Start with the Beastmaster Contract

222 Changbai Mountains [Please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly! ]

Dean Dongfang sent the specific information to Lin Qianyu and the other four through the special information network on campus.

From this information, we can know that the inheritance battle is a competition between young talents from all over the country for a very limited number of inheritance places.

What exactly is the inheritance? The information given by Dean Dongfang did not mention it.

However, the inheritance land seems to have several locations. The only restriction is the attribute difference. In addition to the attribute restriction, there is no restriction on the strength of the beast. And no matter what kind of fighting style the beast is, as long as the attribute is right, it can enter the inheritance land to receive the inheritance, and there will be gains.

Moreover, there is no danger, no sequelae, and directly improves strength and potential.

And this kind of improvement can only be once in a lifetime, which makes Lin Qianyu a little regretful. After all, he is still young. If he wins the opportunity to enter the inheritance land to receive the inheritance this year, then in the inheritance battle four years later, he will most likely win the opportunity to enter the inheritance land. This bug will be a huge improvement for Lin Qianyu's own strength.

But unfortunately, there is no such bug.

At the same time, many domestic high-level officials have had the experience of entering the inheritance land. It can be said that the inheritance land is a necessary path for them to enter the high-level.

For Lin Qianyu and others, they are just a group of ordinary college students. Although they have a little strength, they are still civilians in the final analysis.

Compared with the second generation who have too many resources to waste, or the descendants of the ancient beast control sect, there is still a gap.

Therefore, Dean Dongfang’s expectations for them are only to see whether they can experience and qualify, that is, to enter the semi-finals.

After all, when encountering such a good thing, a large group of monsters will emerge from nowhere.

In the past few months, Lin Qianyu and the other four chose different training methods. Jiang Dunbin and Zhong Qianxin decided to follow Dean Dongfang to the dragon ruins of the Dongfang family for assault training. Assault training in the dragon ruins is of great benefit to the dragon controllers.

Jiang Xiaomin chose to return to her hometown, the southwestern province, where it is a paradise for insect-type beast tamers. She felt that her strength improved most rapidly there.

As for Lin Qianyu, she embarked on the road of training, starting from the imperial capital, and her destination was unknown. After all, the world is so big, and it is normal to walk around.

Whether it is deep mountains and old forests or the blue seashore, they are all the goals of Lin Qianyu's training this time. Or she may also bring a copy of the location of the ancient beast taming schools or beast taming families known by Dean Dongfang in China, which can also be regarded as one of Lin Qianyu's goals for this training.

Although these ancient beast taming schools and beast taming families are distributed all over the world, Lin Qianyu's idea now is to take one step at a time and see where she goes. It doesn't matter.


The sun is shining, and now this season is about to completely turn into summer.

In this hot weather, Lin Qianyu took Youming and walked directly on the streets of the imperial capital after leaving the imperial capital university.

Unlike others who are in the heat, Lin Qianyu is now like having her own air conditioner, and the surroundings are cool. Moreover, this coolness is not the kind of fixed temperature, but can be adjusted. If it is hot, it will cool down, and if it is cold, it will heat up.

Just say it, and you don’t even need a remote control. It is really useful!

The reason for this situation is that the shadow of the netherworld lurks in Lin Qianyu’s shadow.

Although the netherworld lurks in Lin Qianyu’s shadow, the coolness naturally emitted by the undead beast has become an excellent tool for cooling down in this season.

The key is that the netherworld can also control this kind of coolness, so the netherworld has also become a netherworld brand mobile central air conditioner, with Lin Qianyu as the center, releasing cold air in 360 degrees without dead angles!

It is precisely because of this that passers-by who pass by Lin Qianyu are a little stunned. Why is it so cool and comfortable next to him? Is he a dead spirit?

Some passers-by with wild imaginations immediately ran away, which made some people who didn't know what happened look confused. Some people even followed them. The first person who ran saw so many people chasing him, how could he dare to stop? He even accelerated, and the people behind saw the people in front running so hard, and ran even harder. As a result, the cycle created a scene of a large group of people running wildly on the streets of the imperial capital, which was extremely spectacular.

The initiator of the incident was walking slowly on the road, communicating with the netherworld, and seemed very comfortable under the sunlight.

Walking, walking, he came to an entrance of the subway station, bought a ticket, entered the subway, and the destination was a high-speed railway station where the subway passed.

The first stop, the Chinese dragon vein, Changbai Mountains!

The next day.

Lin Qianyu rode the turtle and traveled more than ten kilometers along the mountain road, arriving at the first destination, Juyuan Town.

This is one of the entrances to the Changbai Mountains, and it is also one of the garrisons of the 78th Beast Taming Corps.

The size and uniqueness of the Changbai Mountains meant that there were four Beast Taming Corps stationed around it.

The 76th Beast Taming Corps, the 98th Beast Taming Corps, the 54th Beast Taming Corps, and the 32nd Beast Taming Corps.

And not only are they stationed around the Changbai Mountains, but there are also stations of the Beast Taming Corps in some areas inside the Changbai Mountains. As for whether they are protecting those areas or have other purposes, it is a bit unknown.

And Juyuan Town, or one of the stations of the 78th Beast Taming Corps, is the only entrance to the Changbai Mountains that is open to the public.

Changbai Mountains is known as the Dragon Vein of China. There are many precious beasts in it, and the resources and treasures are extremely rich. It is a natural treasure land. Its specialness is naturally self-evident, otherwise there would not be four Beast Taming Corps stationed there for a long time.

And if you want to enter the Changbai Mountains, you must register in Juyuan Town, and then pay a certain fee to enter, and then when you come out, you must be checked to prevent poachers and other behaviors.

It is also because of this iron rule that Changbai Mountains rarely encounter poachers, and even if there are, they will be quickly captured.

After registering in Juyuan Town and paying a certain fee, Lin Qianyu stepped into this dragon vein of China.

Even in summer, one cannot feel the heat in the Changbai Mountains. This cool feeling makes Lin Qianyu extremely comfortable, and she can even turn off the air conditioning in the underworld.

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