Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$152 Final Exam [Please subscribe, recommend, and vote monthly! ]

With the resources in place and training under the training plan formulated by Lin Qianyu, the strength of these three beasts has improved rapidly.

In a blink of an eye.

The final exam week is here.

The final exam of the Imperial Capital University Beast Taming Academy has three parts.

One is the written test, which is the test of elective and compulsory courses.

One is the personal combat power assessment, which is to score according to the level of the beast, and the assessment is about the students' training of the beast.

One is the battle assessment, which is the ring battle, but unlike the ordinary ring battle, the full-member battle means that all the beasts of the contract must fight together on the ring.

The practical test for the college entrance examination is not assessed in the first year, and will be assessed in the second year. According to the tradition of the Imperial Capital University Beast Taming Academy, the examination venue should be in the Changbai Mountains.

However, Lin Qianyu didn't know whether there was any change this year. Anyway, it was not his turn to take the practical test this year.

During the written test, Lin Qianyu only had a feeling that the difficulty of this test was much easier than the college entrance examination.

The two compulsory courses, "Ideology and Morality and Legal Education" and "History of Chinese Beast Taming and World History", were originally the two most troublesome compulsory courses for students in the Beast Taming Academy.

But for Lin Qianyu, it was no different from other courses related to beast taming knowledge.

With a very high memory, he was fearless!

The written test lasted for three days, and the time of the test was arranged according to the number of courses the students took.

After the written test, it was the personal combat power evaluation.

This test was very simple, only testing the level of the students' beasts, training intensity, attack power, speed, and defense.

And this test did not require five tests for every beast, but the beasts in the hands of the students completed these five tests.

The level test was very simple, Turtle Turtle was on the top, with the level of the eighth level of the transformation realm, and got an A-level score.

The same was true for the training intensity test, Turtle Turtle's training degree was also the best of the field, and also got an A-level score.

But the attack test was not Turtle Turtle's turn, because the content of the attack test was to shoot at targets, and to shoot at targets that could move.

These targets were customized by the Beast Taming Academy, and it takes a certain amount of strength to smash them.

The attack test is scored according to the color of the smashed target.

Green is five points, blue is ten points, and red is fifteen points.

Because the attack test cannot be close, the snake, who is good at long-range energy attacks, is asked to take the test.

At the beginning of the attack test, the snake's poison needles spread out directly and bombarded the targets in the air one after another.

In the first wave of targets thrown into the air, all the targets of all colors were smashed by the poison needles.

There were three rounds in total, and each round of snakes was accurate. After calculating the scores of the three rounds, snakes got another A+ score.

As for the speed test, the fastest dragon was the one. Relying solely on the speed of the beast, without relying on the acceleration of skills, snakes could not outrun the dragon.

This level not only tests the speed of the beast, but also the dodge ability of the beast.

The speed test is held in a gravity corridor runway.

Different from the gravity training hall, this is a test site specially built for speed tests.

In addition to the gravity that appears from time to time, there are also flames, rainstorms, ice and snow, rocks, and wind blades like knives.

The content of the speed test is to quickly pass through this gravity corridor runway.

Points are calculated based on time, and points are deducted based on the various environments in the gravity corridor that the beast is hit by.

This speed test is not very difficult for Longlong, who has been training in the gravity training hall for a long time. He passed the test easily and got Lin Qianyu the fourth A-level score.

The defense test is that Guigui is on the battlefield again. Guigui, who has excellent defense ability, is also like a fish in water in this level.

With the four defense skills of hardening, tempered defense, water shield, and absolute defense, Guigui's ability to withstand beatings has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Originally, the defense test was based on the time that the test took to hold out in the test room. However, the attacks in the defense test room could not break the defense of the turtle's defense skills.

In the end, the turtle won Lin Qianyu an A+ score again.

In these five tests, Lin Qianyu scored A+ in all five tests, and the final comprehensive score was also A+.

The day after the personal combat power assessment test was over, it was time for the battle assessment.

For many students who performed poorly in the personal combat power assessment test or were not suitable for them.

The battle assessment was their last hope for a comeback and also an item to show their strength, which made these students attach great importance to it.

For Lin Qianyu, this last battle assessment was not difficult.

It was not that all the students who participated in the assessment had to be defeated one by one.

Each student had five battles, and the score was not determined by the victory or defeat of the battle.

In addition to the victory or defeat of the battle assessment, the invigilator on the scene would also give certain scores based on the performance of different students.

However, this kind of combat assessment is too random.

For example, the five students who randomly met Lin Qianyu all had nothing to show for themselves, and were taken away cleanly by Turtle and Snake.

After these five battles, Longlong felt like yawning.

As Lin Qianyu's protective hand, Longlong only needed to ensure Lin Qianyu's safety. As for taking action, he didn't need it at all.

It was precisely because of this that Lin Qianyu became the student who completed the battle assessment the fastest.

He even beat one of the five students to a point of despair.

This student had just summoned his two beasts and had not even started to command them, but was happily sent out of the ring by Longlong and Snake.

The whole process took only a few seconds, and before he could react, the battle was over.

After the five battle assessments, Lin Qianyu received another A+ score.

In the final exam, Lin Qianyu's written test scores in several subjects were all A-level, her personal combat power assessment was A+, and her final battle assessment was also A+.

Excellent results made Lin Qianyu the best among the students of this year's Beastmaster Academy.

And, most importantly, Lin Qianyu got the opportunity to challenge the school team.

This was the biggest gain Lin Qianyu got from this final exam.

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