Shui Ye couldn't help but shake his head, usually he didn't even have the desire to do it when he encountered this kind of goods, it was too unbearable.

"Machado, hypnotize them."

When Mashado heard this, he suddenly blew a soft breath, and the two men instantly fell down and fell asleep.

"Aunt Suwon, are you satisfied with this?"

"Hmm! That's fine, thank you, little night. "

Although a look of unbearability flashed on Mizuhara's face, she nodded in agreement.

"OK, Miss Kaguya, it's up to you next."

"I know, I'll have someone come and arrange it right away."

Shinomiya Kaguya walked to the side, took out his mobile phone and started calling.

"Little brother."

Only then did Mizuhara Sakurako have the opportunity to look at her youngest brother kneeling on the ground, and was about to say something with a complicated face, when she was interrupted by Mizuya.

"Aunt Suwon, just leave this matter to me, and I promise to satisfy you and Xiaoqiong."

"Okay, Xiao Ye, then it will trouble you."

"Hey! I see that you still have at least a trace of conscience in your heart, unlike those two guys over there, they can no longer be regarded as people, and to say that they are beasts is to lift them up. "

"I'll tell you my method next, I will help you pay back the money you owe in Sakura Country first, but this can only be regarded as what I lent you, it is to be exchanged, and then you will return to the Xia Federation with us, find a proper job, and continue the Suwon family"

"The Xia Federation is my territory, if I find that you still dare to gamble, I will cut off your hands, anyway, now that medical technology is so developed, as long as the arm is cut off, it can still be picked up in time."

For this kind of rotten gambler, Shui Ye has seen a lot, and after all, he still has to be ruthless to make them sober up.

After all, there are several large families in the Xia Federation that specialize in this kind of business, and every year I don't know how many people lose their families and their wives and are separated.

But these have nothing to do with Shui Ye, everyone's path is their own choice, he can only guarantee that he does not earn this kind of black money.

"Thank you, Xiao Ye, it's really bothering you."

After seeing Mizuya's approach, Sakurako Mizuhara suddenly stood up and bowed deeply towards Mizuya.

Although Mizuhara Sakurako just said that she has nothing to do with the Suhara family, she also does not want the Mizuhara family that her father worked hard to create disappear, and if she can pull his little brother back to continue the Suwon family, she can feel less guilt in her heart.

After all, she was pregnant before she was married, so angry that her father's already bad body was even weaker.

"Aunt Suwon, you're welcome, we are originally a family, and besides, this is just a show of hands."

"Hey! I've already called people, how are you going to thank me? "

Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly asked out loud.

"Human favor, count me owe you a favor, you will trouble me in the future, is Miss Kaguya satisfied now?"

At this time, Mizuya also discovered that Kaguya knew when there was an extra girl dressed as a maid, and she was standing respectfully behind Shinomiya Kaguya.

"Well, that's what you said.

Shinomiya Kaguya's face showed a look of satisfaction, and then said to the girl beside him:

"Love, trouble you, send these two guys to Africa to dig mines for a lifetime, remember, it's a lifetime."


Ai Hazaka immediately took out her mobile phone and called a pair of expressionless, robot-like black-clothed men to come in, quickly packed the two people into a special breathable sack, and carefully carried them out in a team of two.

Looking at this skillful action, you can see that it is not the first time to do this kind of work.

"Miss Kaguya, aren't you going to come home with me for dinner?"

"Love, I'm having lunch here today, you go back first, you won't be used to pick me up later, I'll go to school with Sou."

"Yes, then I will take my leave first."

Ai Hayasaka only found out at this time that the first heir to the royal family, Jingu So, was also here, and immediately let go of her heart, since Her Royal Highness the princess is also here, then she doesn't have to worry too much about the safety of the eldest miss.

Is that the end of the matter?

Whether it was Dome, or Yukino and Yui, they were a little dazed, and a trace of incredulity flashed in their hearts.

In this short period of time, they witnessed two people being taken away to Africa to mine, and they also saw for the first time how powerful the top families of the Sakura Country really are.

It is undoubtedly unacceptable to them that they can easily decide the life and death of a person.

Yukino now finally understands why her mother is so desperate to develop the family power, but this is definitely an unparalleled blow to the righteous Yukino.

It turns out that the justice she has always insisted on is a joke, and even she herself is in the privileged class.

It is ironic that justice is nothing more than a plaything in the hands of these people!

A miserable smile appeared on Yukino's face, feeling that life suddenly lost all meaning, since the justice she had always insisted on was nothing more than a flower in the mirror, then what was the meaning of her life?

"Yukino, do you think that the justice you have always upheld is a joke?"

Shui Ye suddenly asked.

"How do you know?"

A trace of panic appeared in Xue Nai's heart, could it be that he could still read minds at night?

"Combined with your previous performance in Zongwu High and your current expression, you can almost know what kind of person you are, the kind of righteous girl who can't tolerate sand in her eyes, right?"

"I heard that you also founded a club in the General Wu Gao, it's called the Ministry of Service, right? It's really astringent to listen to the name. "

"My club is to help others, don't think crookedly."

"It's better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish, you feel that there is something wrong with the world, and you hope to change the world by changing everyone you have helped, and then use this to change the world."

Yukino was really frightened this time, why was Shui Ye like a roundworm in her stomach, and her mental thoughts were all said by Shui Ye.

Everyone else looked at Yukino with surprised eyes, but they didn't expect that Xueno would have such lofty ideals, and wanted to change the world.

"In fact, this is a problem that everyone has in adolescence, commonly known as the second middle school disease, but snow is a little more serious for you."


Shui Ye was caught off guard by a divine twist that made everyone accidentally spew out, and how good they turned to the second middle school disease, and they found that they really couldn't keep up with Shui Ye's brain circuits.

But if you think about it, it's really quite similar, after all, from ancient times to the present, few people dare to establish such lofty ideals, and it makes a little sense to say that it is the second disease.

It's like immersed in the world they have imagined, and the second illness will eventually understand that everything they fantasize about is a dream and will never become a reality. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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