"Kaguya, you are too unreasonable, if I hadn't hugged you just now, maybe you would have fallen."

"Hmph! It is also possible that you deliberately let this astringent maid do this, after all, I have already fallen into your trap once. "

"It's more likely that all of your communication just now was just acting, just to make me hear and lure me out."

Although Kaguya's face was as red as a cooked crab, he still maintained a sense of clarity and calmly retorted.

I meow!

Shui Ye felt that this was really reasonable and unclear.

He simply didn't do anything, held Kaguya's little face with both hands, and then gnawed it in Kaguya's incredible gaze.


A few minutes later, Mizuya let go of Kaguya, who was kissed by him and rolled his eyes, and the moment the two separated, Kaguya couldn't help but gulp for fresh air, and he was really going to choke her to death just now.

"Kaguya, now, anyway, we have already done intimate things, and you are already impure, so you can only marry me."

"Water night, you, you rogue!"

Kaguya trembled and pointed at Shui Ye, thinking for a long time before coming up with such a sentence.

She didn't expect that this villain was actually thinking like this, sure enough, she shouldn't have run out alone just now, is this considered sending sheep into the mouth of the tiger?

She felt like she was going to cry stupidly by herself!

"Hmm! Kaguya, I'm just playing hooligans, I'm just craving your body. "

"Water night, I, I hate you to death!"

Kaguya didn't expect that Shui Ye was this sentence every time, so he couldn't change something nice to coax her!

Shui Ye instantly hugged Kaguya, who turned around and wanted to escape, and said in an affectionate tone:

"Then I'll put it another way, Kaguya-chan, I fell in love with you at first sight!"

"So you admit that the first time we met, you deliberately provoked me with provocation, so that I left a deep impression in my heart."

Kaguya turned his head, his blood-red eyes misting, and asked angrily.

"Well, the first thought in my heart at that time was: such a beautiful girl must not be cheap to others, otherwise it will be too violent."

Kaguya was really laughed at by the shameless idea of Mizuye, it turns out that you yourself are not a violent thing.

"Mizuya, you are a big bastard, I still hate you to death, I didn't expect that the only time in my life that Kaguya Shinomiya fell for such a simple moment and lost myself.

"Actually, I also think I'm a jerk. So let's take your words as a compliment. "

"You are still very shameful, there is already a little play, even my girlfriend will not let go."

When he said this, Kaguya silently apologized to Jingu Sou in his heart: I'm sorry, Xiao Sou, I really didn't mean it, it's really that this guy Mizuye is too cunning, and I was also deceived by him.

"I'm sure Xiao Xiang will forgive me, after all, you have been good girlfriends for so many years."

"Shui Ye, you are shameless, do you still want me to tell Xiao Xiu about the matter between us?"

Kaguya's eyes widened with anger, but she still underestimated Shui Ye's shamelessness, and suddenly pinched the soft flesh on Shui Ye's waist.

"It hurts! Kaguya, you misunderstood, I never had this idea, I will take the initiative to tell Xiao Sou. "

"Hmph! That's pretty much it. "

Kaguya then let go of the soft flesh around Shui Ye's waist and snorted coldly.

"Kaguya, since you're here too, let's go shopping with us in Akihabara, what do you think?"

"Since you have invited me, then I will reluctantly agree."

Kaguya pondered for a moment, and finally said with a proud face.

"Okay, my Kaguya-sama, I took the initiative to invite you, now let's go!"

Shui Ye took the initiative to take Kaguya's smooth and tender little hand, and then beckoned to Rita, and the group of three left the underground parking lot.

Rita glanced at a few shadows in this underground parking lot, a hint of warning in her eyes, and also followed the footsteps of her own young master.

He is not the dull male protagonist in those anime, and with Kaguya's personality, he wants to let her take the initiative, and wait for the next life to be almost the same, and take the initiative to attack to have meat to eat.

"Master of the family, the eldest lady has happily accompanied Young Master Shui to visit Akihabara."

The black-clothed bodyguard who was secretly protecting Kaguya in the parking lot saw this scene and reported the situation here to the Shinomiya Yanan.

"Also, it can be determined that the maid lady beside Young Master Shui is a legendary martial arts master, she has discovered our entire team of bodyguards, and also warned us with her eyes, we dare not act rashly."

"I know, your purpose is to protect Kaguya, as for Kaguya and Mizuya, don't worry about it."

"Yes, my lord."

Without Mizuya and Kaguya knowing, everything that happened in the parking lot just now has actually been accurately reported to Shinomiya Yanan.

When Mizuya forcibly kissed Kaguya, the bodyguard who was secretly hiding actually wanted to come out to save their eldest miss, but was unfortunately warned by Rita's murderous eyes.

On the top floor of the Four Palace Building, Sigong Yanan, who was sitting in the president's office, couldn't help but show a wry smile on his face after listening to the bodyguard's report.

Unexpectedly, her cold daughter fell so quickly, which made him very embarrassed to be a father!

If he were an ordinary person who dared to bully his daughter like this, he would have unloaded him a long time ago.

And he didn't expect that this smelly boy of Shui Ye would play cards so unreasonably, and bluntly said that he was not interested in the four-palace chaebol, but just craved his daughter's body, and dared to put it into action.

He had lived half his life in the Four Palace Yan'an, and it was the first time he had seen this kind of teenager who made him feel extremely speechless.

Alas! But this is good, at least there is no need to worry that the power of the Shinomiya family will fall, or while he is still young, let Kaguya give birth to a male heir early, he will focus on cultivating the third generation of this Shinomiya family.

Shinomiya Yanan leaned back in his chair and pondered, and such an idea suddenly came to his heart.

That's right, that's it, let Kaguya immediately marry Shui Ye and have a child after graduating from college, and train him to be enough to control the four-palace chaebol, he can also unload the burden on his body and retire, and he feels unrealistic to expect this daughter and son-in-law. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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