"Major General Fang, your plane's wings are severely damaged, please parachute immediately!"

Fang Ze looked at the ten J-11 fighter jets around him, and a long-lost sense of security emerged from the bottom of his heart.

in spite of

When is it better to be in your own country?

Fang Ze turned on the radio and said, "The plane can fly normally, I need to know the location of the Dongliao ship immediately."

"Contact Zhao Dejun directly and tell me immediately!"

"Dongliao ship, it's too dangerous for you to choose to make an emergency landing!"

Fang Ze chuckled: "This bomber is a good thing. The military may use it. It's a pity to lose it."

"Excuting an order!"


Seeing that Fang Ze was still thinking about the country in the face of danger, the ten pilots felt admiration spontaneously.

"Major General Fang, please wait a moment!"

On the other side, Zhao Dejun quickly got the news.

"Dongliao Ship"

He was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "Protect Fang Ze well, and the location will be sent to you soon!"

"Hello, I'm Zhao Dejun!"

"Immediately order the Dongliao ship to set sail, heading east by 15 degrees south, to ensure that Major General Fang Zefang lands safely!"

ten minutes later.

The radio rang.

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"Major General Fang, please keep flying normally. The Dongliao ship is coming in the opposite direction, and we can rendezvous within an hour!"

Fang Ze: "Okay, I see."

While controlling the flight of the plane, he kept observing the damage of the wings.

As soon as something goes wrong, he will be ejected out of the warehouse immediately.

It's okay to take risks, but you can't make fun of your own life.

Time passed by minutes and seconds.

ten minutes.

twenty minutes.

Forty minutes bang! Suddenly, there was an extremely ear-piercing explosion, which caused Fang Ze, who had to concentrate on driving, to change his expression slightly.

He turned his head suddenly, and found that the damaged wing on one side had begun to break under the impact of the high-speed airflow.

If things go on like this, it's only a matter of time before they all break.

And at this time, it is impossible for him to rendezvous with the Dongliao ship.

Fang Ze withdrew his gaze and looked at the radar.

On the radar, the signal of the Dongliao ship can already be seen.

Crack! Crack! Flying at high speed caused more and more damage to the wings.

some moment.

Bang! There was another explosion, and the left wing completely exploded! At this moment, Fang Ze's plane, like a bird without a wing, began to tilt heavily to the right.

In the end, it even started to roll over.

altitude, rapid descent

"Major General Fang! Please parachute immediately! Parachute immediately!"

"We absolutely guarantee your safety! Please skydive immediately!"

The radio rang.

The voices of the ten pilots were very urgent.

Now that we have reached the safe zone, there is no need to take any more risks.

Fang Ze no longer has the extra thought to listen to the radio content.

He is currently in three hundred and sixty 360 rotations.

"I still don't believe it."

Fang Ze let out a cold snort, decisively increased the thrust, and turned on the super afterburner.

Soon, he maintained his speed and regained control of his flight balance.

Although the fuselage is still tilted, it can still fly for a certain distance.

The Dongliao Ship is getting closer and closer.

Fang Ze, even without radar, can see the huge monster on the horizon with naked eyes

"Major General Fang, this is the Eastern Liao Ship."

"Everything is ready to land at any time."

Fang Ze didn't answer right away.

He stared closely at the aircraft carrier ahead, and lowered the arresting hook early.

"I'm Fang Ze."

"Listen, in eighty seconds, I'm going to touch down at twice the standard speed, please put up the emergency grid!"


"Major General Fang, please rest assured!"

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