Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$91 Lin Qianyu, who always tries to get the wool from others, didn't expect to be plundered by

The next day.

Lin Qianyu continued training.

Unlike yesterday, Zhang Mingxuan adjusted the gravity in the gravity room from six times to six and a half times according to the conditions of the turtle and the snake.

The speed of the obstacle update in the dodge room and the speed of the artificial seed machine gun also increased from the initial speed to one and a half times.

With the training intensity of the previous day, although the turtle and the snake were very embarrassed after entering, they gradually adapted.

In addition to energy blocks, Lin Qianyu also prepared some supplies for the turtle and the snake for this high-intensity training.

Water Essence and Dragon Essence for the turtle, and Wood Essence for the snake.

The price of the essence is not too high, and it can nourish the spiritual energy in the beast. If it is consumed with systematic training, the effect is still quite good.

The essence of other systems is okay, but the dragon essence is a little different in the current environment.

The price of this thing outside is now twice that of other essences. Not to mention that it is expensive, it is also hard to buy.

If there is no independent breeding house in the 92nd Beast Taming Corps, Lin Qianyu may not be able to buy these things here.

After the training, eating it together with energy blocks can make the training more effective.

After the morning training, when Lin Qianyu was feeding the turtle and snake, Zhang Mingxuan made a soul invitation.

"Would you like to have a friendly battle?"

Lin Qianyu: ? ? ? ? ? ?

"With you? Why fight? I'll just hold up my white underwear."

"Not with me, but with the soldiers who just came from the recruit company. You can have a few fights with them."

"No, Lao Zhang, that's even more outrageous. I was conscripted in mid-March, and it's only early June now. The three months in the recruit company shouldn't have passed yet, right?

You're asking me to fight with them. Isn't that pure bullying!"

"You're wrong. The recruits I'm talking about are the recruits who were called up last year. The training of the recruit company this year hasn't even ended yet. How could they be called here to fight with you?"

"That's even worse. You're obviously trying to bully me!"

After hearing what Lin Qianyu said, Zhang Mingxuan didn't know what to say.

After getting in touch with Lin Qianyu more, his name changed from Captain Zhang to Uncle Zhang, and finally to Lao Zhang.

And after getting to know each other, Zhang Mingxuan knew that Lin Qianyu was a person who would not get up early without profit and would not show his eagle until he saw the rabbit.

Now Lin Qianyu probably thinks that this is a thankless friendly battle, so she subconsciously wants to refuse.

"No matter what the result of this friendly battle is, I will personally give you a small gift."

"How small is that?"

Zhang Mingxuan: . . . . . .

"One year's energy block quota for each of your two beasts."

"That's indeed a bit small."

". . . . One year's energy block quota adapted to the food intake of your two beasts."

"Oh, Lao Zhang, it doesn't matter whether it's a gift or not. The most important thing is to communicate with each other and learn from each other. When will this friendly battle start?"

Damn, this face.

"Hiss, hiss.": Brother Turtle, did the biped refuse or agree?

"Huh, huh.": Judging from the face, the biped should have agreed. After all, when the biped showed that face, it should have agreed.

"Hiss, hiss.": That's it.

Hearing the communication between Turtle and Snake, Lin Qianyu kicked Turtle's front paw, signaling it to shut up and not lead Snake astray.

What's wrong with my face? It's all because of you two money-eating beasts.

"Tomorrow morning, aren't you leaving tomorrow afternoon? Just a few games before you leave, it can be regarded as a farewell for you."

"OK OK."

The next morning, eight o'clock.

Lin Qianyu was called to the fighting ring by Zhang Mingxuan.

Looking at the five people behind Zhang Mingxuan, Lin Qianyu felt that she seemed to have lost money by agreeing to him this time!

And it's not just a normal loss, it's a huge loss!

At first, Lin Qianyu thought it was two or three people, but Zhang Mingxuan brought five people to her in a flash.

Although they were all ring matches, not as tiring as outdoor battles, but no matter how you look at it, Lin Qianyu felt that it was a huge loss.

However, when she thought that she had already agreed to Zhang Mingxuan before, and the things were collected in advance, this made Lin Qianyu have no room for regret.

And Lin Qianyu, who had always been fleecing the sheep, didn't expect that this time she was fleeced by the sheep.

"Come on to the stage. These are the five most outstanding recruits from all the recruit companies in our regiment last year. They will fight you with the beasts of their initial contract. It depends on the situation whether you use the painted turtle or the green grass anaconda."

Hearing Zhang Mingxuan's words, Lin Qianyu nodded and went directly to the command platform of the battle arena.

Seeing Lin Qianyu on the command platform, the five people behind Zhang Mingxuan looked at each other, and finally the person on the far left came out and stepped onto the command platform.

As a burst of white light flashed in front of each of them, the turtle and a Qiliye appeared on the battle arena together.

Lin Qianyu stared at Qiliye opposite, and Qiliye's information also appeared in the system panel in front of him.

The race level is rare medium, the level is the third level of awakening realm, the potential is average, and the cultivation level is also average.

Now I, Lin Qianyu, am thinking whether to let Turtle go all out. Lin Qianyu is very clear about how strong Turtle is now.

For an ordinary awakening realm like Qiliye, even if she restrains Turtle in terms of attributes, she still can't get out of Turtle's hands for a few moves.

Then, Lin Qianyu looked at Zhang Mingxuan, trying to communicate with his eyes, whether to go all out or hold back.

Then, Lin Qianyu got Zhang Mingxuan's shaking head reaction.

Although I don't know whether my eye contact has been received by Zhang Mingxuan, and I don't know whether I have misunderstood Zhang Mingxuan's meaning, but since Zhang Mingxuan shook his head, it means that he will not hold back.

However, after receiving this information, Lin Qianyu was relieved.

However, during the eye contact between Lin Qianyu and Zhang Mingxuan, the other party had already begun to test.

The seed machine gun spit out from Qiliye's mouth and sprayed towards Turtle.

Facing the attack of the seed machine gun, Turtle directly used the hind legs to stand up briefly and used dragon claws to resist the attack of the seed machine gun.

The sound of a small explosion of spiritual energy also came from between the turtle's claws.

However, the turtle, with its thick skin and flesh, was not affected at all after resisting the attack. It even yawned slightly when its limbs landed on the ground.

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