Start with the Beastmaster Contract

85 Establishing the status of a genius [asking for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~]

Laoban took Lin Qianyu outside the principal's office and left directly. After all, the principal only wanted to see Lin Qianyu by name. He was only responsible for calling people, and other things had nothing to do with him.

After Lao Ban left, Lin Qianyu tidied up her clothes at the door of the principal's office before knocking on the door.

As the word 'please come in' came from inside, Lin Qianyu unscrewed the door handle and entered.

As soon as they entered the office, the people inside raised their heads and met the eyes of Lin Qianyu who came in.

Check your eyes and meet the right person! (bushi, cross out)

After Lin Qianyu looked at each other, he subconsciously glanced at his face, and his first reaction was that the principal was really young.

Judging from the appearance alone, he looks like he is in his thirties at most, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, but there is no hint of coquettishness at all. Instead, he looks like Lin Qianyu, which is a perfect match.

But Lin Qianyu didn't know whether the principal was really young or fake.

After all, in this world, one cannot judge actual age by appearance. As long as the contracted beast master is strong enough and the more feedback the master receives, all aspects of the body's functions will remain youthful for a long, long time.

If you take good care of your skin, you can look like you are 20 or 30 years old in your 40s or 50s.

But, most of the male emissaries don't care about this. Basically, they don't take care of it specially. Most of them just let it happen.

But as for female ambassadors, they all understand.


The glance with the principal only lasted a moment, and after entering the door, Lin Qianyu said hello to the principal, and then closed the door behind her.

"Qian Yu is here. Actually, I have long wanted to meet the genius who fights and raises double flowers in our No. 3 Middle School.

It's just that I was a little busy with official work at that time, and I have a little free time recently, so I have time to see you. "

Seeing Lin Qianyu, the principal had a faint smile on his face, then pointed to the chair in front of the office and said to Lin Qianyu.

After hearing the principal's words and the gesture of asking him to sit down, Lin Qianyu didn't say anything more, kept a harmless smile, and then directly pulled out the chair and sat on it.

In fact, when Lin Qianyu looked at the principal opposite him, his first impression was quite good. How should I put it, he felt that he was an elder who was easy to get along with.

"I called you here this time because I want to know about your recent study status..."

After waiting for Lin Qianyu to sit down, the principal began his introduction.

I don't know if it's a habit of staying in the officialdom for a long time, but the principal didn't say a word for the first ten minutes or so. He kept talking about things that Lin Qianyu didn't understand, including what happened when he was young. matter.

And the most important thing is that Lin Qianyu didn't say a word in these ten minutes.

The principal was speaking alone. All Lin Qianyu had to do was keep smiling, nod lightly, and then say, 'um', 'yes', 'that's right', and 'indeed'.

After talking for a long time, towards the end of the conversation, he finally expressed what he wanted to see Lin Qianyu for today.

The principal hoped that Lin Qianyu could maintain this excellent performance and continue to work hard. Not only did he perform well in the seven-school joint mock exam, but he also hoped that he could shine in the college entrance examination.

In short, to sum it up in one sentence, I hope Lin Qianyu will study hard, train beasts to death, and improve her grades to the death. The higher the better.

The key is to add a nice touch to his resume.

At the end of the conversation, that is, when it was about to end, the principal also gave Lin Qianyu a little gift, a three-year energy block share card that could be redeemed at any breeding house.

Seeing this share card, Lin Qianyu's original expectation of whether the principal would come up with something good was completely dashed.

But this failure only happened for a moment. After all, this was what Lin Qianyu had been dreaming about.

It's just that when the illusion is shattered, there will always be a little disappointment.

Compared with all the good things in fantasy, Lin Qianyu still felt that the energy block he got was more delicious.

After all, the turtle's food intake has increased dramatically now, and because the turtle has awakened its dragon attribute, the edible attributes of the energy blocks must also change.

You can no longer just eat energy blocks suitable for water-type beasts like before. Energy blocks suitable for dragon-type beasts must also be mixed together and eaten in 50/50 portions. Otherwise, in the long run, there may be a few lost. Nutritional imbalance.

By the time Lin Qianyu returned to class from the principal's office, the theoretical test in the preliminary examination had already started ten minutes ago.

However, Lin Qianyu didn't care about the time factor.

Ever since Turtle awakened his dragon attribute, Lin Qianyu, who had received Turtle's feedback power, felt that his memory had become better.

Lin Qianyu, who originally had good academic performance, became even more powerful after adding better memory.

The first day of school was also spent in the theoretical exam.

The actual exam venue for the next day is still set at Qingfeng Mountain, but it is different from the original monthly exam venue. This time, the exam will be held in the middle and outer areas of Qingfeng Mountain.

The original examination room, after several monthly examinations, had been thoroughly explored by the students of the Animal Control Department of No. 3 Middle School.

Where it's easy to walk, where it's easy to sneak up on people, where there may be more wild beasts, it's all clear and obvious.

It is precisely because of this, coupled with the improvement of students' strength, that the monthly exam venue has changed from the original outer area to the middle outer area.

After all, after the last joint simulation exam of the seven schools, some students in the Beast Control Department of the Third Middle School, whose beast control level was at the tenth level of the initial realm, had already broken through to the awakening realm during the winter vacation and contracted a second beast.

Although the number of people is not large, it can be regarded as an improvement in the overall strength of the Beast Control Department of the Third Middle School.

It is precisely for these reasons that the school directly changed the location of the exam venue.

The change in the location of the exam venue has directly ruined half of some old birds who were already familiar with the terrain, and everything has to start all over again.

For Lin Qianyu, this is not a big deal, after all, strength is Lin Qianyu's greatest strength.

And this time's test directly exposed some old birds who had good grades in the previous ones.

However, the only thing that has not changed is Lin Qianyu's first place score. In this test, Lin Qianyu even opened up a huge gap between the score and the second place, like a chasm in the sky.

This further established Lin Qianyu's status as a genius among the teachers in the animal taming department of No. 3 Middle School.

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