Start With a Fake University

Chapter 821: This is the real entrepreneur

After the battle of life and death with Wucheng Shuangjiang Football Club, every player of Feiyue Football Club, including the players of the second team, immediately threw themselves into new training.

This time, they are preparing for the upcoming Summer Super League.

If you play the Xia Super League, it is not as simple as playing Shuangjiang Football Club. Although Shuangjiang Football Club is also a member of the Xia Super League, its hard power is still worse than those at the top of the Xia Super League. some.

When it comes to playing against Lucheng, Guoan, Hengtai and other teams in the Xia Super League, the difficulty will definitely increase a lot.

After all, although domestic professional football players are terrible when they play the national football team, everyone knows that in fact, when the players play in their own clubs, they are still very "fighting". After all, only the clubs play their own clubs. Well, only then can we survive the team's intrigue and get high salary every year.

After Feiyue Football Club started new training, Ding Yue also shifted his main energy from football to his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

After all, when it comes to football, there are usually major events or important games, such as the life-and-death battle between Feiyue Football Club and Shuangjiang Football Club, which is worthy of Ding Yue's concentrated attention.

In the follow-up, what Ding Yue has to do is to invite some seniors who really love football to improve the football youth training system and Feiyue Cup football league plans that he wants to build.

A week later, Ding Yue invited a senior from the former Football Association through various relationships.

This senior is called Zhao Dejiang. He used to be a professional football player and also played in the national football team. However, the national football team of that era was actually quite powerful. However, due to the generational reasons, the current national football team is very strong and in great condition. pull across.

"Principal Ding, Mr. Zhao Dejiang is going to Wucheng soon."

In the office, secretary Wen Ruohan reported the situation to Principal Ding.

Originally, Ding Yue planned to go to the airport to pick up Mr. Zhao Dejiang in person, but since there were still some unfinished tasks at hand, Ding Yue dispatched Xiong Yang, director of the Department of Culture and Sports of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, to pick up Mr. Zhao Dejiang at the airport. , and then in the office later, I personally talked to Mr. Zhao Dejiang about inviting him to participate in the formation of a team, so as to build a youth training football system, as well as plans such as the Feiyue Cup football league.

"Okay, I see."

Ding Yue nodded, then looked at An Yujia who was sitting opposite the desk in front of him, and said, "Mr. An, you continue."

Today, Ding Yue mainly talked with An Yujia about several important things about Feiyue Group, such as the follow-up delivery, after-sales, and overseas market development of Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicles, as well as the formation of Feiyue Aerospace Department. .

Ding Yue, the Feiyue Aerospace Department, promised to set up, but it is not so easy to set up. It requires a lot of cutting-edge equipment, as well as laboratories and professional scientific researchers.

As for professional scientific researchers, there is nothing to do. The aerospace research institutions and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration basically can't get much manpower. They all want to get more from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. What about outstanding college students?

From this point of view, the Feiyue aerospace department of Feiyue Group will form a certain competitive relationship with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and aerospace research institutions at some levels.

But this is actually not a big problem. Everyone is for the development of Xia Guo's aerospace business. Ding Yue just wants to build a space exploration technology company similar to the Eagle sauce country in China. At the same time, it can also promote the aerospace industry. Aerospace career development of the agency and space research institutes.

The reason why Ding Yue wants to establish his own aerospace department is mainly because of the outstanding students he has continuously cultivated since Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. If he wants to engage in the aerospace industry, his Feiyue aerospace department can give them better treatment and let them use it. The best state and energy to engage in research, after all, if you go to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or an aerospace research institution, you will be involved more or less.

But it is different in Ding Yue's Feiyue Aerospace Department, a private company. You can fully play freely, and everything is supported by Ding Yue!

"At present, our leap and future new energy vehicles have been very smooth in overseas markets, and the boycott of overseas countries basically has no effect, because overseas consumers also know that the most worthwhile new energy vehicles in the world are currently purchased. , is undoubtedly our leap future."

An Yujia said confidently.

When saying these words, who of Feiyue Group people are not confident?

That's right, Feiyue Group has such strength. Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicles are the best new energy vehicles in the world today. Consumers are not fools. With the same money or even cheaper money, you can buy them. To a new energy vehicle that is much better than other cars, why not buy it?

Is it possible to buy Teas? The key is that now Teas is no longer good. When Teas was powerful in the past, it was natural that consumers all over the world would buy Teas' new energy vehicles, but now it is no longer possible. Now Teas's new energy vehicles Compared with the new energy vehicle technology of Feiyue Technology, automotive technology has no advantages.

"That's good. After the rough half of the year, the overseas market can finally go smoothly. Do you have a rough forecast for the income of the overseas market?"

Ding Yue asked again.

"Principal Ding, if the follow-up sales are relatively smooth, then the income of the overseas market in the first few years can reach hundreds of billions or even more. We dare not guarantee the annual income in the following years. After all, it depends on the market situation. Maybe there will be competitors at some point, and the market will be relatively saturated and things like that.”

An Yujia answered seriously.


Ding Yuewei nodded his head. He was actually quite satisfied with the income. When the domestic and foreign markets were all added up, the money earned by new energy vehicles was a lot. After all, Feiyue Group controlled the cost quite well. The cost, compared with the income of other car companies, should be increased by at least 30% or more.

"The money earned by new energy vehicles must be distributed reasonably. First of all, all employees in charge of new energy vehicles, as well as workers in front-line production plants, must be given welfare benefits."

Ding Yue simply warned An Yujia.

Since Feiyue Future's new energy vehicles sell well and can make a lot of money, we must not treat every employee involved in Feiyue Future's new energy vehicles, especially those who are engaged in production in front-line factories.

"Okay Principal Ding, I will definitely arrange these."

An Yujia nodded and answered very seriously.

It is the first time that An Yujia has met a boss like Principal Ding, who seeks benefits for the company's employees in various ways. Even if the product sells for a lot of money, he is willing to share a lot of the profit with participating in this project. All employees of product projects are very different from those capitalist bosses at home and abroad. They are also bosses. Other bosses are trying their best to squeeze the value of employees, while Principal Ding is doing everything possible to give employees. value and give a generous return.

This is why An Yujia is very willing to follow Principal Ding to develop Feiyue Group. Such an enterprise has great prospects for development in the future. As long as there is an opportunity to seize it, it may become the strongest in the world in the future. Big tech companies aren't even limited to tech.

Of course, the premise of all this is that most of the outstanding talents that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can cultivate can come to Feiyue Group, which is very important.

At least 30% to 40% of Feiyue Group's employees are "high-end" talents from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. As for the rest, most of them are technical talents responsible for production, and those are from outside schools. Or recruiting for the society.

After all, how could it be possible for the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to support the industrial chain of such a huge Feiyue Group?

In An Yujia's eyes, only people like Principal Ding can be regarded as real entrepreneurs.

Before he knew it, An Yujia and President Ding had been chatting for almost an hour. From the overseas market of Feiyue · Future New Energy Vehicles to the establishment of Feiyue Aerospace Club, Ding Yue basically wanted to know what he wanted to know. The first thing about Feiyue Group is almost understood.

"Principal Ding, Director Xiong said, they are going to school soon."

At this time, secretary Wen Ruohan reminded suddenly.

"okay, got it."

After Ding Yue heard the words, he nodded, and then said to An Yujia, "Mr. An, let's go, let's go see this football senior together."

"Mr. Zhao Dejiang?"

An Yujia asked.

"That's right, this time, our Feiyue Football Club defeated Shuangjiang Football Club and entered the Xia Super League. The popularity is very high. With the popularity of this time, we are ready to establish our own youth training system and league system. These things It all involves some business matters, and you will have to worry more about Mr. An."

Ding Yue smiled and said to An Yujia.

"Okay Principal Ding, I will do my best, but I am not a professional in football after all, so I can only assist Mr. Zhao Dejiang." An Yujia said modestly.

"Hahahaha, Mr. Zhao Dejiang hasn't agreed to join us yet."

Ding Yue spread his hands, then stood up and said to his artificial intelligence robot Dabai: "Dabai, let's go to the school gate to meet Mr. Zhao Dejiang."

"Good principal."

Da Bai responded and then came to Principal Ding's side.

An Yujia and secretary Wen Ruohan also left the principal's office with Principal Ding and headed towards the gate of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

When Ding Yue and the others came to the school gate, about ten minutes later, a black commercial car slowly drove towards the school gate. This black commercial car was driven by Director Xiong Yang. Pick up Mr. Zhao Dejiang's car.


After Ding Yue said a word, he took a few steps forward.

As a veteran in the football field, Mr. Zhao Dejiang is also in his early fifties this year. He was not invited to be a football coach. After all, Mr. Zhao Dejiang was a professional national football player a long time ago. Yes, maybe not so well understood.

So what did Ding Yue invite Mr. Zhao Dejiang to come over?

Obviously, although Mr. Zhao Dejiang is not suitable to be a coach, he is suitable for building the Feiyue Football Youth Training System and the person in charge of the Feiyue Cup Football League. Mr. Zhao Dejiang knows what kind of youth training system and league environment is needed in China, the most important thing. The fact is that, like the players of Feiyue Football Club, they are all people who simply love football.

Only such a person, who is not for fame and fortune, is the most suitable person to coordinate and be responsible for the future youth training system and league system of Leap Football Club.

"Brother Yue, I heard that you invited Mr. Zhao Dejiang over."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from beside him.

It was Lao Huang, and A Bin. The two of them also came here? I should have known that Mr. Zhao Dejiang was coming, so I came over to greet them. Anyway, Ding Yue didn't call them. After all, it is not necessary to call both of them for everything. .

"Why are you here? It's Mr. Zhao Dejiang. Didn't we say before that UU Kanshu wants to establish a youth training system and a football league system with a better environment? I think Mr. Zhao Dejiang is the one responsible for this. A good candidate for the job, what do you think?"

Ding Yue smiled and asked Lao Huang and A Bin.

"Well, Mr. Zhao Dejiang is indeed a very pure football person. He has a feeling of hating our domestic football and he is also a person who hopes that our domestic football will develop better. I think it is very suitable."

Xu Bin nodded and said seriously.

"I don't know Mr. Zhao Dejiang very well, so I won't comment, but Brother Yue, you and Abin both think it's good, so of course it's good." Huang Youjie spread his hands and said with a smile.

After the black commercial car stopped here, it was Director Xiong Yang who opened the door and got out. Then Director Xiong Yang respectfully invited Mr. Zhao Dejiang to get off.

Zhao Dejiang, who is in his fifties, seems to be older than the average person. I don't know if he is worried about domestic football on weekdays. Anyway, for a long time before, Mr. Zhao Dejiang was in the domestic football association. With all kinds of intrigue, it is basically difficult for him to realize his ambitions and ideals.

It is precisely because it is difficult for Zhao Dejiang to realize his ambitions and ideals in the Football Association. After Ding Yue invited him over this time, he was actually quite happy.

However, Zhao Dejiang is not very clear about whether this Feiyue Football Club can support his ideals and ambitions?

Anyway, Zhao Dejiang's biggest ideal and ambition is to establish a very good football environment in China, and to establish such an environment, the youth training system and the league system are very crucial.

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