The commander of the Dongliao ship immediately realized that Fang Ze's plane was seriously damaged.

Without any hesitation, he quickly gave the order.

At this moment, Fang Ze's plane is less than a kilometer away from the Dongliao ship.

Landing, within seconds.

Accompanied by the roar from far to near, Fang Ze drove the plane galloping over.

The ear-piercing sound of the arresting hook touching the ground echoed throughout the Dongliao ship.

"It's too fast!"


All the Chinese navy watched this scene from a distance, feeling very nervous.

Captain Zhang Ming almost stopped breathing.

Before coming, he had promised Zhao Dejun.

Absolutely will not let anything happen to Fang Ze

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Chapter 621 Safe Landing, Unscathed 【1】

"No, the left wing is completely broken!"

Zhang Ming, now we can clearly see the whole picture of the plane.

What kind of tragic air battle did Fang Ze experience before the wing was broken? Moreover, with the wing broken, how did the opponent control the plane to fly here? It is too risky! If it was before landing, Zhang Ming would definitely Stop Fang Ze from doing this.

But it's too late to say anything now.

At this moment, the plane has landed and is rushing towards the arresting net at a speed far exceeding the standard deceleration.

Moreover, the arresting hook of the aircraft, with sparks flying everywhere, is impossible to withstand for a long time.

"It won't break"

Zhang Ming stared closely at the bottom of the plane.

Click! Bang! As soon as his voice fell, the arresting hook of the aircraft was disconnected directly and ejected to the distance.

Zhang Ming's expression changed.

"My crow mouth!!"

"Quick! Activate the emergency premonition!"

While the entire Dongliao ship was panicking, at this moment, Fang Ze's expression gradually calmed down.

The breaking of the arresting hook did not cause any change in his expression.

This is to be expected.

Twice the standard speed, the strength of the arresting hook is simply impossible to withstand.

Broken, that's for sure.

Bang! The loud sound brought about violent tremors.

The entire front fuselage began to touch the ground, and sparks flew everywhere.

Fang Ze stared at the blocking net in front of him, reversed the thrust of the plane, and drove it to the extreme.

Bang! The next second, the plane hit the blocking net.

Fang Ze leaned forward and almost missed the windshield.

speed, falling rapidly.

The ear-piercing braking sound made the eardrums ache.

one hundred kilometers.

eighty kilometers.

sixty kilometers.

At the end of forty kilometers, the speed of the plane became slower and slower, and when it was ten meters away, it stopped abruptly.

Forced landing, successful! And still in the case of completely losing the left wing.


"This is really an epic forced landing!"

"Major General Fang is amazing! Powerful!"

The next moment, cheers sounded.

All the navies around rushed in.

Among them is Zhang Ming.

He needs to know Fang Ze's injury immediately.

In the rear, ten J-11s also landed on the flight deck one after another.

Fang Ze opened the hatch and jumped out.

Looking at the extremely damaged bomber and feeling the taste of the motherland under his feet, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, not dead.

This trip to the country was full of dangers.

Take one wrong step, and you will be ashamed

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The fate of broken bones.

"Major General Fang!"

A middle-aged man strode forward, laughing and stretching out his hand as he walked.

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