Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$53 Battle Breeding Double Flowering

Time flies and it is already the 4th.

This day is also the last monthly exam of the first semester of the third grade beast control department of No. 3 Middle School. After this monthly exam, there is only the final exam on the 15th, which is the joint mock exam of the seven schools.

In this monthly exam, Lin Qianyu's performance is also extremely eye-catching.

Let's not talk about Guigui. The hard power is there. Even if the wild beast control level in the examination room has been raised to the awakening realm, Guigui is not at all inferior.

Because, when entering the examination room, I encountered a single-spotted tiger in the first level of awakening, and was killed directly by Guigui.

Leaping close, relying on a strong physique to fight with it, and finally tearing the abdomen of the single-spotted tiger directly under the powerful power of the dragon claw, killing it with one blow.

Qi Dehua and Zhou Yuanqing, who saw this scene in the monitoring room, were also amazed.

Ever since they knew that Lin Qianyu's turtle had dragon blood, the two of them have placed high hopes on Lin Qianyu.

They originally thought that the dragon blood in the turtle's body was thin, and it was already amazing to awaken the rage. As a result, the turtle's dragon claw told them that the dragon blood in its body was not low.

Because the dragon claw can only be comprehended when the dragon blood in the body reaches a certain concentration, and it is impossible to comprehend the thin dragon blood.

After seeing the turtle use the dragon claw, Qi Dehua felt that this time in the joint simulation exam of the seven schools, No. 3 Middle School had a great chance to rank among the top.

After the turtle took action to deal with this single-spotted tiger, it never took action again and became Lin Qianyu's mount.

From the initial resistance to the current habit, the turtle explained what it means to be an "ignorant girl" played by a scumbag. There will be countless times after the first time, until it becomes normal in the end.

But if the turtle does not take action, it will be completely the home court of the vine snake.

After all, this is in the forest, which is like a fish in water for the vine snake.

This monthly exam is also the debut battle of the vine snake.

Unlike the close combat of the turtle, the vine snake showed the way of assassins to the fullest.

The extremely fast speed, excellent attack speed, strong energy attack power, and the natural concealment in the forest directly made the vine snake an excellent assassin.

Although it is not as exciting and ornamental as the close combat of the turtle, the way of assassins is creepy and chilling.

"This time, a real genius has emerged from the third middle school, the kind that is good at both breeding and fighting."

After seeing the outstanding performance of the vine snake, Zhou Yuanqing said to Qi Dehua.

"Indeed, using the breeding to assist the fighting is far more powerful than specializing in the one."

Watching the surveillance, a powerful whip cleanly solved a beast-controlling vine snake.

Thinking back to when he first knew that Lin Qianyu had passed the junior breeder certificate, all the teachers at that time advised Lin Qianyu to specialize in breeding, but Lin Qianyu decisively refused with her own opinion. Seeing the wonderful performance of the vine snake today, Qi Dehua couldn't help but sigh.

This might be a genius!

After the outstanding performance of the vine snake and the turtle, this monthly exam ended perfectly. Although the results have not yet been counted in Wancheng District, Lin Qianyu has already tacitly acknowledged that he is the first.

After all, the single-spotted tiger killed by the turtle is worth a lot of points. With the help of the vine snake, Lin Qianyu has already reserved his first place in this monthly exam.

After all, the first place is rewarded with a year's worth of energy blocks, which Lin Qianyu really needs!

After the practical exam, according to convention, a day of vacation was given, followed by a theoretical exam.

When this monthly exam was over, when the results came out, it was basically the same as Lin Qianyu's expectations. He ranked first in both the theoretical and practical exams, and even directly pulled the second place by more than 100 points. He was a standout.

When the last monthly exam of the first semester is over, the semester is about to end.

However, before the end of this semester, there is one last hurdle waiting for this group of beast control students.

The final exam, or rather, has been forced to become a joint mock college entrance examination of seven schools.

The joint mock exam of six public high schools plus one private high school, the competition is a bit fierce.

And Zhengxing Middle School, a private high school in Qingfeng City, is famous for its expensive tuition.

As long as you say in Qingfeng City that my child has studied in Zhengxing from kindergarten to high school, naturally others will know that your family is rich.

Unlike ordinary liberal arts classes and science classes, the beast control department can really be pushed up with money.

So among the seven schools, the strength of Zhengxing's beast control students is the strongest.

However, after the variable of Lin Qianyu in No. 3 Middle School, it is a bit unknown whether the beast control department of Zhengxing Middle School can maintain their advantage.

On January 15th, in the middle of the month, the final exam of the beast control theory course of No. 3 Middle School is scheduled.

As a student of the Beast Taming Department, even if she usually has excellent grades, Lin Qianyu is still a little nervous about the final exam.

After all, if she is outstanding in her usual performance, but something unexpected happens in the final exam, not to mention embarrassment, she will lose money!

Moreover, this theoretical exam is also a part of the seven schools' joint simulated college entrance examination, the kind of joint exam of seven schools.

Although this is not the most important part of the seven schools' mock exam, the seven schools' joint simulated college entrance examination practical exam five days later is the top priority.

But this is also related to the final results of the joint simulation of the college entrance examination of the seven schools.

After all, the college entrance examination is also a theoretical score plus a practical score. Although it is not as important as the practical test score, it is also very important.

In January, which should be a season of snow, the streets of Qingfeng City are not white at all.

Qingfeng City is located in the south. When it is coldest here, there is only white frost in the morning. Snowfall? That is impossible, after all, it is not that cold.

Moreover, the beastmaster who has contracted the beastmaster will naturally not be too afraid of the cold under the premise of the feedback of the beastmaster's strength.

Lin Qianyu is like this, wearing a thin sweater, not feeling the cold, and carefully reviewing the questions and answering them in the examination room.

After answering all the questions in the test paper, Lin Qianyu did not hand in the paper as usual, but carefully checked the time to hand in the paper with the big group.

I don’t know whether it is because he has passed the junior breeder certificate or Lin Qianyu’s usual accumulation is deep enough. Even if he checked it several times, these questions are still so simple in his eyes.

It can be said that if nothing unexpected happens, Lin Qianyu's estimated score for this theoretical exam should be between full marks and full marks minus one point.

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