Start with the Beastmaster Contract

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"Are you sure you want to apply for the school team challenge?"

When all the test results came out, an associate professor in charge of school team training found Lin Qianyu and asked him.

And Lin Qianyu's answer must be yes.

For the Beast Taming Academy, the school team is a place where strong people gather, and it is also one of the most mysterious places in the Beast Taming Academy.

There are even many people who don't know that the school team training place is in a secret realm.

In the entire Beast Taming Academy, there are two or three thousand students from freshman to senior year who are considered geniuses all over the country, but only sixty of them can enter the school team.

This is really a choice of the best from the best.

The school team is a place where the Imperial Capital University has invested a lot of effort.

Entering the school team, there are secret realms that ordinary people cannot see, the most advanced training facilities, and extremely rich cultivation resources.

And all of this is just to cultivate real strong people who can represent the Imperial Capital University and fight in the college league!

Although Dean Dongfang does not pay much attention to the results of the college league, some people pay special attention to it.

For example, the president of the Imperial Capital University.

The results of the college league not only affect the distribution of funds, but also affect his political achievements.

Therefore, the school team is a top priority for Imperial University!

And entering the school team is of great benefit to Lin Qianyu, of course, the premise is to get in.

"If you are sure you want to challenge the members of the school team, it's okay. Your results are enough. It can be regarded as a try and accumulate experience.

Since you have made a decision, I will register your names.

Don't leave school these days. If it's fast, it will take two or three days, and if it's slow, it will take at most a week to notify you of the preparations for the challenge."

"Thank you, teacher."

"It's just my job. When the time comes, the challenge rules will be credited to your account with the credits you get from the final exam. Remember to check it then."

Then, this associate professor left directly.

Less than half an hour after this associate professor left, Lin Qianyu received 750 credits.

This reward of 750 credits was really a little beyond Lin Qianyu's expectations.

This credit made Lin Qianyu very happy.

Seven hundred and fifty credits is equivalent to the top reward of a large-scale B-level group task, which is not a small amount.

Moreover, this kind of task is extremely unstable. For example, the task that Lin Qianyu completed was purely luck, otherwise it would be normal to find it in the mountains for two or three days.

And the credits awarded for this final exam are almost free, which makes people very happy.

Lin Qianyu, who is in a good mood, also looked through the rules of the school team challenge.

After the time is determined, Lin Qianyu will challenge with the other challengers.

The challenged are the five members of the school team who are ranked at the bottom. As long as the challenger can defeat any of the five members in a one-on-one challenge, he can replace them and successfully enter the school team.

The fighting method is a real battle, that is, all beast masters and masters go on the field together.

Lin Qianyu has a lot of experience in this kind of actual combat. After all, the actual combat test of this year's college entrance examination is like this. However, compared with Lin Qianyu, the elite socks of the school team members will only be richer.

In the third question after the final exam, Lin Qianyu received a notice that the school team challenge has begun.

And Lin Qianyu also scanned a shared electric car and went to the school team base.

During the three days of waiting for the notice, Lin Qianyu once tried to let Longlong break through to the realm of transformation, but unfortunately, he failed, otherwise he would have a greater grasp of this challenge.

Regarding the school team, Lin Qianyu consulted Jiang Dunbin, and was rejected by Jiang Dunbin because the school team had regulations and could not be disclosed.

This completely aroused Lin Qianyu's curiosity.

However, even if Jiang Dunbin said nothing, Lin Qianyu knew one thing, that is, the members of the school team, even if they were in reserve, were extremely strong.

Therefore, Lin Qianyu must go all out.

At the same time when Lin Qianyu rushed to the school team base, many people also rushed to the school team base.

Some were challengers like Lin Qianyu, and some were the five members of the school team who ranked last, and some members of the school team who liked to watch the excitement.

For example, Jiang Dunbin, he was among the group of people who liked to watch the excitement.

Outside the school team base.

Looking around, except for a dormitory building next to it, it was almost the same as an ordinary training hall.

When Lin Qianyu arrived, many people had already arrived.

However, they were clearly divided into three parts.

One part Lin Qianyu could confirm was a challenger, because there was a person Lin Qianyu knew, Jiang Zenghua, the guy who was black everywhere.

And the other part with only five people was probably the five challenged who ranked lower in the school team.

But Lin Qianyu couldn't understand the third part, but he saw Jiang Dunbin in it.

Lin Qianyu's arrival also attracted many people's attention, and then they looked away. Only Jiang Dunbin waved and greeted him.

Except for Jiang Dunbin and Jiang Zenghua, Lin Qianyu is an unknown person to others.

When she saw Jiang Dunbin's greeting, Lin Qianyu subconsciously wanted to move closer to him, but in the end, looking at the three clearly divided parts, she returned a greeting and walked towards the challenger part.

However, Jiang Dunbin's greeting made many people look at Lin Qianyu again.

After all, Jiang Dunbin is now the captain of the school team, and his actions are also of concern to many people.

"Hey, captain, do you know him?"

"Yes, he is my junior brother, what's wrong?"

"He is the only student accepted by Dean Dongfang this year?

Then there will be a good show today."

When Lin Qianyu walked to the challenger part, she did not move too close, but chose a more suitable angle and leaned against the wall.

A few minutes later, several tutors and associate professors arrived.

The one in the lead was the associate professor who went to ask Lin Qianyu that day.

After he arrived at the scene, he counted the number of challengers and challengees, and without saying anything, he led the group to the school team base.

Originally, Lin Qianyu thought it was an ordinary training hall, but it turned out to be a big mistake.

Walking inside, there is a portal leading to a secret realm, and today's challenge is carried out in the secret realm.

After the last person entered the secret realm, the associate professor began to speak.

"Since everyone is here, let's get started.

Each of you has a maximum of three challenges and can freely choose your opponent. Who will go first?"

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