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"It's really a hill."

Shui Ye slapped away the man's outstretched hand, took off his cape and sunglasses, and asked with a smile:

"So what are you going to charge me?"

"Boy, you actually dare to attack the police, you're finished."

"So, this crime is really big enough, are you afraid?"

"With you by my side, I'm not afraid of anything."

This young policeman was instantly angry, and dared to show affection in the Metropolitan Police Department, and it was the first time they had seen such an arrogant guy.

"Are there any other charges?"

"And the crime of intentional injury, how about it, boy, are you afraid? You're going to be in jail for at least a few years. "

"I'm sorry, I'm a foreigner and have diplomatic immunity, and I'm going to apply for asylum from the Consulate General of Sakura Country."


The other policemen instantly panicked, what does this mean, but they didn't expect to bring back a big god with a random police dispatch.

"Hey, is it Consul General Kato? I'm Jingu Sou, and now I'm in the Metropolitan Police Department of the Magic Capital, and they said they want me to go to jail, can I trouble you to come over? "

"Your Royal Highness, I'll bring someone over right away."

"Xiao Xuan, why did you suddenly lift the table, I want to play a little longer!" See what other charges they can put on us? "

"I didn't hold back for a while, don't be interesting, water night."

It seems that he is still not famous in the Xia Federation, but I didn't expect that no one in the entire Metropolitan Police Department knew him.

After a while, a middle-aged greasy bureau chief rushed out of the office and said with a sweaty face:

"This young lady, this is a misunderstanding, or we turn big things into small things, how about just forget it?"

"It's night."

"This gentleman, don't forget that you are the one who started beating people, this is an indisputable fact."

"But I'm in self-defense."

After saying this, Shui Ye pulled the music and casually found a position to sit down, obviously refusing to reconcile.

After a few minutes, a middle-aged man in a black suit rushed in with a large number of people, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Her Royal Highness the princess who was safe and sound.

The group came to the front of the Divine Palace Recital, bent down and bowed in unison: "I have seen Her Royal Highness the Princess, I have seen Her Royal Highness Shuiye." "

"Consul General Kato, you finally came, I just got off the plane and was entangled by those guys over there, and after the water night came, they taught them a lesson, they asked the police to bring me here, charged us with a lot of crimes, and threatened us with several years in prison."

Jingu lowered his face and said expressionlessly.

Just came to the Xia Federation to look for water night's good mood was messed up by this group of guys, and she was simply angry with her.

After hearing this consul general call Her Royal Highness, all the policemen here instantly became cold in their hands and feet, and they now finally understood what kind of big statue they brought back

They actually said that they would let the emperor of the cherry blossom country go to prison, which was really groundbreaking.

"Protest, I will ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sakura Country to protest to your country, why our princess highness was taken to the Metropolitan Police Department by you as soon as she got off the plane."

"Consul General Kato, please stop being angry, I promise that we will give an explanation to Her Royal Highness the princess of your country."

After the greasy chief said this sentence with a pale face, he was ready to call and report.

It wasn't something he could handle anymore, and now he knew that he was definitely finished, and all this was caused by his son.

"By the way, that yellow hair also said that his eldest brother is a concubine of the Luo family, you call and ask the Luo family to come over, I want to see who your eldest brother is?"

Huang Mao took out his mobile phone with trembling hands and made a call to his eldest brother.

The Magic Capital Elf Association Building and the Government Office Building stand next to each other, and this noon, all the bigwigs are destined to not be able to take a nap.

"What, the Metropolitan Police Department of the Magic Capital actually arrested the princess of Sakura Country."

"There are so many princesses in Sakura Country, how do I know which one it is?"

"You say it again, I didn't hear clearly."

"Is it Her Royal Highness the princess who will become the empress in the future, do you Metropolitan Police Department eat? Can such people also be captured? Is it to cause a diplomatic dispute? "

"What do you say, they are ready for the Foreign Ministry to protest? Waste, you are all waste. "

The mayor of the magic city hung up the phone in a roar, and then asked the secretary to prepare to drive to the magic metropolitan police department.

Half an hour later, all the leaders of the magic city gathered in the Metropolitan Police Department, looking at a man and a woman sitting on a chair with a wry smile, leisurely watching the anime.

"No wonder such a big thing can be made today, it turns out that this Lord is also here!"

"Elder Luo, or you go up and persuade them to stop making trouble."

"You let me an old guy beg him, I don't want this face, you might as well call his father, he and my daughter came back from the other space yesterday."

When Luo Yanghua heard this, he immediately shook his head and refused.

"Miss Divine Palace, Shui Shao, how can you stop?"

"Eh! I'm just an ordinary person, why do you ask me? Besides, I'm a guilty body now, I just beat the five of them so badly, I don't seem to be able to run away with a crime of intentional injury, or do you want people to handcuff me and lock me up for a few days? "

"Shui Shao, don't joke, you are legitimate defense, the monitoring is clearly written."

The mayor of Magic City said with a smile.

"Then I was really lucky to be filmed by surveillance."

"But it's Xiao Xiang who is being harassed, I can't help you find me, and it's useless to find my father."

Water night's words instantly dispelled the idea of the mayor of the magic city.

"Miss Jingu, how exactly can you let go?"

"Mr. Mayor, all I want is an explanation, if the results of your handling can satisfy me, I will leave immediately without saying a word."

Jingu said in a flat voice.

When the mayor of the magic city heard this, he immediately went out to discuss the results with someone.


"Not enough, a small Magic City Chief dares to be so arrogant, is Mr. Mayor treating me as a fool?"

"Miss Jingu, going up is not something I can handle."

"Then you can continue to report."

The mayor smiled bitterly when he heard this, and originally wanted to try not to attract Kyoto's attention and solve it in his own home, but he did not expect to still report to Kyoto.

"Miss Jingu, please wait a moment."

The mayor turned and left again, only this time his back suddenly fell a lot more lonely.


(PS: The fifth more offered, please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe, the mouse in my hand is really unstable, tomorrow Kesan, good luck to me!) ???_

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