Soon, what happened in the magic capital reached the hands of a group of Kyoto bigwigs.

"What do you say about what happened today?"

Meng Xinghe sat in the main seat and sent the documents from the magic capital to everyone present, and said with a helpless expression.

"Those two little guys said that if they didn't give them a satisfactory explanation, they wouldn't leave."

"Ridiculous! These rich second generations are really becoming more and more lawless, if they encounter a girl from an ordinary family this time, won't they be succeeded by this group of scum, according to me, they should all be sent to the elf battlefield in another space. "

An old man in military uniform with a bar and a star on his shoulder slapped the table and said with a fiery temper.

"Old General Qiao, you shouldn't say such things because Shui Ye and your grandson are good brothers."

A man with slightly thin lips and gloomy eyes said with a sneer.

"Shui Ye, as a member of our Thea Federation, actually helped a foreigner threaten his country, don't forget his own identity."

"The old man has never done anything to shame his conscience in his life, and if Councilman Wei has to say so, the old man will propose to the Federal Assembly tomorrow that those family children who want to inherit the family business in the future must go to a different space to stay for a year."

"Anyway, there are many clansmen of your elven families and there is nowhere to put them."

"Two extinguishing fires, everyone is colleagues, don't hurt the harmony because of a little thing."

"Besides, that Miss Jingu is not only from Sakura Country, but also Mizuno's fiancée, just because his future wife is a foreigner, he must stand by when he is treated unfairly, what is the reason?"

"It's still Minister Ning who has a point, some people have a personal vendetta here because of the family and water nights!"

"Don't forget that the Thea Federation is not the Thea Federation of some of your families."


"Enough, stop arguing, I will express my opinion on the handling of this matter."

Meng Xinghe knocked on the solid wooden table and said softly.

"That bureau chief was immediately dismissed from his post and investigated, and if they had any crimes in the past, they would not be tolerated, even those who helped them favoritism were also investigated, and those who supported him behind the chief also began to investigate."

"As for the Magic Capital Elf Association, let's give Lao Luo a punishment of lax supervision, deduct him for half a year's salary, and save him from doing business all day."

Meng Xinghe finally showed an old urchin's smile and said with a smile.

"Do you have any opinions?"


Everyone bowed their heads in agreement.


"Elder Luo, the Kyoto document has been issued, but, it's just."

"It's just what, what is said in this document, so that you can't even speak well."

Luo Yanghua took the document with only a thin piece of paper and browsed it casually.

The others took several steps back, knowing that the unreliable guild leader was about to lose his temper.

"Mengxinghe, you shameless bastard, is not the superior leader of this guy, this matter can also be blamed on my head, and deducted my salary for half a year."

The most important thing is the last sentence, his gone, at home is firmly controlled by his wife's financial power, the only thing he can count on is this salary, and the opportunity to think about the wave is gone.

"No, I have to go and let this egg pay me half a year's salary."

"Brother Luo, what a coincidence!"

When Shui Ye saw the person rushing in, he greeted him after a while.

"A clever, Lao Tzu came to you specifically, you look at this document."

Luo Yanghua slapped this piece of paper in front of Shui Ye and said imposingly.

Shui Ye glanced at it and finally knew the reason why Luoyang Hua came to him, it turned out that his salary was deducted.

However, he did not expect that the supreme leader of the Xia Federation, Mengxinghe Mengmeng, was also such an interesting person.

"Recently, little brother, I have a shy pocket in my pocket, I really can't get the money, or should we make an IOU?"

"Will you run out of money?"

"The cash is all taken by me to do business, and it will take a while to get it back."

"Besides, didn't I tell you before that I would be after the college entrance examination?"

Shui Ye blinked his silver eyes and hinted.

"Okay, remember what you promised me."

"Don't worry, what kind of person am I, brother, you just wait."

Shui Ye assured as he patted his chest.

"Haha! Yes, I really didn't misread you. "

"By the way, is my daughter in your house? Yesterday when I came back from a different space, my tigress made a table of dishes, and I was stunned that I didn't wait for anyone. "

Luoyang Hua said with a palpitation.

"Yes, my dad is there, my grandpa and grandpa are also there, do you want to go over for a drink together?"

"What day is it?" How did you two get here? "

"My parents are divorced."

"Why did you suddenly get divorced?"

"Shui Ye, are you okay at home?"

"It's okay, my parents have no feelings."

"This is a small music, a divine palace music, you should know the old brother, right?"

"Xiao Xuan, this old man is the president of the Magic Capital Elf Association, Luoyang Hua."

"Also the father of that Tsing Yi sister of yours? You call each other really... Interesting. "

"That's me and the old brother are of the same spirit, each other's confidants, besides, we have our own friends, and it has nothing to do with Sister Qingyi."

"Right? Dude. "

"That's right, we're a New Year's friend."

"Okay, we should almost go back, old brother, that yellow hair said that his eldest brother is a descendant of the Luo family, you remember to deal with it."

After saying that, Shui Ye released the giant golden monster and nodded to it and said.

"Trouble you, giant golden monster, take us back."

In an instant, the three disappeared into this place.

"Dad, why did you come back with Shui Ye?"

Luo Qingyi saw the three people who suddenly appeared, stood up and asked with a surprised look.

"It's not that you don't know his character, you can follow wherever you go into trouble, this time he directly played fishing law enforcement, was taken to the Metropolitan Police Department, and then directly went to Kyoto, and even I was deducted half a year's salary by the shameless guy in Mengxinghe."


Everyone is speechless, should it be said that it is worthy of being the first in the Federation, this means is really playful!

"I'm on the side of justice this time, if I hadn't met me and Xiao Xuan, those scum wouldn't know how long it would have taken to be killed"

"Isn't it good to directly indicate your identity, why go around in such a big circle?"

"Playing a pig and eating a tiger, it's more interesting!"

Shui Ye narrowed his eyes, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

(PS: 160 and 161 are banned for some reason, they should be released tomorrow, sorry)

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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