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"Father, I understand all this, and I have never blamed you, but this time I believe that Shui Ye, he will definitely solve this matter successfully."

Shinomiya Kaguya walked to the window, overlooking the flow of people on the ground, and said resolutely.

I have to say that Shui Ye knows the mind of girls very well, like Shinomiya Kaguya, such a proud woman of the sky, the boys she has seen are all fearful in front of her, and no one has ever dared to scold her so much, but this also left an extremely deep impression in her heart.

And that self-confidence, as if in control of everything, is the most fascinating.

If she really wants to choose a boy to marry, then she might as well choose Water Night compared to those wastes who only promise in front of her!

Dare to say that she is a dead face, and she doesn't even have the desire to lower her mouth.

Her Shinomiya Kaguya is very vindictive.

"Didn't I expect my baby daughter to have so much confidence in him? Then I'll wait and see, this is something that our fourth palace family can't do. "

"That bastard in Shui Ye seems to have already started to act, my lord, I will leave first."


At the moment when Lu Shenggong Taihe walked out of the Sigong Building, he suddenly felt dizzy, and a pair of pink eyes seemed to appear in his vision, exuding a charming light.

But this feeling came and went quickly, Lu Sheng Gong Taihe only felt that his eyes were flickering, and everything in front of him returned to normal, as if the eyes he saw just now were just hallucinations.

"Are you too tired from work these days? Even hallucinations appeared, and it seems that it is necessary to rest for a while after this incident. "

Lu Sheng Gong Taihe pinched his eyebrows, turned his head and forgot about this matter, and got into a high-end version of the bulletproof car surrounded by bodyguards.

"Ye'er, it's already done, I gave him two spiritual hints, namely not going home tonight and believing what the guards will say."

Duo'er's figure suddenly appeared in the back seat, indicating that the task had been completed.

"Well, hard work on you, Duo'er, I didn't expect it to be done so easily."

Shui Ye raised his left wrist and looked at the time, ten o'clock has not yet arrived, and there are still a few hours to pass it!

"Hypnotizing an ordinary person is really simple."

"Or let's go to Akihabara to play, it's my first time in Sakura Country, how can I not go to a holy place like Akihabara for otaku without going to see it."

"It just so happens that I also want to see that there are no new maid outfits in Akiba, and I always feel that the maid outfits at home are too old."

Rita raised her hand in agreement, while deliberately winking at Duo'er in the back seat, asking you to punish me just now.

Damn it! This Rita is really angry with her, bullying her now can only be incognito by Ye'er's side?

"Duo'er, you can only work hard to continue to be invisible."

"It's okay, Night, I don't mind."

Although Duo'er was half angry in her heart, she said with a soft face.

"Rita, go, Akihabara."

"Yes, young master."

Half an hour later, Koryta finally arrived in Akihabara, found a paid underground parking lot, and parked the car inside.

When Shui Ye saw the sign of the parking lot, he couldn't help but sigh:

"The Sigong family is really rich, I didn't expect to see their logo everywhere."

"Young Master, the four-palace chaebol is a well-deserved number one chaebol in the cherry blossom country, it can be called a rich and rival country, and the four-palace family is a famous family in the whole world."

"What is even more exciting is that the Sinomiya family has always had few heirs, and the lineage of this generation of the Shinomiya family is only the current head of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Yanan and his biological daughter Shinomiya Kaguya, which is the most crazy."

"Compared with those royal princesses, becoming the son-in-law of the Four Palace Family is undoubtedly more attractive, which means that they will have the opportunity to take charge of the behemoth of the Four Palace Chaebol in the future."

"How is it, young master, do you have a heart?"

Rita noticed the familiar figure quietly following behind her, and the corner of her mouth suddenly slowly hooked a wicked smile, and asked with a smile.

"Rita, I don't have any ideas about the four-house chaebol, managing such a big chaebol, I don't know how many brain cells will die every day!"

Shui Ye complained that he had been raised by Rita as a waste since he was a child, and let him manage such a big chaebol, it was better to kill him!

"I'm just a simple body of Kaguya."

"Shui Ye, can you please repeat what you just said, okay? I don't hear it very clearly! "

Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly came out of the darkness and asked with a smile (killing intent).

Men are really duplicitous animals, she said, she looks so cute, although her chest is flat, how can anyone hate her.

Sure enough, it was the big colored wolf of Shui Ye who wanted to catch the trouble, but she really fell into such a simple trap as Water Night.

This made Shinomiya Kaguya, who had always prided herself on being a genius, want to kill, and she was actually teased by a low-level agitation method.

"Rita, you're plaguing me again!"

"Young Master, where did I pit you again, I'm clearly sending you an assist."

"Miss Sigong, you see that my young master has confessed to you, don't you think about it?"

Seeing this scene, the black-bellied maid lady smiled extremely happily, waved her hand towards Shinomiya Kaguya, and invited.

"Is that a confession? He, he is clearly hungry for my body. "

A seductive blush flashed on Shinomiya Kaguya's face, and he stammered.

As soon as she said this, the anger in her heart surged up, this bastard really dared to say anything!

No man had ever dared to say such rude words in front of her, but Kaguya, who was extremely conservative in her heart, felt a different kind of stimulation slowly taking root in her heart.

"Does it make a difference? Anyway, you can get on the bus first and make up the ticket later! "

"This, how can this be, isn't it only possible to do intimate things if you are married?"

Shinomiya Kaguya saw Rita slowly approaching her, and felt her face blush, how could this astringent maid say such words!

Seeing this scene, Shui Ye suddenly had a sense of d??j?? vu of the big bad wolf bullying the little sheep!

Sure enough, the pure eldest lady is destined to be bullied by the astringent maid with a black belly.

Suddenly, Rita accelerated around Kaguya's back, and then suddenly pushed hard, and Kaguya stumbled into Mizuya's arms.

"Young Master, Miss Sigong, don't thank me!"

"Let go of me, you bastard!"

Shinomiya Kaguya felt that she was suddenly held by a fiery body, and this temperature seemed to be transmitted to her body along the place where the two touched, causing her body temperature to slowly rise.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who has never been in contact with strange boys since he was a child, feels as if he is about to be melted by this heat, it is really hot!

Even her heart, which was beating very slowly, began to beat faster, as if it was about to jump out of her throat.

(PS: I also wrote it myself, I wrote it to the daily life, sorry, guys, I have water again, so I decided, the next book opens a comprehensive daily life, crazy water injection)

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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