Start with the Beastmaster Contract

86 Snake's Breakthrough Evolution [asking for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~]

After the baseline test, there were no major tests in the whole month of February.

However, the week after the baseline test results were announced, the field practice course, which was originally only one class, was directly changed to two classes.

Originally, classes were supposed to be held on Saturdays, but now the theory class on Friday morning was cancelled, and the field survival class in the afternoon was integrated with the field practice class.

And the changes brought about by this change in courses are also not small.

Originally, it only took one day of suffering, and then you could rest in bed the next day, but now it has become two consecutive days of suffering. For some students in the beast control department of the Third Middle School, it is an unbearable pain in life.

At the beginning, as soon as the one-day class on Friday ended, by the time they arrived at Qingfeng Mountain on Saturday, most of the students were in a state of overwork.

However, correspondingly, under such a high degree of continuous training conditions, the Fifth Beast Control Corps is not simply squeezing the potential of students.

After the course, the beast control of the doctors in the hospital stationed at the Fifth Beast Control Corps will release the green wood life and life breath to relieve the fatigue of this group of overworked students, both physically and mentally.

In addition, Qi Dehua's combat class also intentionally or unintentionally cooperated with Zhou Yuanqing's field combat course. The combat class abandoned the course where students directly fought each other, and turned it into a course to improve students' physical strength and endurance.

And it was also under the high pressure of this double course that the students of the Beast Taming Department of No. 3 Middle School gradually got used to this course arrangement.

By March, everything was on track. Even on the second day after the first day of the field combat class, many students had a mental state comparable to the first day.

At this time, the effect that this course wanted to achieve came out.

And under this course, Lin Qianyu also made great progress.

By mid-March, the level of Turtle was directly upgraded to the sixth level of Awakening Realm.

And the level of Snake also reached the tenth level of Initial Realm, approaching the point of breaking through to the Awakening Realm, and even approaching the point of evolution.

The last time the turtle broke through, it was a natural breakthrough. This time, the snake's breakthrough and evolution were also natural like the turtle. However, the difference was that the snake broke through and evolved in the field combat course.

This was also the first time that Lin Qianyu witnessed the evolution of the beast. As for the turtle, that didn't count. It was just a change in body shape.

In the field combat course, the snake defeated a beast of the same level as it, which was the tenth level of the initial realm.

After that, the snake stayed in place, as if it had realized something in the previous battle.

If it weren't for the snake's even breathing and Lin Qianyu's own contract feeling that the snake's body was very healthy, Lin Qianyu would have thought it was dead.

But not for a long time, waves of spiritual energy from the snake's coiled body, in the shape of ripples, emanated from the surroundings, and the surrounding fallen leaves were directly shaken up.

This wave of spiritual energy came and went very quickly. After the leaves were blown away by the spiritual energy, they fell one after another. In Lin Qianyu's opinion, these falling leaves had a sense of beauty.

However, at the most critical moment, the warm current that surged through Lin Qianyu's body, after experiencing the breakthrough of the turtle, Lin Qianyu also knew that this was the power feedback to Lin Qianyu after the snake broke through to the awakening state.

At the moment when the snake broke through to the awakening state, a dazzling light burst out from its body. This dazzling light seemed to be a huge light cocoon that wrapped the snake.

As the light of the light cocoon became brighter and brighter, it burst out in the next second.

After the light cocoon burst out, it broke directly, and the light in it turned into countless fine streams of light and scattered.

After the light of the light cocoon exploded and dissipated completely, a green, huge boa was coiled in place, spitting out its tongue.

And the triangular flat snake head was extremely intimidating at first glance.

If a tamer who doesn't know about the Green Grass Anaconda sees the snake head, he may subconsciously think that the snake has a poisonous attribute, but the snake does not have a poisonous attribute.

However, the snake has learned the skills of poisonous attributes. After all, if a snake beast tamer doesn't have one or two poisonous skills, it would be a bit unreasonable.

[Racial name]: Green Grass Anaconda

[Racial attribute]: Wood

[Racial rank]: Rare high

[Racial level]: Awakening level 1

[Racial skills]: Tail attack, energy ball, leaf whip, bite, speed change, strong whip, energy leaf blade, seed machine gun, life absorption, assault, spirit vine entanglement, instant shadow clone, venom shock

[Evolution form]: Cangsen Jiao

[Evolution condition]: automatic evolution after level breakthrough extraordinary level

[Potential]: Very high

Assault and spirit vine entanglement are skills that the snake has learned through skill learning before it has evolved, and the two skills that it naturally comprehends after evolution are the attributeless instant shadow clone and the poisonous venom shock.

These two skills can greatly improve Snake's combat effectiveness.

Venom Shock increases Snake's attack area, while Shadow Clone increases Snake's fault tolerance and dodge rate.

Relying on the fast moving speed, several phantom clones are created to confuse the opponent, thereby improving its own fault tolerance and dodge rate.

Snake's mastery of these two skills has greatly improved its combat effectiveness.

And this time, Snake's breakthrough and evolution did not surprise Lin Qianyu.

After all, Snake has entered the tenth level of the initial realm for a while, and Lin Qianyu is ready to wait for Snake's breakthrough and evolution. Anyway, everything is expected.

After Snake broke through to the awakening realm, Lin Qianyu directly withdrew from today's field combat course.

The reason is that the spiritual energy in the body of Snake is unstable due to the breakthrough, and it needs to rest.

Well, a perfect reason to skip class.

After both of his beasts broke through to the awakening realm, Lin Qianyu's grasp of the college entrance examination has improved a lot.

April after March, excluding the Qingming Festival, is a fairly ordinary month.

But for junior breeders, this is an unusual month.

On April 24th, there is the examination for the intermediate breeder qualification certificate. This month also tests the efforts of junior breeders who want to develop further for a year.

Lin Qianyu was no exception. After entering April, she was madly studying the contents of the intermediate breeder theoretical examination.

For Lin Qianyu, who has not yet received the dividends from the 92nd Beast Taming Corps, the intermediate breeder certificate is pure money!

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