"Three, then we will leave, after all, we have been out for a day,"

Duo'er saw the outside world through the fog shrouded in the cave, and it was already dark at this time, but they didn't expect that they had stayed in the secret space for most of the day.

"Wang, you must come back often when you have time!"

The hippopotamus king heard that Duo'er was about to leave, and tears couldn't stop flowing.

"I know, although this place is far from the Xia Federation, I can teleport directly to it now."

Duo'er said with a relaxed face.

"Duo'er, are you saying that you can teleport directly to the house now?"

Leng Yan stammered and asked.

"I haven't tried it, but it shouldn't be difficult."

Other people couldn't help but show envious expressions when they heard this, this ability is probably too convenient!

Compared with other divine beasts, the teleportation of super-powered divine beasts is too inexplicable, just like a bug.

"You pull your hands together, there are too many people, you have to hold your hands to move, remember not to let go halfway."

Duo'er said and stretched out her slender little hand and firmly grasped Rita and Shui Ye.

The others also learned the same, Leng Yan pulled the water night, and the others grabbed each other's hands one after another from Leng Yan, and their faces couldn't help but show a hint of nervousness.

"Wang, you must remember to come back often!"

"King Hippo, I see."

After seeing everyone pulling it, Duo'er's super power suddenly burst out, wrapped the group, and the light flashed, and disappeared in place in an instant.

In the backyard of the Water Night Villa, the light flashed, and the group reappeared, if anyone else saw this scene, they would definitely think that they had seen a ghost.

"Finally back, Rita, I'm so hungry."

Seeing the starry summer night scene of this month, Shui Ye found that he had not eaten for most of the day.

"Young Master, I'll go prepare the dinner right away."

"How about we order takeout?"

Seeing this large group of people, Shui Ye is going to close himself, what does it mean to run to his house one by one to eat and drink?

When Shui Ye entered the door and saw this scene in front of him, he felt that his mentality exploded even more.

Two big and one small three guys actually ordered a luxurious meal, and they were eating a mouth full of oil!

"Shui Ye, you're back? How about eating a little? "

Ai Li heard the movement of opening the door, turned her head and saw a fleshy water night, lowered her head and looked at the big duck leg she was holding in her left hand, and the big lobster she was holding in her right hand, blinking her blood-red eyes, and asked with a smile.

"You three guys, I thought that when I came back, I would make you look sad and unable to eat, but you ended up eating a big meal secretly here, and you ate quite happily."

As soon as Shui Ye said this, he was angry, and in the morning, they were all teary and hazy and reluctant to let him go, and as a result, they left him behind in the evening.

"Uncle, we are turning our grief and anger into appetite, in fact, we did not eat at noon."

Yiyi blinked her big cute eyes, and said innocently with a small face.

"Do you think your uncle is so easy to deceive?"

After Shui Ye approached, he knocked Yiyi's little head, and this little girl lied, and she really didn't blink her eyes.

"The three of you can't cook, Eli, you and Yiyi like to stay at home and play games, there is no other way but to order takeaway, I just need to check the monitoring records of the villa to know if you ordered takeaway at noon."

"Uncle, I know it's wrong, in fact, we only ate a little at noon."

Yiyi made a gesture indicating that they really only ate a little.

"Huh! Without me and Dorita at home, you two guys must be playing crazy today. "

Shui Ye pinched Allie's bulging face and said angrily.

"Mom, you guys also come in for dinner, there is ready-made food here."

"Xiao Ye, aren't you going to introduce me to who they are?"

Leng Yan in the moment of entering the door, the line of sight fell on Alice Phil, who was eating a lot, not to mention that her figure exploded more than her, the most important thing is that she is younger than her, and a face is also more beautiful than her, if the temperament is a little more mature, it is a proper wife and royal sister.

"This is Alice Phil, you can just call her Allie, like Dorita, she is my woman, this little guy is Sister Tsing Yi's niece, now playing at my house, and the knight lady over there is called Liz Bate, who is Allie's personal guard."

"She is my old mother who has big nerves and stupidly fell into other people's traps, these four are my mother's teammates, they are Xiye, Ran Xiaoyu, Sun Xi and Li Xiaoyue."

"Just call mom, what do you mean by adding a bunch of adjectives in front of you?"

"Can't I even tell the truth?"

"Xiao Ye, you bully your mother again."

Leng Yan saw that she couldn't say anything about the water night, so she wanted to use her stunt again, tears in her eyes.

"Old aunt, don't be sad, I invite you to eat chicken drumsticks."

Allie ripped a large chicken leg from a roast chicken and sent it to Leng Yan, and said in a slurred voice.

Leng Yan heard that the green tendons were straight, and a bunch of tic-tac-toe suddenly appeared in the brain, just call the aunt, you have to add an old word in front, what does this mean, mock her is very old?

"Miss Allie, what do you mean by this, am I very old?"

"Eh! So I called it wrong? Auntie, don't misunderstand, Shui Ye didn't call you mother, I followed that. "

Alice Phil's big blood-red eyes revealed a dazed look, and said innocently.

The corners of Leng Yan's mouth twitched slightly when she heard this, why did she feel a breath of the same kind, this girl's eyes and expression did not seem to be fake, but why did she feel that something was wrong?

Are there really such people in the world?

By the way, Leng Yan suddenly reacted, isn't this the expression when she is usually stupid and stunned? It's just that this girl's rank seems to be much higher than her, and her expression in every move is so natural that even she was almost deceived.

She was always the only one teasing others, but I didn't expect to be teased by others today.

Little girl, don't you want to play? Then I'll have a good time with you.

Leng Yan said with a sneer in his heart.

(PS: I'm really tired!) And one more, I fight, envy those tentacle monsters)_

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