Start sweeping the universe by rubbing the CPU with your hands

Chapter 411 I am here to promote you to level six!

In the "Sword Palace", which can be regarded as the tallest office building in the entire Luotu galaxy and even the entire Luotu territory, President Huo Xiyu is still sitting on his seat with a calm expression, facing the constantly changing scenery outside the window. The clouds were silent.

His expression was calm and unruffled, as if there was no wave in his heart. But the faintly furrowed brows and eyes full of pain revealed his inner unrest.

How could this happen, how could this happen...

Our Luo Tu civilization actually lost the lawsuit?

In an absolute sense, this is actually just a small matter. It does not harm the strength of Luotu civilization, nor does it harm too much interests.

Especially after the five major fourth-level civilizations voluntarily gave up their claims and took the initiative to bear the cost of the lawsuit, they did not need to go out even for a single silver coin.

In addition, after the outcome of the lawsuit came out, the Blue Mountain Civilization took the initiative to negotiate with itself, hoping to import some literary and artistic works from its own civilization at a price of 1 billion silver coins. Therefore, it even breached the contract against human civilization, and subsequently The loss caused by the inability to execute the order has also been reduced a lot.

Even a fool can see that Blue Mountain Civilization is just using this excuse to actively compensate itself with 1 billion silver coins.

Literary works? Even the body structure is different, how can the aesthetics be the same. Our own so-called literary and artistic works may be worthless to Blue Mountain Civilization.

But they are willing to pay 1 billion silver coins to import these useless things.

Except for the inability to continue to provide services to human civilization, there is no loss, or only very little loss, and no damage to the overall situation of civilization at all.


None of this actually matters.

The important thing is, how did we lose the case? How could it be possible to lose the case? We have obviously made so much contribution to the Silver Alliance, paid so much, and suffered so much injustice. Shouldn’t you, the founder of civilization, take care of us and make some compensation to us?

Well, even if there is no compensation, then you can't use shady tactics on us, right?

In your eyes, what is our Luotu civilization...?

This is what makes Huo Xiyu the most painful, desperate and angry.

In the past, when he saw human civilization being tainted by shady things, Huo Xiyu still had a sense of superiority in his heart.

This is the price for the weak... This kind of thing will never happen to our Luotu civilization.

What class and level of your human civilization do you deserve to receive the same status and treatment as our Luotu civilization?

But now... damn, it's all the same.

I thought that although there were differences in civilization levels, everyone was equal in spirit and status. But now it seems that you don’t treat us as human beings at all.

Looking at the billowing clouds outside the window, Huo Xiyu seemed to see the diplomats of the founder civilizations who often dealt with him.

At that time, I often joked with them and participated in private activities together. I thought that everyone was friends and had personal friendships. But now that I think about it, it's so ironic.

I'm afraid I'm just a clown in front of them...

The founders of civilization, who were so close at first, suddenly seemed to be far away at this moment, high up and out of reach.

Since your founder civilization is so indifferent to the feelings of our Lotu civilization, and so despises and ignores our interests, then... even if we really wipe out the Greenoka civilization, can you really give us the promotion permission we want? What?

Huo Xiyu had to admit in pain and despair that it was his opponents who might be right. I... was really wrong.

My own pride, my own confidence, my own dreams, like a balloon, were easily punctured by this incident like a needle.

After cheering up and seeing that the time was almost up, Huo Xiyu left his office and came to the high-level conference room.

The high-level civilization officials were silent. Some people had heavy expressions, with hints of anger and sadness.

Those people are all their followers.

Some others looked calm, as if the matter had not caused any turmoil in their hearts at all.

Those people are their own opponents.

They should have expected this to happen and had been mentally prepared for it, so they did not feel any despair or anger.

"Führer, I propose that we abandon the mission of annihilating Greenoka. This matter has no benefit at all to our civilization."

A senior opposition figure put forward his own suggestions.

Everyone remained silent and did not immediately rebut as before, which then led to a quarrel and debate.

After a long time, someone hesitated and said: "Accepting the mission first and then giving up the mission may cause the founder's civilization to be dissatisfied."

"This is what they expected...or, in other words, do they care about what choice our Luotu civilization makes?"

Yeah, no one cares. As long as you, Luotu Civilization, are honest, do your duty, and continue to contribute to the Silver Alliance system, don't expect to change from pigs to humans.

Huo Xiyu was silent for a long time, and finally nodded: "Give up."

"In the future...where will our civilization go?"

Facing this problem, Huo Xiyu was confused. But he didn't say anything more, just said: "This meeting is over."

After that, he hurriedly left, locked himself in the office again, and once again faced the changing clouds outside the window, dazed.

Yes, where should our civilization go in the future...

The dream of becoming a level-6 civilization is the driving force and spiritual pillar that supports the continued struggle of oneself and everyone in the civilization.

Give up your dreams and just lie down like other level five civilizations?

However, I am really unwilling to do so. However, there is really no other way...

Huo Xiyu's heart was full of pain and entanglement.

Time passes slowly. Sure enough, just as Huo Xiyu expected, the founders of the civilization did not show any dissatisfaction with their request to give up the annihilation of the Greenoka civilization, but passed it calmly.

Regarding internal propaganda, the Luotu Civilization Government also began to deliberately downplay the so-called dreams and the so-called future, and began to guide public opinion to change towards enjoying the present.

For a dignified fifth-level civilization, if you give up your dreams and just enjoy the present, you have to say that you can still enjoy a lot of things.

There are so many enjoyments that can be developed at the technological level of a fifth-level civilization. In addition to technological enjoyment, even spiritual needs such as status can be satisfied.

As long as an ordinary intelligent life of a fifth-level civilization is willing to go somewhere else, he can enjoy emperor-like treatment in a third-level and fourth-level civilization.

However, I still feel a little unwilling in my heart.

Huo Xiyu's originally strong body had become visibly thinner and weaker over the years. His mental state is no longer the same as before. He is full of fierce and domineering momentum, which makes people feel that they can rely on him at first sight.

There are even rumors that Huo Xiyu, the head of state, has already thought of abdicating his position and intends to leave the position of head of state. From now on, he will indulge in the mountains and rivers, among the natural scenery of tens of thousands of star systems and countless planets within the territory of Luotu civilization. Dedicated to the rest of my life.

This rumor caused many people to worry. Even the opposition doesn't want to see this.

They just opposed Huo Xiyu on the matter of promotion to the sixth level civilization. As for the rest, they also supported Huo Xiyu.

Changes are quietly taking place within the Luotu civilization.

Externally, since the Luotu civilization complied with the judgment of the Silver Alliance Court and no longer provides interstellar transportation services to human civilization, and all other fifth-level civilizations have rejected humans with excuses such as "insufficient transportation capacity" and "needs maintenance", and even even After all the sixth-level civilizations used excuses to refuse, human civilization's retaliatory actions against the five major fourth-level civilization alliances were finally forced to stop.

The war continues. Outside the solar system and other galaxies, there are still about two million warships eyeing them, and fierce battles are still happening all the time.

Everything seemed to be back to its original point and the stalemate continued.

Under such circumstances, a batch of goods produced by human civilization and exported to the Luotu civilization were loaded into the space carrier of the Luotu civilization and embarked on a journey thousands of light years away.

More than twenty years later, the space carrier arrived in the Luotu galaxy. But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

The Luotu people responsible for receiving goods at Port No. 3 of the Luotu Galaxy suddenly discovered that there were some unexpected things in this batch of goods.

A hibernation barn. In the hibernation warehouse, a human being is sleeping.

The Luotu staff looked at each other.

Smuggling? This kind of thing is rare in the interstellar era...

Matters are reported promptly. Finally, the port director made the decision to wake up the human.

In the interrogation room, the human immediately explained his origin.

"I am the special envoy of the head of human civilization. I have some important matters involving the future destiny of both civilizations. I want to meet with the head of your civilization, Huo Xiyu. I hope you can inform me on my behalf."

"Do you know that your behavior is smuggling into the country and seriously violates our civilized regulations? We can put you to death for this."

"For the sake of confidentiality, we cannot contact you through the Yinmeng Network. We do not even plan to use long-distance communication mode to contact the mainland of the solar system. All matters that need to be discussed are in my head. Therefore, I I had to sneak into your civilization to come here. Please forgive me if I have offended you."

"May I have your name?"

The human paused and said his name word by word.

"Lu Xinghe."

"Lu Xinghe?"

The person in charge of the port was startled.

He also knew something about human civilization, and he had heard the name Lu Xinghe.

That is one of the top military leaders of human civilization! I heard that he has held a high position in the human military since the time when human civilization was still a second-level civilization. Over the past thousands of years, he has fought countless wars, large and small, and he has witnessed the entire development process of human civilization. .

He himself has made important contributions in the theory of war, and leads the development of human military power from an overall perspective.

Such a heavyweight has been hibernating for more than twenty years now, smuggled into the territory of our own civilization like cargo?

Even if human civilization is only a fourth-level civilization and its status is very different from that of our own civilization, for such a heavyweight to visit us in such a special way is a major event, a major event that is beyond our authority.

"I will report to my superiors. Whether to receive you or not depends on my superiors' decision."

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Xinghe's mouth: "My arrival this time is related to whether your civilization can be promoted to a sixth-level civilization. Your head of state will meet me.

In addition, I hope that you will keep my matters strictly confidential. Otherwise, your head of state may impose some punishment on you. "

After waiting for a few days, Lu Xinghe was transported to the political center of Luotu civilization, in front of the Sword Palace, in a vehicle that looked like an ordinary civilian speedster.

Flying all the way, Lu Xinghe had a panoramic view of the Luotu civilization's capital planet.

Lu Xinghe's eyes were opened to the distinctive architectural complexes, various technological creations that he had never seen before, and even the unimaginable technological creations, and the Luotu people's special life style.

"Is this the technological level of a fifth-level civilization? Sure enough, it is much higher than that of a fourth-level civilization."

Lu Xinghe secretly sighed in his heart: "It's a pity that our civilization cannot be promoted to the fifth-level civilization level for the time being. And your civilization cannot be promoted to the sixth-level civilization level.

From this perspective, what's the difference between you and us? We are all just ants, but one is stronger and the other is weaker.

However, as long as they are ants, there is no essential difference. Our destiny is not under our control..."

Before arriving at the Sword Palace, Lu Xinghe was not taken inside the Sword Palace. Instead, he came to a seemingly ordinary civilian building outside the Sword Palace.

Inside the building, a wall of glass separated the room. Lu Xinghe came to one side. After a while, a Luotu man entered from the other side.

Lu Xinghe, who had already collected some information about Luotu civilization through public information, immediately recognized him. This was the head of Luotu civilization, Huo Xiyu.

The door was closed, and Huo Xiyu came to the glass and said in a calm tone: "It's very safe here, and the confidentiality level is very high. There is no need to worry about leaks."

After a pause, Huo Xiyu said again: "Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, I had my first real meeting with a creature of human civilization.

Hello, Mr. Lu Xinghe. "

Lu Xinghe stood up and bowed slightly: "Hello, President Huo Xiyu."

"You are here on behalf of your leader Liu Yuan, and you want to discuss with me the future of civilization, or even the promotion of civilization?"


Huo Xiyu looked at Lu Xinghe and narrowed his eyes slightly: "You are only a fourth-level civilization, with backward technology and weak strength. I am very curious, where do you get the confidence to dare to say such things?" (End of Chapter)

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