Start with the Beastmaster Contract

43 Turtle breaks through the awakening state

The next day.

Jin Yangguang breeding house.

"Uncle Jin, I have signed the contract."

"It seems that you are satisfied with the conditions I set. Wait a minute, I will sign and stamp it after the food in my hand is finished."

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Boss Jin busy in front of the beast food making machine.

If Lin Qianyu hadn't greeted him, he probably wouldn't have noticed Lin Qianyu who had already entered the door.

After about ten minutes, grains of steaming beast food came out of the exit of the making machine and fell into the large basin that had been placed on the side. Boss Jin clapped his hands and stood up.

Then there was a series of actions such as signing and stamping. Because the contract was in duplicate, Boss Jin received one copy and Lin Qianyu took one home.

"The contract has been signed. Qianyu, did you bring a copy of your certificate? If you did, give it to me. And your bank card, register it for me."

"I brought it. Uncle Jin will give it to me."

Lin Qianyu took out a copy of the certificate and the bank card from her schoolbag and handed them to Boss Jin.

A copy of the certificate is a necessary condition for affiliation, which was mentioned yesterday. Once the copy is submitted, Lin Qianyu will just wait to receive the money.

"By the way, our breeding house will pay the monthly salary on the 15th. I will directly transfer it to your bank card at that time. Just pay attention to the bank message at that time."

After receiving the copy of the certificate and registering the bank card, Boss Jin handed the bank card to Lin Qianyu and said.

"Yeah, thank you Uncle Jin, then I will leave first."

"Yeah, drive slowly on the road."

When Lin Qianyu came out of the Jinyangguang breeding house, he suddenly felt that the air in this world was so fresh. After taking a deep breath, he was choked by the exhaust gas emitted by a large-displacement vehicle.

"Damn, do you have any quality? Driving such a large-displacement car in the city, do you know low-carbon travel!"

Looking at the taillights of the car, Lin Qianyu guaranteed that this was anger, not jealousy.

. . . . . . .

"Ah, so annoying!"

In the room, Lin Qianyu, who was slumped on the chair, looked at the sun lamp above her head and roared helplessly.

[Race name]: Painted turtle

[Race attribute]: Water, dragon (fake)

[Race grade]: Rare high

[Race level]: Initial realm level 10

[Race skills]: Water spray, water claw attack, bite attack, heavy claw attack, trample, harden, violent, dragon roar

[Evolution form]: Floating vortex giant turtle (Jiao crocodile turtle)

[Evolution conditions]: Learn water skills, whirlpool water cannon, and take enough water essence before breaking through the realm of transformation at the tenth level of awakening realm (take enough dragon scale grass before breaking through the realm of transformation at the tenth level of awakening realm, purify the dragon bloodline in the body before evolution)

[Potential]: Very high

[Note]: This beast is about to break through the realm

Looking at the prompts on the system panel and the turtle that was still trying to eat the dragon scale grass, Lin Qianyu is now in a state of confusion.

Although it was about to evolve and had eaten hundreds of kilograms of dragon scale grass, the dragon blood in the turtle's body seemed to have no intention of being purified, which almost made Lin Qianyu anxious.

"Turtle, if your blood is not purified, I don't know how much more dragon scale grass I will give you."

"Hey, hey!": Two-legged beast! Don't go too far, this is not something I can decide, I am already cooperating with you very well now!

"Okay, okay, keep eating."

Although the dragon blood in the turtle's body has not shown any sign of being purified so far, the turtle is about to break through the realm, which is also a good thing for Lin Qianyu.

Breaking through to the awakening realm is extremely beneficial for the final exam and even the joint simulation exam of the seven schools.

Time passed day by day, and Lin Qianyu's life did not change after obtaining the junior breeder certificate.

Everything is developing steadily.

And this calm was broken in the last monthly exam of this semester.

After returning home from the monthly exam, when I released the turtle and fed it, an accident happened.

Waves of spiritual energy rippled from the turtle's body and spread out in all directions. The surrounding furniture had no effect, but Lin Qianyu's spiritual energy directly pushed her to the ground and fell on her back.

"Ouch, I blanched a marble! Turtle, what did you do?"

Before Lin Qianyu finished speaking, this spiritual energy fluctuation came quickly and dispersed quickly. In just a moment, this spiritual energy fluctuation disappeared.

And followed by a warm current in Lin Qianyu's body. At this moment, he felt the strengthening of his body and understood that the turtle had broken through to the awakening realm.

"Son, what are you doing? Why is there a sudden spiritual energy fluctuation?"

This spiritual energy fluctuation also attracted Lin's father and Chen's mother to come over, and as soon as they pushed the door open, they saw Lin Qianyu lying on the ground with her back to the sky.

"It's okay, the turtle has broken through the awakening realm. I was caught off guard and fell to the ground just now."

Lin Qianyu stood up with the help of a chair, rubbing her butt while speaking.

"Oh, he's broken through, that's fine, go to bed early."

After hearing Lin Qianyu say that everything was fine, Lin's father and Chen's mother closed the door and left.

For them, as long as nothing serious happens, it's all a small matter.

My son's beastmaster has broken through to the awakening realm, this is a small matter.

Hmm? No, my son's beastmaster has broken through to the awakening realm!

"You mean your turtle has broken through to the awakening realm?"

The door was just closed and then pushed open again. Father Lin and Mother Chen stood outside the door and said in surprise.

"Yes, otherwise how could I be knocked to the ground just now."

"It's not even a semester, and the beastmaster has broken through to the awakening realm. My son really has the potential to be a great emperor!"

"Okay, I told you not to slack off and read novels at work. Now you're getting neurotic. What era is this? What about emperors?

Okay, okay, Qianyu, remember to go to the Beastmaster Association tomorrow to get certified as a junior beastmaster. This thing can be discounted when buying things related to beastmastering. Although it's almost the same as nothing, it's a bit of a bargain.

Also, you've been tired all day today, go to bed early."

Before Father Lin finished speaking, he was retorted by Mother Chen, and then he was pulled out again, leaving Lin Qianyu with a helpless look in the room.

"No, I haven't finished talking yet..."

"Shut up and go to bed. If I hear those words from you again, your monthly living expenses will be reduced by 50%."

"No, I..."

"What are you talking about? Go to bed!"

In the room, Lin Qianyu could still hear the conversation between Lin's father and Chen's mother, but it was obvious that Lin's father was at a disadvantage in this conversation.

Tracheitis, so scary!

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