"Under the righteous girl Xue, the second middle disease is also a disease, as long as it is a disease, it must be cured, not to mention that Xue Nai you are already in the middle two disease period."

"Water night, you, you, you're too much."

Xue Nai, who thought about the poisonous tongue, didn't know what to say this time, and after thinking for a long time, he could only hold out such a sentence, and he wanted to kill.

"Ordinary people who try to change the world will not end well."

"Whether it is the explicit rules on the surface or the unspoken rules in the secret, they have gradually formed over an incomparably long period of time, and you actually want to change the rules that have been circulating in this world since ancient times, which is actually not much different from you want to rule the world."

"It's just that it's a little more difficult to rule the world than to change it."

Shui Ye spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Xueno, you feel that there is something wrong with this world, and you feel that the power that our big families have is too great and can decide the life and death of a person at will, but this is the most basic rule of the world."

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest, even elves whose wisdom is not inferior to our human beings, do not feed on other elves."

"What do you think we humans have more than elves?"

"That's right, it is civilization, and it is precisely under the birth of modern civilization that nobles and commoners can stand together on this planet and breathe the air of freedom."

"But this does not mean that the exploitation of commoners by the aristocracy has stopped, but compared with the undisguised barbarism of ancient times, modern times have been replaced by the oppression of ordinary employees by capitalists, which is undoubtedly more hidden and difficult to detect."

"The rules of this world have never changed since the word class appeared."

"Yukino, don't forget that you yourself are from a family, do you want to betray your own class?"

"Are you willing to give up all your current good life and become one of those ordinary civilians who have been desperately crossing classes all their lives?"

"You want your offspring to be exploited like the 99.9%."

"Don't say it, don't say it anymore, I beg you not to say it again..."

Yukino suddenly hugged her head, slowly squatted on the ground, and shouted with a broken heart.

When the women saw this scene, their faces suddenly changed when they looked at Shui Ye, they had seen a strong mouth, but they had never seen such a powerful mouth.

The most frightening thing is that they still feel that every sentence of Water Night is very reasonable.

"Yukino, your intentions are good, but not everyone needs help, and some lucky ones may have obtained a powerful pokemon in one adventure in the wild, so that he can immediately cross his own level."

"If the hierarchy of this world really remained the same, like a flowing backwater, then the world would have fallen into a state of war."

"But on the contrary, the world has been stable since ancient times, because civilians know that if they become strong trainers, they can immediately become human beings, which is an inspiration for ordinary people."

"Xiao So, Kaguya, you two have the most to say here, what do you think I said?"

"Makes sense, at least I can't say it's good."

"If you want to change the world, you must have overwhelming absolute force, otherwise it will only be empty talk."

Shinomiya Kaguya said calmly.


At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting the conversation between the women.

"Master of the Guards, I didn't expect your speed to be so fast, it really made me a little unexpected."

"Haha! Shui Shao is polite, of course, the sooner the better, a small gift, not a respect, I hope Miss Mizuhara does not take it to heart. "

The guard also took out a space bracelet and reached out and handed it to the dome.

Seeing this, Qiong was a little overwhelmed, and subconsciously looked at his brother with an inquiring gaze.

"Dome, since it is the gift given to you by the head of the guards, then you will accept it."

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the system reward]

It turns out that the golden legend quality elf egg is in the reparation that the guards will also give to the dome? That is to say, if there is no systematic intervention, the quality of the elf egg at this moment is likely not a golden legend.

"Less water, then I will leave in the next step."

The guards also turned away after apologizing.

"Water night, is there anything important in this space bracelet? Is it actually worth the guards to personally send this old fox to the door? "

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be a letter with a time and an address on it."

"Brother, there really is a letter!"

As soon as Qiong opened the space bracelet, she saw a letter placed in the most conspicuous place, and immediately looked at Shui Ye with admiration, her brother was really powerful!

"The head of the guards asked you?"

"Hey, hey! Xiao Xiang, you'll know in two days. "

"Forget it, I don't ask, you yourself must pay attention to safety, the guards will not be a good person to deal with."

"Who said that I have to deal with the guards, this time I am looking for the guards generals for cooperation."

"Young Master, lunch is ready, are you hungry?"

Suddenly, Rita opened the kitchen door and asked.

"Rita, I'm so hungry, get ready to eat, I'll help you serve the dishes."

A trace of guilt flashed in Shui Ye's heart, he had been saying things here for so long, and it was really a little embarrassing to let Rita work alone in the kitchen.


After enjoying a perfect Japanese Chinese meal, Mizuya sent Koso and Kaguya back to Shuchiin Gakuen, and Yuki and Yui returned home with complicated looks before returning to Dome's home.

Only then did he have time to open the letter that the Guards would also hide in the space bracelet.

The letter was very simple, as expected by Shui Ye, with only one time and one place on it, and a membership card attached.

It's seven o'clock today, and it's a clubhouse in downtown Chiba, an area full of bars, clubs, and clubs that come very lively at nightfall.

"Dome, you can take this space bracelet yourself, there are still a lot of resources in it, that elf egg should be a Katy dog when it hatches, you must cultivate it well."

"If you lack any resources, tell your brother, there are still many more here, you don't have to worry."

Shui Ye touched the silky silver long hair of the dome and said gently.

"Brother, I see."

Dome snuggled into Shui Ye's arms like a little cat, and said obediently.

(PS: I can't hold on, I go to bed after writing, ask for a subscription, and I will practice tomorrow)_

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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