Start with the Beastmaster Contract

221 The Battle of Inheritance [Please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly! ]

After Youming joined the team, Lin Qianyu has been teaching him some daily life, some little knowledge and common sense of training.

At the same time, she is also helping Youming to learn and control his strength.

After all, Youming's strength is not the result of training and beating step by step, but it has been there since he was born, so he needs to learn and master it, and he can't just become a beast with power but no idea how to use it.

Originally, I thought that the fifth beast of the contract would have to be cultivated from scratch, but I didn't expect that accidents always come before tomorrow.

The fifth beast of the contract was born directly in the extraordinary realm, and it was also a beast with excellent combat ability.

Among Youming's skills, the two skills that surprised Lin Qianyu the most were the two skills of stealth and dark passage.

Stealth, as the name suggests, is a skill that can lurk in the shadow. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, as long as the strength is not higher than that of Youming, Youming can use stealth. It can be said that stealth is a must-have skill for protection and assassination at home.

The Dark Passage skill is even more of a god-level skill, because it can create a different-dimensional passage for Youming to travel through. However, according to Youming's current strength, the passage he created is very short, only a few hundred meters long, and very unstable, and it is easy to fall from the passage halfway.

But even so, this is also a god-level skill. If Youming can master this skill in the future, Lin Qianyu can use this skill to do some "good things".

As for Youming's situation, Lin Qianyu has asked Dean Dongfang and consulted some books. The final result is that it may be caused by the evil secret method of the ancient country of Yundian.

The most normal situation of Youming Baidou is that the race grade is epic high, and the evil secret method of the ancient country of Yundian has forcibly raised the race grade of Youming, so that it has entered the legendary race grade.

It can be said that this is a miracle, a miracle that is forcibly stacked with life. Although it is also a miracle, it is full of blood and horror.

Fortunately, although Youming was born in this evil secret method, he did not become the evil Yang Zhiqiang, which is a blessing in disguise.


When the dividends from the 92nd Beast Taming Corps reached Lin Qianyu, Lin Qianyu began to cultivate her own beasts on a large scale.

This time, the dividends took a long time to arrive, but the amount did not disappoint Lin Qianyu.

It more than doubled from more than 40 million last time, reaching nearly 100 million.

Now that the money is in hand, buy, buy, buy!

So, with the use of money power, the five beasts cultivated by Lin Qianyu were called beautiful.

Especially Youming, who had just joined the team and had not been systematically cultivated, but this time he caught up. Not only did he have three awakening stones, but all the resources and treasures that Lin Qianyu got from the ruins were mixed together in a certain proportion according to Youming's situation to make cultivation food for him. Under such a nutritionally sufficient condition, Youming's size has undergone secondary development, especially the muscles on his front paws, which are bigger than Lin Qianyu's head.

In addition, with the application of various external cultivation materials, his shell has become even darker, so dark that it will reflect light under the light.

As for the horn on his head, it is the top priority of cultivation. It is mainly based on the horn of Youming Baidou that Lin Qianyu was rewarded for passing the test in the ruins, and the mixed cultivation of various cultivation materials. It is like a peerless sword, emitting a cold and cold light. Without doing anything, just looking at it, it feels very strong.

Money comes fast and goes fast. In just a few days, Lin Qianyu spent all the 100 million yuan. She even felt a little unsatisfied after spending it all.

Because she could buy anything she liked and just swipe it and say, "Swish!" It was really fun for Lin Qianyu.

Just when Lin Qianyu thought she would continue to train and cultivate like this, a message from Dean Dongfang broke this environment.

Not only Lin Qianyu was there, but also Jiang Dunbin and Jiang Xiaomin, as well as Lin Qianyu's senior sister who was treated as an exchange student, Zhong Qianxin.

When Lin Qianyu first met this senior sister, he dared to guarantee that this was the largest baby cafeteria he had ever seen in his life!

It was really too big!

With Jiang Dunbin's introduction, Lin Qianyu and this senior sister got to know each other.

However, this senior sister was more lively and would jump up and down at any time, which made Lin Qianyu's eyes shake with the earthquake of the baby cafeteria. It was so spectacular!

"Do you know about inheritance?"

When Dean Dongfang came, he looked at the four people in front of him and said something like a bomb.

Lin Qianyu and the other four were a little confused. They had never heard of inheritance, so they all shook their heads blankly.

"Inheritance can be understood as a kind of enlightenment. It can directly improve the strength of the beast without any sequelae, and it can also improve the potential of the beast. This is a very valuable resource opportunity. The reason why you are called here today is that the inheritance battle held every four years officially begins this year."

"This is a competition for envoys under the age of 30. As for why this age group is limited, it is because only envoys under the age of 30 can enter the major inheritance sites, and the purpose of the inheritance battle is to select suitable inheritors."

"It is normal that you don't know about this inheritance battle, because the inheritance battle is not famous, and even if you don't reach a certain level of strength or status, you can't know the specific information of the inheritance battle."

"To qualify for the inheritance battle, you need to reach the intermediate level of envoys, and not just ordinary intermediate envoys, but intermediate envoys whose beast control has reached the extraordinary level!"

"Put your "I called you four here because you four have reached the qualification to participate in the inheritance battle, and I have registered for you."

"The preliminary round of the inheritance battle is in October, and there are still more than five months to go. During this period, you need to work harder. Although you can still wait until the next inheritance battle, if you work hard during this period, you may get the opportunity to inherit this time."

"The sooner you get the opportunity to inherit, the greater the benefit for the beastmaster."

"The specific information has been sent to you, go and find out for yourself."

With that, Dean Dongfang left the four young people who were a little confused and walked away.

He was like a machine that announced information without feeling. After speaking the information, he left directly without stopping at all.

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