Start with the Beastmaster Contract

$131 Let's eat it [ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~]

After confirming that the six rattlesnakes were completely dead, Lin Qianyu had time to look around this secret realm.

However, at a glance, there were nothing but trees, with trees towering in the secret realm.

Although not as tall as the trees in the primeval forest outside, they were also extremely tall.

And in terms of appearance alone, it was more primeval than the primeval forest.

After all, there were still people in the primeval forest outside, but in this secret realm, Lin Qianyu and others were the first batch.

However, the random dispersion of the secret realm was indeed a bit of a headache.

Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin entered the secret realm at the same time, and the result was that the two people didn't know how far apart they were.

However, for Lin Qianyu, who had prepared himself early, this was acceptable.

After Lin Qianyu turned over and rode on the turtle, he let Longlong fly in the air to scout and explore the way, and Snake Snake was the last. Searching the secret realm was still the second factor, and protecting himself was the first factor for Lin Qianyu.

"Ah, even if there are resources, they should have been consumed by the beasts born in the secret realm long ago, so how could we have a chance to use them, unless the owner of this secret realm has set up some kind of seal~

No, it is really possible. After all, in ancient times, the secret realm was used as a storage space and a place for the contracted beasts to be recalled. If there is no seal, it will be eaten up by some naughty and greedy beasts.

And according to habit, these things should be set up in the center of the secret realm!"

"Turtle, head towards the center of the secret realm!"

However, Lin Qianyu commanded like this, but the speed of the turtle's movement did not change.

After all, if the turtle really moved quickly, Lin Qianyu would probably not be able to ride safely on the turtle's shell.

Not to mention whether he would be thrown off, the bumps alone were enough to make Lin Qianyu feel bad~

"Feather Blade Whirlwind!"

The flying attribute aura turned into feathers and shot from Longlong's side towards the red poison centipede on the ground.

The red poison centipede on the ground spit out venom to block it, but the difference in strength was too great, and it was directly chopped into more than 20 pieces by Longlong's feather blade whirlwind.

"Yummy! Yahmi!": Look at me, I'm awesome!


Hearing Longlong's words, Lin Qianyu also answered directly.

It is obvious that Lin Qianyu's mind is not here now.

For some reason, after Guigui released his pressure, he was attacked by the beasts in the secret realm several times along the way.

Although the attacking beasts were not very strong, they were easily solved by Longlong and Sheshe.

But Lin Qianyu was also a little strange. When the turtle released the pressure before, other beasts, even the snake, avoided it from a distance. Even if they didn't avoid it, they hid. But in the secret realm, just during this period of time, they were attacked by beasts six times.

And they were all beasts with low strength, as if they rushed up to die without brains.

But according to common sense, no matter how strong the beasts are, except for some beasts with low intelligence, they all have good intelligence.

And the instincts evolved by the beasts do not allow them to do this kind of active death, which is very unusual.

"Snake, dig a hole to bury it, so that the bloody smell will not attract something."

"Hiss, hiss.": I feel that there is something in the corpse of the beast that attracts me.

Lin Qianyu: ? ? ? ? ? ?

Not only Lin Qianyu, but even the turtle and the dragon turned their eyes to the snake.

Snake rarely asks to do something on his own initiative, but every time there is a reason.

And this time, Lin Qianyu would not refuse its request.

So, Sheshe used its tail to carefully poke the fragments of the red poisonous centipede's body on the ground, fearing that the thing that attracted it would be broken, and the speed of the poke made Lin Qianyu really a little overwhelmed.

"Longlong, go help Sheshe, otherwise, with the flexibility of its tail, I don't know how long it will take to poke."

After hearing Lin Qianyu's words, Longlong also nodded and flew down to help Sheshe poke.

Longlong, who has claws, can poke at a speed that is not comparable to that of Sheshe, who only uses her tail. He soon found the thing that made Sheshe feel attracted.

"Yingmi? Yingmi?"

"Hiss, hiss."

After communicating, Longlong carefully peeled off the fragments of the red devil centipede's body with his claws, and finally peeled out a dark purple thing.

The shape is oval, with blunt ends, smooth skin, slightly flat and long, dark purple on the outside, but there seems to be a sticky purple liquid flowing inside.

"Toxic sac! Snake, is this what attracts you?"

Snake nodded.

Lin Qianyu knew what it was the first time she saw it. After all, the qualification certificate of senior breeder is not something that can be obtained easily.

The toxic sac is an organ that stores toxins in the body of poisonous beasts.

However, not all poisonous beasts have this organ.

Some poisonous beasts that spread toxins all over their bodies will not have it.

But generally, beasts with toxic sacs represent highly toxic and dangerous.

The poison sac is indeed a good resource for cultivating poison-attribute beasts, but that is for poison-attribute beasts!

Although Snake is an anaconda, it is a pure wood-attribute beast. Can it eat the poison sac?

Although its strength is much higher than that of the red poison centipede when it was alive.

But the poison does not depend on your strength. If you are not careful and swallow the poison sac rashly, it is not to seek death, but it is not much different from seeking death.

"Snake, are you sure you want to eat this thing?"

"嘤Mi!嘤Mi?": That's right, big snake, do you really want to eat this thing? It looks scary.

"Hiss, hiss.": OK.

Without any hesitation, Snake immediately nodded its anaconda head.

This resolute attitude made Lin Qianyu fall into deep thought.

If it were in the outside world, Lin Qianyu could just run to the hospital and let Snake swallow it. If there was any problem, she would go to the emergency room immediately without wasting a second.

But this is in a secret place, a place where no one lives. If anything unexpected happens after the snake swallows the poison sac, it will be a big deal.

"Hiss, hiss.": Believe me!

"Eh, eh.": Believe the little snake, the little snake will not take risks.

The insistence of the snake and the persuasion of the turtle made Lin Qianyu a little undecided.

"Meow! Meow!": Two-legged beast, let's believe the big snake, okay!

But thinking of the usual stability of the snake, Lin Qianyu made a decision.

Let's eat it~

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