Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$54 Upcoming Practice Exam

When the last student of the Beast Taming Department of No. 3 Middle School handed in his paper in the examination room, the joint simulation theory exam of the seven schools was over.

And from tomorrow, or after the time when the papers were handed in, it was time for the holiday.

However, this holiday is not a winter vacation, but to allow these students of the Beast Taming Department to have time to fully rest and make sufficient preparations for the practical test in the seven-school simulation exam five days later.

Unlike the theoretical exam with a score limit, the practical exam has no score limit in theory. This is an opportunity for students with weaker theoretical knowledge to catch up, and it is also an opportunity for those top students to widen the score gap.

Therefore, the practical exam is the most important exam in this simulation exam.

Although the exam will start in five days, the students of the Beast Taming Department of No. 3 Middle School will gather and set off on January 19th. After all, the practical exam venue of the seven-school simulation exam is not in Qingfeng City, but in the primeval forest on the border.

In other words, there are only three full days for these students of the Beast Taming Department of No. 3 Middle School to prepare.

For the students of the Beast Taming Department of No. 3 Middle School, these three days were not for rest, but for intense preparation.

During these three days, the Beast Taming Square in Qingfeng City was packed every day. In the Beast Taming Square, you can almost see some students from six schools except Zhengxing Middle School.

As for why it is schools other than Zhengxing, the reason is that the training measures for beast taming in Zhengxing School are similar to those in the Beast Taming Square.

In this case, why not train in a comfortable school instead of crowding with people?

In the public battle arena, training hall, and even the battle hall for paid battles in the Beast Taming Square, most of them are filled with this group of students preparing for the battle.

Although this behavior affected many grandpas and aunts playing in the Beast Taming Square, after understanding the situation of this group of children, they did not say anything, but gave up their seats for them to train and prepare for the battle.

After all, for them, old age is still a long time, and it is a good thing to see that children love learning.

And when these children were fighting, there were still many free battles to watch, which was not necessarily a bad thing for these old men and women.

However, there were good voices and bad voices, but in such a main environment, some strange voices were suppressed.

Seeing such a hot scene, the person in charge of the Beast Taming Square also saw the opportunity for publicity, and directly held a temporary competition for this group of students preparing for the competition in the battle hall.

Participation in the competition is conditional, and you have to pay money, and the rewards for the competition are only higher for the champion, and the rest of the rewards are average, and there is even no participation prize.

If it were in normal times, no one would go to this competition, but now it is not normal.

Students who were eager to fight and hoped to improve their strength in these few days immediately signed up for this competition.

Among them was Lin Qianyu. Others might be to improve their strength, while Lin Qianyu was looking at the champion's reward.

Choose the standard energy block share for two years that suits your beast-taming attributes.

This is already a very good reward for Lin Qianyu now, not to mention that there are already a lot of energy blocks in the past two years.

However, the registration fee of 500 yuan is really a bit of a rip-off.


"Snake, energy ball!"

In the arena of the qualifying round, Lin Qianyu loudly commanded the vine snake to attack.

Hearing Lin Qianyu's command, the vine snake quickly took an attacking posture. In front of its mouth, a little bit of light green spiritual energy was quickly gathering, gradually gathering into a green energy ball.

And when the energy ball was formed, it quickly grew and instantly became the size of an adult's fist.

Just when the wood attribute spiritual energy in the energy ball reached a certain power, the vine snake quickly threw it out.

Attacked the water attribute beast on the opposite side, the red rain frog.

After systematic training, the vine snake has reached an excellent level in terms of the power of the energy ball, the energy ball charging process, and the attack speed.

The Red Rain Frog, a spirit, looks very similar to a frog, but its size is n times that of a normal frog, and its color is the same as its name, red.

And the speed of this beast is not slow, but its beast is a bit lagging, and its reaction speed is a bit slow.

When the energy ball was launched, he ordered the Red Rain Frog to dodge.

But the energy ball of the vine snake was undoubtedly faster. The Red Rain Frog was hit just as it was about to dodge. The power of this energy ball directly pushed the Red Rain Frog back to the edge of the ring.

"Continuous energy ball!"

Seeing that the Red Rain Frog was repelled, Lin Qianyu was not merciful and directly ordered the vine snake to attack with continuous energy balls.

Several energy balls that were smaller than the previous energy ball and obviously less powerful were ejected from the mouth of the vine snake.

They hit the Red Rain Frog one after another.

There was no sound of violent explosion, only the wailing of the Red Rain Frog, which was directly sent out of the ring by the energy ball attack of the vine snake, fell to the ground, struggled twice, and stopped moving.

The restraint of attributes, the suppression of strength, and the crushing of the commander's commanding ability directly determined the outcome of this game.

Seeing the imperial envoy on the other side hurriedly running forward to check on the red tree frog, Lin Qianyu also asked the vine snake to come back.

After all, this qualifying round has ended, and Lin Qianyu has successfully advanced to the knockout rounds.

"Damn it, Qian Yu, your Vine Snake progress is too fast. It's only been two months since the contract was signed, and you've already suppressed the seventh-level Red Rain Frog on the opposite side. In addition, with your turtle's strength, , you’re doing well in this mock exam!”

Under the ring, after watching the Vine Snake defeat his opponent, Hu Liu came up and said.

How could Hu Liu miss this kind of competition? He also signed up for the competition, and successfully entered the knockout round with the help of Xiao Yanniu, who was at the ninth level of the initial stage.

"You don't even look at the economic gap between my contract between Turtle and Snake. The breeding conditions I gave Snake will make passers-by sad and Turtle cry when they see it. If this can't be quickly formed , my junior breeder certificate was in vain, and I can just find a piece of tofu to kill me. "

Although it is said that this is the result of piling up money, if there is no snake's talent, it will have no effect.

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