Start With a Fake University

Chapter 822: urgent! Emergencies!

Remember [New] for a second,! "Hello, Principal Ding, I have long heard that Principal Ding is young and successful, but I didn't expect to be so young."

After Zhao Dejiang got off the car, he walked towards Ding Yue.

At a glance, he could see that the handsome young man in front of him was the legendary Principal Ding.

"Hello Mr. Zhao."

Ding Yue also reached out his hand enthusiastically, shook hands with Mr. Zhao Dejiang, and said hello: "Mr. Zhao, let's chat while walking?"

"Okay, I've wanted to visit your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for a long time. I just took this opportunity to have a good stroll."

Zhao Dejiang nodded.

In the past few years, the popularity of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can be said to be quite high, and its status in domestic colleges and universities has also risen. Now the general key universities dare not touch Ciwucheng University of Arts and Sciences. After all, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences may be Stronger than them all.

"Well, I'll take you Mr. Zhao to visit our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Maybe you will work in our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in the future."

Ding Yue said with a smile.

Ding Yue is very happy to take people to visit his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. After all, he can show the spirit of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to outsiders.

With that said, Ding Yue took someone and accompanied Mr. Zhao Dejiang into the campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

When he first arrived at this campus, Zhao Dejiang felt a different atmosphere.

In the past, many colleges and universities invited Zhao Dejiang to be the coach of the football team. Compared with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, those colleges always felt that there was something missing.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences seems to have a very good sense of atmosphere invisibly. When people are here, they can't help but taste the fragrance of books. I don't know why?

Of course, Zhao Dejiang is not a student. He is in his fifties. He doesn't have to think about it. He just wants to see how Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has cultivated that group of young and outstanding football players.

And I want to know about President Ding's grand plans and see if it matches his ideal expectations for domestic football.

If it is in line, then Zhao Dejiang will spare no effort to participate, contribute his own strength, and do what he should do for the domestic football environment. If he can see the national football team enter the World Cup again in his lifetime, Zhao Dejiang will Even Dejiang has fulfilled his wish in this life.

That's right, Zhao Dejiang's only and greatest wish for the rest of his life is to see the domestic football environment improve, and then the national football team will exert its strength and rush to the World Cup again in one go.

As for the previous online saying that Feiyue Football Club is aiming for the World Cup, Zhao Dejiang can only support it on a spiritual level. In reality, it is basically impossible to think about.

After all, there are so many powerful teams in the world, such as Argentine, Deutsche Tanke, France, Two Teeth, and Baxi. The strength of these teams is not something that ordinary people can challenge. .

Of course, from an ideal level, Zhao Dejiang naturally hopes that his domestic national football team can sweep away these powerful teams such as Argento, German tanks, and Baxi!

If there is such a day, it will be a life without regrets, and life will be complete!

"Mr. Zhao, what do you think of the game between our Feiyue Football Club and Shuangjiang Football Team a while ago?"

Ding Yue first chatted with Mr. Zhao Dejiang about his Feiyue football team.

After all, Mr. Zhao Dejiang was also a professional player of the national football team before, and he can definitely see some signs of a game like Feiyue Football Team and Shuangjiang Football Team.

"I watched the live broadcast of that game. To be honest, the young players of your Feiyue Football Team played very well and played with the real spirit of football. Just keep this spirit and I believe that you can definitely get it. better grades."

Zhao Dejiang expressed his views on that game.

It is indeed difficult to pick out the fault of the Feiyue football team, because the group of young players performed really well, I believe that with time, there must be a bright future!

"I also look forward to them being able to play better results in the future. This group of young players is indeed rare, but they will eventually leave the field one day. If our domestic football wants to rise, we must need more football. Lovers, and teenagers with football dreams coming and going."

As Ding Yue talked, he brought the topic to the point.

What is the purpose of inviting Mr. Zhao Dejiang over this time? Isn't it just to talk about the youth training system and the football league. This is the cornerstone of domestic football. It must be rebuilt and built again. The current youth training system and domestic football league are basically difficult to cultivate. Those who produce excellent football players, even the domestic football infrastructure and equipment construction are relatively complete, but football does not have a good future. Those teenagers, including teenagers' parents, who are willing to send their children to How about playing football?

"Yes, it takes many successors, one after another, for the football business to prosper and prosper. Looking at the domestic and foreign countries, the number of football registrations in our country is very small, and it is difficult for us to select from the thousands of teenagers who play football who can play the role. Starting a domestic football player, this is a matter of looking for a needle in a haystack, but the problem is that even the future of these thousands of teenagers who play football cannot be guaranteed, so how can more teenagers join football? Coming in the ranks?"

Zhao Dejiang said the current domestic situation in one sentence.

Today, the number of football registrations in overseas countries is hundreds of thousands, and there are tens of thousands. In contrast, the number of football players registered in China is only a few thousand. Among these thousands, the level is high or low. And domestic football clubs can only choose among these thousands of people.

People select excellent football players from hundreds of thousands of people. If you select from thousands of people, there is a big gap in the strength of the final selected players, not to mention the composition. After the national team's strength gap.

This is another reason why domestic football is so bad - the environment.

Why is domestic football so bad? Isn't it caused by the personal attitude of the players and the poor domestic football environment?

In order to improve this problem, we must have great courage to change the current situation of domestic football. We must not let domestic football players live too comfortably. We must stimulate their fighting spirit and cultivate subsequent excellent football. Athletes, only in this way can a steady stream of fresh blood be replenished, so that the development of domestic football can become better and more prosperous.

"Mr. Zhao, you're right, so we want to build a good football environment, so that more young people can enter the field of football boldly and worry-free to experience the charm of football, so as to cultivate More football registered players."

Ding Yue nodded, agreeing with what Mr. Zhao Dejiang said.

"However, Principal Ding, in this way, a lot of football guarantees are needed. Even the domestic football associations cannot provide these football guarantees. This is why young people in China play football less. People are busy with their own interests and intrigue, who really cares about the development and fate of football in China?"

When Zhao Dejiang said this, he couldn't help lowering his head and sighed.

This is also the pain in Zhao Dejiang's heart.

Originally, in the development of domestic football, the Football Association should contribute a lot, but the current Football Association is really indescribable. In addition to those domestic football clubs, all of them are mercenary, only commercial football in their eyes, the team's All kinds of endorsements are everywhere, but the result is really bad.

Such a football association, coupled with such a football club, it is really rotten and rotten. In such a situation, it is completely impossible to expect the rise of domestic football from those gangsters. Yes, but in fact, that group of people caused the national football team to lose to Yuehou and Amen, and they lost all face and shame.

This is why domestic football fans are so disappointed.

"Yeah, who can really think about the healthy development of domestic football, Mr. Zhao Dejiang, I believe you should be such a person."

As Ding Yue said that, he smiled and looked at Zhao Dejiang.


Zhao Dejiang said with self-doubt, "I'm afraid I don't have that ability."

"Only relying on the ability of one person is naturally not enough, but Mr. Zhao, I think you should understand a truth. Unity is strength. I believe that you are such a person, and I also believe that I am such a person."

Ding Yue said with a calm smile.


Zhao Dejiang raised his head, glanced at the young man in front of him, and then asked from the bottom of his heart: "Principal Ding, allow me to say something ugly, don't you want to use football as a tool for your Feiyue Group to make money?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Ding Yue suddenly laughed and said, "There are so many ways to make money, why do you rely on football? What do we rely on to make money from Feiyue Group, Mr. Zhao, you should know?"


Zhao Dejiang nodded.

Anyone from Xia know this point. Feiyue Group has done quite well in the field of technology and business, such as medical and health robots, new energy vehicles, graphene batteries and so on. These technologies have changed people's lives and actively promoted the development of human society.

"That's right, so I don't need to use football to make money at all. This is a sport. I hope that our country of more than one billion people can have a place in this world's largest sport, even the strongest. of."

When Ding Yue said this, he couldn't help but feel a little impassioned in his heart.

"If Principal Ding really has such ambitions, it would be great."

Although Zhao Dejiang said so, he was still not 100% sure that he would join the Feiyue Group.

"I just want young people who love football to really chase their dreams."

Ding Yue said calmly.

"That requires a lot of money as support, are you willing, Principal Ding?"

Zhao Dejiang asked.

"Why not? If you can use money to create a good domestic football environment and industry, then there is no problem at all." Ding Yue said confidently.

Seeing the sincerity of Principal Ding, to be honest, Zhao Dejiang was moved.

However, just when Zhao Dejiang was about to talk about the establishment of the youth training system and the Feiyue Cup football league, a young girl suddenly came to Principal Ding.

This young girl was Wen Ruohan, Ding Yue's personal secretary, and she seemed worried.

"Principal Ding."

After Wen Ruohan came forward, he shouted directly.

"What's wrong, classmate Xiaowen?"

Ding Yue also saw the worried look on the secretary Wen Ruohan's face, thought it was her or something happened at her family, and asked with concern.

"Principal Ding, Wucheng Central Hospital called just now."

Secretary Wen Ruohan said immediately.

"Wucheng Central Hospital? Is that Director Jiang Zhongbai?"

As soon as he heard the Wucheng Central Hospital, Ding Yue immediately thought of President Jiang Zhongbai.

"Yes, President Jiang said that a student of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and a player of Feiyue Football Club, was sent to the central hospital with burns and is currently in the intensive care unit!"

Wen Ruohan said immediately.


When Ding Yue heard this, his face suddenly changed.

They are students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and they are also players of Feiyue Football Club. You must know that they just won the game some time ago, and now they are preparing for the Xia Super League.


What is the reason?

Ding Yue's mind suddenly became a little confused, but soon, Ding Yue calmed himself down, this matter must be dealt with properly.

"Mr. Zhao, there is an emergency. A student of our Feiyue Football Club is currently at the Central Hospital. I have to go there quickly."

Ding Yue immediately said to Mr. Zhao Dejiang beside him. UU Reading

Originally, I would like to accompany Mr. Zhao Dejiang to visit his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences today, and have a good chat about the establishment of the football youth training system and the Feiyue Cup football league, but such an emergency happened, How could Ding Yue not hurry over to find out the situation?

At least after knowing something, you must rush to the hospital as soon as possible.

"Then go quickly, this matter can't be delayed, I will go with Principal Ding." Mr. Zhao Dejiang said immediately.

"Student Xiaowen, prepare the car! Go to the central hospital!"

Without saying a word, Ding Yue directly asked the secretary Wen Ruohan to prepare the car. When faced with such a thing, his mobility and efficiency are very important. The most important thing to do now is to rush to Wucheng immediately. The Central Hospital understands the situation.

"Brother Yue, what happened?"

Huang Youjie and Xu Bin on the side asked quickly.

"On the way, I said I'm going to the central hospital now!" Ding Yue just said this to the two of them, and then walked quickly towards the parking spot.

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