuyin Village slowly stretched out his palm, touched his ear, took off the mask on his face, and said slowly: "However, the old man treats you very well. Opinion…"

When it comes to the end...

The Yuanshi of Wuyin Village has already taken off his mask, and even his voice has become a familiar voice to Sarutobi Hiruza the moment the mask is lifted.

Shimura Danzo.

Konoha's S-rank rebellious ninja.

Konoha's previous generation Hokage assistant and former root root leader.


Shimura Danzo's expression was calm, and even his eyes were half-closed: "I didn't expect you to be so confused that even my old friends for many years can't tell them apart!"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's voice trembled a little, and his fingers became stiff.

Ever since Shimura Danzo defected and left Konoha, Hiruzaru Sarutobi has always felt a little depressed in his heart, and from time to time he worries about Shimura Danzo colluding with other Ninja villages to sell Konoha's information.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has never thought about how to deal with that old friend who defected. He once thought about killing Danzo to solve the hidden crisis, but he still wanted to bring Shimura Danzo back to Konoha, because the relationship between them There are almost seventy years of fetters!


This old friend who defected from the village appeared in front of him majestically, and even colluded with Wuyin Village...

"It's been a long time, Danzo..."

A look of sadness flashed across Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression, but he regained Hokage's majesty in an instant: "I didn't expect you to return to Konoha in this way..."

Shimura Danzo showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and asked in a cold voice: "If it wasn't for this method, maybe I would have been executed by you before I arrived at Konoha! In order to cover up the fact that you secretly conducted human experiments, you will All the crimes are pushed on me..."

"It was you who conducted the human experiment without permission!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face suddenly became ugly, and he remembered the torment he had learned about the outbreak of the double blood succession ninja incident during that time!

If Shimura Danzo communicated with himself in private, if this matter is beneficial to Konoha, everything can be easily resolved in private, instead of being exposed by the people in the village, which will almost cause a crisis of trust in Konoha!

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Shimura Danzo coldly: "If you just violated the regulations and conducted human experiments without permission, I would only punish you, but at that time you still wanted to kill the consultant Mito Menyan with the intention of blaming Kiri Hidden Village, provoke a war between Kirigakure and Konoha..."

"You put the blame on me!"

A flash of anger flashed in Shimura Danzo's eyes!


Sidai Kazekage Luosha who was sitting next to him was still sitting steadily, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense, as if it was the first time he saw two people quarreling.

"Many have seen it with their own eyes..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi squinted his eyes and glanced at Luo Sha, knowing that he could not lose face in front of this Kazekage, and wanted to suppress everything first: "Since you have returned to Konoha, let the riots present be quelled first." Come down, we can talk about everything after the end..."

Whatever happens, avoid unnecessary sacrifices as much as possible.

This is Sarutobi Hiruzane's code of conduct. At this time, there are still people from Sand Hidden Village by his side. It wasn't when he had a falling out with Shimura Danzo. He still hoped that he could talk with Shimura Danzo about everything in private. Talk, there is still room for maneuver in everything.


Once the conflict between Konoha and Wuyin Village continues to expand, if Shayin Village thinks it can get involved, it will inevitably bring more bloodshed.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said coldly: "Order Akihara Kagura to act immediately, arrest all the ninjas who caused the riot, and try not to hurt their lives..."

in the audience.

A group of Konoha ninjas couldn't hold back their attacks.

Surrounded by a group of jounin, Akihara Kagura rushed towards the high platform quickly. His purpose was naturally to protect the third Hokage and prevent the situation from getting out of control.

"Wood escape, the birth of the tree world!"

Immediately, countless tree roots and vines drilled out of the entire examination room, and each tree root and vine accurately grabbed a ninja named Kirigakure and tied them all to the tree!


Almost all the Kirigakure ninjas present were captured by the tree world descendant.

The leader of Wuyin Village, Ninja Lantern Full Moon, waved his ninja knife and cut off a vine. He used such strength that he couldn't help coughing up blood: "What's going on with Orochimaru? It doesn't mean that there will be someone Come to stop Akihara Kagura?"

"Master Full Moon, look at the high platform..."

A Kirigakure ninja looked at Gaotai in some panic, and couldn't help but ask, "Where is Elder Yuanshi? Why Shimura Danzo?"

"What exactly is going on?"

Ghost Lantern Moon looked at the two noisy figures on the high platform, and frowned: "Why hasn't Orochimaru acted according to the plan!"

The key now is not the whereabouts of Elder Genshi, but Orochimaru must take action immediately to stop Akihara Kagura, otherwise they are not Akihara Kagura's opponents, even Konoha Ninja can't solve it!

"Water Escape·Big Explosion Water Shockwave!"

The full moon of the ghost lamp could only form seals hastily, and forced the sick body to spit out a huge water wave. This water wave almost flooded half of the examination room in an instant, and even approached the barrier of the Chiyang Formation. The barrier of the Chiyang Formation quickly Burning the incoming water waves, steam filled the air instantly.

next moment!

Ghost Lantern Moon manipulated the water waves under her body to turn into a huge water figure, and manipulated the water figure to grab Akihara Kagura who was leading people towards him!


A tree root grew up suddenly, and quickly grew into a wooden figure. The wooden figure directly stretched out its palm and grabbed the water man's head, crushed the water man's head with one hand, and held the ghost lamp full moon that controlled the water man in his hand !

The riot caused by the Kirigakure ninjas didn't even last more than a minute or two, and was directly suppressed by Akihara Kagura in an instant!

This swift and decisive solution immediately shocked many people present who wanted to fish in troubled waters!

Akihara Kagura stood on top of the wooden figurine, looked around at the people who were shocked, and then looked at Gaara and Xianglin who had stopped in the barrier of the Chiyang Formation.

"The exam continues."


Everyone present was speechless.

Who is still in the mood to pay attention to the exam at this time!

The Kirigakure ninja started a riot in Konoha, and directly provoked a war between the two ninja villages. Who would pay attention to the battle between the two ninja villages?

No matter how strong these two ninjas are, they can't be compared with the war between the two villages! The most important question now, shouldn't we ask whether a new round of ninja war is about to break out in the ninja world?


Xiangphos is very obedient.

The black butterfly wings behind Xianglin fluttered gently, and rushed directly towards Gaara, this Chunin exam is going to continue!

Gaara was not a person who was willing to admit defeat, the gourd behind him had already been completely turned into yellow sand, and under his control, he frantically blocked the rushing Xianglin!

The Chunin Exam battle, which was supposed to end, is still going on.

The battle on the high platform that should have started has not yet started. The third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi is still hoping that Shimura Danzo can solve everything in private, and don't argue in public, so that the fourth generation of Sand Hidden Village Fengying saw the joke.


Shimura Danzo was unwilling to do so.

In the past, when Shimura Danzo was serving as Hokage's assistant, he did a lot of dirty things. Sarutobi Hiruzen would take the initiative to help Danzo suppress it, and the two discussed and resolved it in private.

this time...

Shimura Danzo insisted on exposing all the darkness of Konoha to the public, letting the sun shine to see the ugliness of Sarutobi Hiruzen, an old friend.

"Don't forget, monkey."

Shimura Danzo watched as Akihara Kagura led a group of ninjas to surround him, and he didn't care about his own danger. He asked coldly, "You were the one who decided to use the first-generation cells for human transplantation experiments. Seal the power that controls Nine Tails, and prevent the village's renju power from getting out of control..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face darkened.

This kind of matter is a secret of Konoha's high-level officials, can it be discussed at this time?

Although he made the decision to use intercolumn cells for human transplantation experiments, didn't the guy in Danzo propose it?

What's more, seeing the huge loss in the experiment, I immediately stopped the experiment, but Shimura Danzo was still conducting the experiment in violation of the regulations, and even colluded with Orochimaru!

"I stopped the experiment a long time ago."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi scolded Danzo Shimura in a cold voice, and unceremoniously pierced Danzo Shimura's mind: "However, you secretly violated my orders, and even colluded with Orochimaru to continue conducting human experiments privately, abducting orphans from surrounding villages , kidnapped the companions in the village..."

"This old man is for Konoha..."

"Is it for Konoha or for your own selfish desires!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Shimura Danzo coldly, and produced more powerful evidence: "All ninja information registrations in the village should be submitted to Hokage Tower. How many subordinates have you hidden over the years? You still need to let the old man Shall I explain it one by one?"


Shimura Danzo's momentum stagnated.

The old man forgot that he made more mistakes than Hiruzaru Sarutobi, insisted that he was for Konoha and not for himself, and as a result, Hiruzaru Sarutobi just posed a question, and he couldn't even refute it. Some can't.

"that is because…"

Shimura Danzo hesitated for a while, and found an unreliable reason: "You always want to have the power to control everything, and this old man is also to prevent you from making mistakes..."

Shimura Danzo thought of the fact that a group of people deceived the first Hokage and the second Hokage, and simply used these things as evidence: "In order to be able to keep the power in the village, you chose Namikaze Minato, who is easier to be manipulated, as the fourth generation. , instead of choosing Orochimaru who was more suitable to become Hokage at the beginning. At that time, Orochimaru was more qualified to become Hokage, right? Just because Orochimaru would violate your order to become Hokage, he was deprived of his qualifications to become Hokage..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi almost laughed out of anger at Danzo Shimura.

Could it be that this old friend's brain is not easy to use, and if he gives such a reason at this time, doesn't he know that he can fight back easily?


Sidai Kazekage Rasa, who was sitting next to him, seemed very interested in Konoha's alternation of Hokage, watching Sarutobi Hiruzen seriously, trying to hear the answer from the old man's mouth.

"There is too much darkness in Orochimaru's body."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi gave this reason very properly, and he even found evidence: "Facts have proved that my choice was not wrong. Orochimaru was afraid of death, and violated the regulations to carry out human experiments and defected from Konoha. The village sacrificed its life..."

If you speak with facts, Sarutobi Hiruzawa did not make any mistakes at all. The Namikaze Minato he chose is indeed a suitable candidate. Shimura Danzo’s point of view is not tenable at all, it can only prove that Sarutobi Hiruzawa is correct .

no way.

Who made Orochimaru defect?

However, Shimura Danzo's Zuidun combat effectiveness is too bad!


The Fourth Kazekage Rasa was right next to him, and took the initiative to beat the side drum: "I'm a little curious about a question. At the beginning, the Third Hokage Lord was worried that Orochimaru would lose power after becoming Hokage?"

The first update!

A little late!

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