Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$92 Things to note [ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~]

Qiliye's envoy looked at the turtle who easily blocked his beast attack, and the expression on his face changed from serious to extremely solemn.

"Turtle, Dragon Claw, pounce!"

After hearing Lin Qianyu's command, Turtle lowered his body, exerted force on his limbs, and his front paws were covered with blue dragon-attribute aura. He jumped hard on the ground with his hind legs and pounced directly towards Qiliye's position. .

"Qiliye, change speed and dodge!"

Although Qi Liye's envoy reacted quickly, due to the turtle's body shape and the size of the arena, Qi Liye had no room to dodge.

"Crack!" a sound.

Qiliye, who was being approached by Turtle, had no chance to fight back. She was sent flying to the edge of the battle arena by a claw and hit the railing, losing her ability to fight.

This almost instant kill scene made Zhang Mingxuan below the ring twitch his eyes.

Although he knew that the beast-controlling strength cultivated by the military system was definitely not as strong as the beast-controlling strength cultivated by outside individuals, Zhang Mingxuan did not expect it to be so different.

Although Qi Liye and Turtle were several levels apart in level, being photographed by Turtle and losing their fighting ability was something Zhang Mingxuan never expected.

Zhang Mingxuan initially thought that Qiliye should be able to deal with Tu Gui and then lose to end the battle. However, the facts told Zhang Mingxuan that he really was overthinking.

After all, the ordinary soldiers recruited into the Beast Control Corps are those who have only passed the mental strength test and have not signed an initial beast control contract.

After these enlisted soldiers pass the three-month recruit training, the Beast Control Corps will arrange an initial beast control contract.

The initial beasts arranged by the Beast Control Corps are not said to be fixed types of beasts, and there is still room for these soldiers to choose.

However, there is only so much to choose from. After all, it is a beast-controlling corps that contracts on a large scale, and most of them are rare and low-level beasts.

In terms of the attributes of the beasts, they are basically wood attributes, earth attributes, water attributes, and insect attributes, which are common people's attributes that are easy to feed and cultivate.

And because of the large number of people, the Beast Control Corps invests very little resources in cultivating beast control for ordinary soldiers. Very little.

Only the food for the beasts is contracted by the Beast Control Corps, and the rest of the cultivation materials need to be purchased by the soldiers themselves.

And this is also the reason why there are breeding houses within the corps.

It is precisely because of insufficient investment in resources that most ordinary soldiers in the Beast Control Corps do not have outstanding individual combat capabilities.

On the contrary, if the team fights together, its strength cannot be underestimated.

However, the above is limited to ordinary soldiers of the Beast Control Corps. If they are not ordinary, the results will be different.

The results of the subsequent four people's battles were also similar, except for a very flexible green spirit ball that could last longer, but it only lasted longer.

However, the consequence of being flexible is to be directly chased and beaten by Turtle's Dragon Breath. Since understanding Dragon Breath, Turtle's long-range clamping method now uses Dragon Breath.

Lin Qianyu originally planned to resolve the battle within three hours, but now it is more than enough to resolve the battle within twenty-five minutes. It can only be said that plans can never keep up with changes.

"Your Tu Gui is really strong in this realm and level. I'm looking forward to your performance in the actual college entrance examination."

"Then I'll lend you your good advice. I hope I won't have the chance to regret that I refused your admission to Xifan University."

"With your current strength, if you pay attention during the college entrance examination after the reform, there will basically be no problem.

The college entrance examination after the reform is far more advantageous for a strong person like you than the college entrance examination before the reform. "

Hearing Zhang Mingxuan's words, Lin Qianyu also listened seriously. After all, there was something in his words.

"Lao Zhang, do you have any gossip? We are all brothers. Please tell me without violating the principles?"

Looking at Lin Qianyu who was beating the snake with a stick, Zhang Mingxuan didn't want to hide anything.

“Let’s talk about the candidates first. In the college entrance examination, you need to pay attention except those candidates whose families are rich and powerful or who have high-level breeders.

You also need to pay attention to the successors of the Beast Taming School that have been passed down from ancient times to the present, as well as some past students. However, you can ignore most of the past students. Even if there are some who repeated because they could not get into the ideal university, they are all considered as past students. , even if it gives you an extra year of cultivation time, it actually won’t have much effect.

What you need to pay attention to are those inheritors of the Beast Control Sect. "

"The beast-control school that has been passed down from ancient times to the present can still be passed down to the present. Some secret fighting techniques and fighting styles must have their own surprises.

This secret technique may not play a big role in the arena, but it can play a great role in outdoor battles.

However, this kind of secret technique has no effect in the face of absolute strength. You just have to be careful not to capsize in the gutter. "

"Is there such a thing as the Beast Taming School now?"

"You don't think that our country's endless civilization has left nothing behind in the long history, do you?

There is nothing special about this beast-controlling school that has been passed down over time and has been passed down and improved by successive generations of successors and is still passed down to the present.

This beast-controlling school is mainly concentrated in the northern central plains.

There are also some in the coastal areas and the southwestern border areas, but not as many as in the northern central plains.

I don't know if you have any there, but I'm telling you so that you can be mentally prepared so that you don't get into trouble. "

"No wonder I haven't heard of it. Qingfeng City is a modern city with a short history."

After hearing Zhang Mingxuan's words, Lin Qianyu's originally relaxed vigilance increased a lot.

"Okay, the candidates have finished talking, let's talk about the examiners.

After the reform of the college entrance examination, some examiners will disguise themselves as enemies to attack you, and these examiners have a list of candidates who need to be "focused" on the list. "

"How do you know?"

"What do you think? "

Lin Qianyu understood from the emphasis on the word 'focus' and Zhang Mingxuan's subtle smile that this guy was probably also an examiner.

The conversation with Zhang Mingxuan did not last long. After the conversation, Lin Qianyu also ended the two and a half days of pre-exam intensive training.

After lunch at noon, Lin Qianyu left the 92nd Beast Taming Corps' base and went to the train station.

After returning home, take a rest and read a book.

After all, tomorrow is the college entrance examination, and after preparing for so long, it depends on these last few days.

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