Start with the Beastmaster Contract

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Even in the early hours of the morning, the streets and alleys of the imperial capital were extremely lively.

It took more than an hour and nearly two hours to drive from Imperial University to the secret place in the southern suburbs.

And just this nearly two-hour driving time made Jiang Dunbin anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, obeying traffic rules is something everyone should do.

If you ignore laws and regulations and drive dangerously, you will be detained and fined. Even if you are a university student at Teito University, you will be treated equally.

Moreover, in domestic cities or towns, it is prohibited to drive beasts on roads and streets, and to fly over cities on beasts.

Violators will be punished more severely than those who ignore laws and regulations and drive dangerously.

Otherwise, the flying beast that Jiang Dunbin contracted could quickly lead Lin Qianyu to the location of the secret realm.

However, if they are blocked, others will be blocked as well.

When Jiang Dunbin and Lin Qianyu arrived at the secret realm in the southern suburbs, no one was at the scene except for the four people in front of a spiritual energy scroll in mid-air, as well as Jiang Dunbin and Lin Qianyu.

"The person riding on the Star Pegasus over there is Dean Liu of the Beast Control Academy of the Imperial University of Science and Technology.

Standing on the Silver Winged Lion King is Dean Zhang from the Beast Control Academy of Qingda University next door.

The person riding on the Vajra Zibei on the ground is Dean Feng of the Renmin University Beast Control Academy. "

After parking the car, Jiang Dunbin also introduced to Lin Qianyu the other three deans of the Beast Control Academy, except Dean Dongfang.

"That dean of the National People's Congress didn't contract a flying beast?"

"Yes, why not? Of course Dean Feng has flying beasts, but Dean Feng is afraid of heights. Under normal circumstances, he will not ride flying beasts."

Reasonable, this reason is absolutely reasonable.

"There are no people from other schools or the Beast Control Association or the Beast Control Corps coming yet. It seems that this time the secret realm will be explored together by the four of us."

"Senior brother, you look like you have plenty of experience. Have you explored it many times? Can you pass on your experience to me?"

"I~ have only explored twice~"

Speaking of which, Jiang Dunbin was still a little embarrassed. Although he had done very few explorations, he kept saying the same thing.

Lin Qianyu:. . . . . .

"You are here."



Sensing the arrival of Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin, Dean Dongfang, who was riding the Jingzhe Thunder Dragon, also flew down from above in front of Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin.

"Well, just wait for a while, and then you can go in and explore when the others arrive.

The level of this secret realm is not high, and an intermediate-level envoy can enter the secret realm without causing the secret realm to collapse.

This time we are exploring only four schools. It is estimated that there will be a lot of people there. If you two can stick together after you two go in, stick together. If you can't, be careful. "

Hearing Dean Dongfang's words, Jiang Dunbin and Lin Qianyu nodded in the affirmative. It was a matter of life and safety, no joke.

Half an hour later.

The originally lonely suburbs began to become lively, and more than a hundred students from four schools also gathered in the suburbs.

At this time, where the spiritual energy scroll was, the spiritual energy volume suddenly disappeared, showing circles of spiritual energy waves. Then, a portal of darkness and nothingness suddenly appeared, and then there was another strong spiritual energy attraction, and again A spiritual energy volume formed and rushed towards the portal.

"The secret realm has absorbed enough spiritual energy. Now the entrance to the secret realm has been fully opened and you can go in.

This is for you. Although it can only protect against the attacks of beasts in the extraordinary realm, it is still better than nothing. "

With that said, Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin took the protective bracelets handed over by Dean Dongfang and put them on their wrists.

"Teacher, if we enter the secret realm and want to come out, how can we come out?"

"When you enter the secret realm, you have no way to come out on your own initiative. You can only come out after two days and wait for the secret realm to reject you."


"Dun Bin, didn't you tell your junior brother on the way?"

"I forgot~"

Hearing Dean Dongfang's words, Jiang Dunbin smiled awkwardly.

After all, he did explore the secret realm a little less often and didn't have much experience. It was understandable that he sometimes forgot some things.

"Once the secret realm is opened, it will not be permanently closed again, but the rules in the secret realm have become a system of their own. Once foreign objects or people enter, they will be excluded if they stay there for more than two days, and it is you who are the ones who go out. The only way to reach the secret realm.”

After hearing Dean Dongfang's words, Lin Qianyu nodded to express understanding.

"Dongfang, are you ready? I'm waiting for you!"

Dean Feng of the National People's Congress turned to Dean Dongfang and said.

"Follow the large troops in, remember what I said, and protect yourself."

When Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin heard Dean Dongfang's words, they nodded, indicating that they understood.

As the portal to the secret realm gradually descended, Lin Qianyu and Jiang Dunbin followed the students from the four schools into the secret realm.

"When you enter the secret realm, you will be randomly dispersed. Remember to summon the beast immediately after entering to ensure your safety."

Before entering, Jiang Dunbin gave Lin Qianyu another instruction.

Looking at the entrance to the dark and empty secret realm, Lin Qianyu was still a little scared, but seeing that everyone else had gone in, Lin Qianyu could only follow in.

As soon as she stepped into the entrance to the secret realm, Lin Qianyu felt a strong aura and a feeling of weightlessness.

However, this feeling of weightlessness only lasted for a moment, and then Lin Qianyu entered the secret realm.

As soon as she entered the secret realm, before Lin Qianyu could react, the protective bracelet given by Dean Dongfang took effect.

A six-segment rattlesnake attacked Lin Qianyu. If it weren't for the aura shield of the protective bracelet, Lin Qianyu would probably have been bitten hard by this venomous fang.


However, Lin Qianyu also reacted instantly, summoned Turtle, Snake and Dragon to protect her own safety, and got rid of the six-segment rattlesnake in front of her.

Looking at the six-segment rattlesnake that was killed by Turtle's last breath of dragon breath, Lin Qianyu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since there is a poisonous beast, it means that the ancient beast master who left this secret realm is a beast master with mainly poisonous attributes. It seems that we need to be careful on this road."

The attributes of the beasts in the secret realm are mostly born with the main attributes of the ancient beast master who left this secret realm.

Since we encountered a poisonous beast master like the six-segmented rattlesnake as soon as we entered the secret realm, it also means that the ancient beast master who left this secret realm was a beast master with mainly poisonous attributes.

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