Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$40 Lao Liu! Lao Liu! Don’t cry!

No one was dissatisfied, and no one suspected any shady dealings. After all, the exams were all recorded, and all answers were sealed for later inspection.

If there were any problems in the future, the people who scored would be held responsible, and because of this, the exams would remain fair.

The Beast Tamer Association acted quickly.

After the eliminated candidates left the venue, and those who passed the junior breeder exam were confirmed, six junior breeder certificates were delivered thirty minutes later.

Looking at the certificate with her own portrait and name printed on it, as well as the bold black words "junior breeder" next to it, Lin Qianyu felt that countless small amounts of money were rushing towards her.

With this certificate, not only can she buy machines for making beast food, but she can also go to the breeding house to get a job. It's beautiful to think that she can get money without working.

Moreover, the most important thing is that it can be used as a cover for Lin Qianyu's system. When the turtle evolves in the future, she will have an excuse to explain, and she can even take out the certificate and slap it on the table.

This is what Lin was studied!

After getting the certificate, Lin Qianyu left the examination room with the other candidates who passed the exam.

The practical exam didn't take long, starting at 8 a.m. and ending in just over three hours.

You can even have a nice meal after getting the results, but whether you can eat depends on the candidate's specific results.

For example, Lin Qianyu is now eating in the buffet restaurant with Guigui.

While eating, Lin Qianyu's phone on the table rang.

"Hey, Dad, what's wrong?"

"How did you do in the exam? If you didn't pass, it's okay. You're still young and have a lot of time to study. The most important thing now is to prepare for the college entrance examination. Don't let this matter affect your study state."

"I say, can't you look forward to me? Is your son such a weakling in your eyes?"

"It's not that I don't look forward to you, the key is that your Uncle Liu took ten practical tests and failed them all. Look, he's right next to me. Do you want him to comfort you?"

"Come on, come on, I passed, and I'm now a junior breeder, but you'd better not make it public. If Uncle Liu knows, it will definitely hit him."

As soon as Lin Qianyu finished speaking, she heard the sound of something falling to the ground from Lin's father's phone.

"Lao Liu, Lao Liu, I didn't mean to hit you. Hey, Lao Liu, we are all adults now, why are you crying? Lao Liu!

Okay, okay, you little bastard, I won't talk to you anymore."

"Beep, beep, beep."

"Fuck, you turned on the hands-free mode yourself and blamed me."

Looking at the phone interface that was hung up, Lin Qianyu was speechless and choked.

"Okay, okay, stop looking, go eat your food."

"Eh, eh!": **

"Fuck, Turtle, who taught you these uncivilized words."

Turtle glanced at Lin Qianyu, then buried his head in his food and ignored him.

The next day, when he returned to the campus and just walked into the classroom, almost all the students who had already arrived looked at Lin Qianyu.

"Master Lin! Can you help me design a parenting plan?"

"Master Lin, can you reveal a little about the exam content?"

"Master Lin, can you guide me! I also want to take the exam for a breeder!"

As soon as he entered the classroom, Lin Qianyu was instantly surrounded by his classmates who he usually got along well with.

Especially Hu Liu, licking his big face, squeezed to the front directly.

"Brother Yu! It depends on you whether I can pass the college entrance examination!"

"Okay, stop disgusting me, what do you know?"

Pushing Hu Liu's face away with a slap, Lin Qianyu said to the classmates surrounding him.

"Don't you know? The official website of the Beast Taming Association has released the number of junior breeders who passed this time. There are only six people in total, and you are ranked first among the six people."

"I heard that there are two or three hundred candidates who took the practical test this time, and only six of you passed."

Lin Qianyu: ? ? ? ? ? ?

What the hell? This test is passed and there is a notification? Then how can I show off! Shift!

Then, Lin Qianyu picked up the phone and opened the official website of the Qingfeng City Beast Taming Association, and then saw that article. His name was really ranked at the front?

Then there was a small note at the back: This ranking is based on the level of grades.

"Is the practical exam difficult? With such a low pass rate, I heard that someone who has been taking the exam for ten years and still hasn't passed it, just gave up the exam."

Uncle Liu: Yawn, why do I feel like someone is talking about me?

"It's okay, but the questions are difficult, the questions are tricky, and the understanding of the questions is relatively obscure."

. . . . . .

Are you pretending to be cool? Or are you pretending to be cool? The questions are difficult, the questions are tricky, and the understanding of the questions is obscure, but you still passed it, and your name is ranked first.

You are just talking nonsense.

"Okay, go back to your seats and study. Qianyu, come with me to the office."

It is said that the head teacher is a creature that will move at the first sign of trouble, and Lin Qianyu's old head teacher is obviously such a creature. Not long after Lin Qianyu entered the class, he had already appeared at the door of the class and took everyone away.

In the office, the head teachers of the four classes of the Beast Taming Department, the theoretical teacher, and the practical teacher Qi Dehua were all there.

Looking at Lin Qianyu's junior breeder certificate, he praised her.

"When I saw the announcement of the Beast Tamer Association, I had some doubts that it was someone with the same name, but after asking around, it turned out to be you.

But seeing the certificate with my own eyes dispelled my doubts. After all, seeing is believing. Now, seeing this certificate, we really have a genius in our No. 3 Middle School this time!"

Seeing Lin Qianyu's junior breeder certificate, the teacher's face was full of smiles.

"To be honest, I took the exam when I was young. I took it three times and failed the practical operation. I gave up. I didn't expect you to pass it at such a young age. The young are really formidable!"

The head teacher of Class 2 looked at the certificate and smiled with a sigh, as if sighing for his young experience.

"Come on, you took the exam for three years and failed the first practical operation question three times in a row. You still have the face to sigh."

Hearing the sigh of the head teacher of Class 2, a teacher who was familiar with him directly revealed his background.

The head teacher of Class 2 who was exposed was a little embarrassed, but it was just embarrassing. After all, everyone has some embarrassing moments when they are young.

It was just a little embarrassing to be exposed in front of the students.

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