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"Mom, I'm not talking to you anymore."

Shui Ye rolled his eyes, sat cross-legged on the grass, and said positively:

"The matter about that stone slab should have been said a long time ago, the name of that stone slab is called the super power slate, which corresponds to the super power elf, and there are a total of eighteen such stone slabs in the whole world, corresponding to the eighteen series of elves."

"Their main role is to help quasi-divine beasts break through the barrier of divine beasts."

"As for why it is called the Genesis Slate? This involves a very old legend. "

"The source of all elves in legend comes from a phantom elf, named Arceus, who holds the power of creation, and it is he who created life such as elves on a planet where only humans are, and these eighteen stone slabs are split from Arceus's body, as the creation god, Arceus has all the attributes and is the god of all elves."

"Well, there are so many legends and sources about the slate, sister Sunset, quickly tell me the location of the slate you once saw."

Shui Ye clapped his hands and said with a relaxed face.

"In my family's collection room, when are you free Brother Shui Ye, I will take you there, how about it?"

Xi Ye's eyes flashed with a trace of caution, and he asked pretending to be calm.

But the suddenly accelerated heartbeat still made Shui Ye notice that something was wrong, but Shui Ye didn't think to expose her, he wanted to see what Xiye wanted to do, and directly agreed.

"No problem, since there is specific news, then I am not in a hurry, anyway, the slate will not run on its own with long legs."

"Xiao Ye, weren't you really talking about some mythical story just now?"

"That's right, I've read all the ancient records about legendary elves, and I haven't found any records of Arceus you mentioned."

Even Sun Xi, a schoolboy girl, felt that this kind of thing was simply too fanciful, and the fact that all elves were actually created by a pokemon was too ridiculous!

Others also think that Shui Ye is not making up a story casually to fool them, even the Creation God has come out, it's too nonsense!

"It is said that Arceus is the creation god."

Shui Ye originally wanted to say something, but seeing the skeptical looks of the women, he didn't bother to talk nonsense.

The most ridiculous thing in this world is that you are telling them the truth, but they think you are joking.

"Okay, we are ready to leave this secret space now, after going out, you can inquire about the news about the stone slab, I will give you a reward, talent secret treasure, inheritance beads, power stones, etc., I can give it to you."

"Then if I have a Genesis Slab now, what can you trade with Brother Shui Ye?"

Sun Xi asked with a rational look.

"Law fragment, with its champion-level elves, it should be much easier to break through the quasi-divine beast, what do you think?"

"Very reasonable pay, I now kind of believe in the story you just told Brother Shui Ye."

"It's true, you can't believe me."

"At least the kind of stone slab you said can help the elf break through the divine beast, I don't see it at all, Miss Duo'er clearly relies on her own strength to break through."

"By the way, or I'll let Duo'er plant another spirit mark, so that you don't have to stay in my house."

Shui Ye suddenly thought that since Duo'er could make them unable to say about the Genesis Slab, it could also make them shut their mouths about what they had seen in this secret space today.

"Xiao Ye, don't you welcome your mother home?"

Leng Yan burst into tears in a blink of an eye, tears in the corners of his eyes, and asked with a sad face.

"Mom, if you understand."


Leng Yan cried out with a snort, surged out, turned around and chose a big tree, ready to hit it, and kept crying in his mouth:

"Xiao Ye doesn't want me, then it's brittle to die."

"Mom, I'm joking, it's okay if you want to live in my house for as long as you want."

One cry, two troubles and three hangings, his own drama essence mother can be described as the essence, Shui Ye wondered if his mother made a lot of trouble at home when she was a child, so my grandparents couldn't stand it and married her off early.


Leng Yan wiped the tears on his face and asked uncertainly.


"It just so happens that I am also planning to divorce your father, and then the second half of my mother's life will be handed over to you to raise."

"Mom, are you going to stay with me all the time?"

A trace of despair appeared in Shui Ye's heart, and he asked with a dumbfounded face.

"Of course, my mother is already homeless and can only come to you."

Leng Yan said that he was as miserable as he was, which made Shui Ye's mentality explode again.

When I think of a stupid dramatist Ai Li at home, these two people get together and always feel that their lives will change drastically in the future, and my peaceful life that will never return!

"I know, you can live as long as you want, but now there are a bit more people in the family, I hope you can be mentally prepared by then."

What does this mean, isn't there only Xiao Ye, Duoer and Rita in the family?

A question mark in capital letters appeared on Leng Yan's face.

"Duo'er, can you control this secret space now?"

"No problem."

Duo'er stretched out her hand, and a door of light appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the spatial passage to the outside world, let's go out."

It's that simple? The women's heads were a little confused, and they found that they still seemed to be a little underestimated the divine beast, casually building a spatial passage, how much power was required, it was simply unimaginable.

Among them, Sun Xi, a schoolboy, has a deep understanding that if she wants to maintain the stability of the spatial passages of the five planes of the Xia Federation, the energy she needs to consume every day is an astronomical amount.

With apprehension, the group walked into the spatial passage.

After a whirlwind, when they regained consciousness again, they found themselves finally back in the world they knew.

On the top of the mountain, the three quasi-divine beasts that were waiting hard instantly knelt on the ground and shouted loudly after feeling the terrifying aura that flashed away on Duo'er's body:

"The subordinates have seen the king!"

Among them, the hippo king's cloudy eyes instantly burst into tears, crying extremely sadly.

"Shanai? Don't be like this, get up quickly." "

The first time Duo'er encountered this formation, she was obviously a little panicked.

Compared to humans, the world of elves is more of the law of the jungle, and it is natural for the weak to obey the strong in a race.

But Duo'er has lived in the human world since birth, and is deeply affected by the kindness of Shui Ye, and is not used to this set at all.

"Hey! The three of you, Duo'er's mind is closer to humans, don't eat elves, can we communicate normally in the future? Human beings are no longer interested in bowing down that way, and it is enough to put respect in their hearts. "

"King! It was us who were abrupt. "

King Hippo quickly stood up and said with a sincere look of trepidation.

"Ye'er is right, now I will first re-inject the fog of the Misty Mountain Range into its power."

Duo'er's body slowly floated in the air, the vertical eyes of the eyebrows suddenly lit up, the silver light flowed, and the superpower carried the power of the law and rushed to the cave at the top of the mountain, and then burst out, sweeping the entire Misty Mountain Range, re-injecting the power of the superpower law into the fog that shrouded the Misty Mountain Range.

"The Misty Mountains are back!"

"Now we can rest assured."

"What a blessing to the world."

The three quasi-divine beasts showed happy smiles like children.

After doing all this, Duo'er's figure flashed back to the top of the mountain, stretched out his hand again, and an illusory light door appeared, and as Duo'er continued to inject power, the light gate became more and more solid, and in the end, it became no different from a normal door.

There is also a series of dense runes engraved on it, the kind that will make you dizzy at a glance.

"This is a permanent space door to that secret space, there are many tree fruits suitable for super elves, you remember to take care of this secret space, there are a variety of precious fruit trees and plants to enter it, I also used the super law to stabilize it in the secret space, and I will not open the temporary space channel casually in the future."

"Yes, Wang, we know."

"Are there young elves here who want to leave for the outside world? It just so happens that none of my friends have super-powered pokemon, can they come over and choose a trainer? "

"Wang, this is just a small matter, it just so happens that we also have a headache for those restless little guys, and if it is an acquaintance, we can also feel a lot more relieved."

In this way, Leng Yan and the four women both chose a super power elf that is quite rare in the outside world, after all, teleportation is too dazzling, and it is simply the only choice to escape. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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