After receiving the notification of responding to the lawsuit and learning that the five major fourth-level civilization alliances had sued themselves in the Yinmeng Court on the grounds that "we participated in the massacre of civilians of the other party," Head of State Huo Xiyu was shocked.

Damn it, what’s going on! It's none of our business! It has something to do with us! We just follow the usual practice and provide interstellar transportation services for low-level civilizations!

The damn Blue Mountain Civilization must have seen that the problem could not be solved through negotiation, so it turned to this despicable method to try to prevent us from continuing to provide services to mankind!

The goal of Blue Mountain Civilization is obviously human civilization, not our own Luotu Civilization. However, there is a saying that destroys a person's wealth is like killing his parents.

Humans are so generous and generous, we are almost making a lot of money. If you want to stop us from providing services to humans, take out the silver coins!

You can't even give up a mere 3 billion silver coins, but you just want to use the Silver Alliance's law to get rid of the wolf?

It is unbearable!

“Assemble a legal team and respond to the lawsuit!”

Huo Xiyu made arrangements in a deep voice.

Huo Xiyu has full confidence in this lawsuit.

First of all, this incident is indeed none of our own business. It is logically unjustifiable to sentence oneself to losing the case.

Secondly... I know that you have been targeting human civilization, and there are even some founder civilizations involved behind the scenes. However, when dealing with this kind of case, generally speaking, we will not only consider which side of the truth lies, but also consider the "political" impact.

So let’s talk about the political impact. The founder civilization went back on its word. After we paid the full amount of silver coins, we still refused to give us promotion permission, and instead asked us to carry out the task of annihilating the Greenoka civilization.

Although we have accepted it, it is still a fact that we have been wronged, right?

If we consider the "political impact", the founder of the civilization will definitely consider our feelings and choose to mainly appease us.

Whether overtly or covertly, we have reasons to win the lawsuit. So how can we lose this lawsuit?

If you file a lawsuit, file a lawsuit. Who is afraid of whom?

Luotu Civilization immediately issued an official announcement, first accusing the Yitong Five Fourth-Level Civilization Alliance, and then openly declared that it responded to the lawsuit and believed that the Silver Alliance Court would give it a fair trial.

Not long after, the Yinmeng Court held remote hearings again.

In the trial court, the legal teams of the five major civilizations showed various tragic scenes of bombed planets, almost bursting into tears. Then he said: "Given that our country is in a state of all-out war with human civilization, we are not qualified to accuse human civilization from a legal level.

However, the Luotu civilization played an extremely disgraceful role in this incident. It can even be said that it was precisely because of the participation of the Luotu civilization that our civilians were massacred.

If it weren't for the super mobility provided by Luotu civilization, how could the human fleet be able to move hundreds of light years in a short time?

How could it be so mysterious that we cannot determine the next target for a sneak attack?

How is it possible to obtain enough supplies to sustain the operation for a long time?

To sum up, there is nothing wrong with our claim that the Luotu civilization directly participated in the war and massacred our civilians. Here, we plead with the judges of Yinmeng to make a fair judgment and stop this cruel behavior of Luotu civilization. "

Faced with the accusation, the head of Luotu Wenming's legal team just snorted, full of disdain.

"It is normal for high-level civilizations to provide transportation services for low-level civilizations. This is clearly stipulated in the Silver Alliance's laws.

We are only transporting the human fleet. As for what the human fleet did and what consequences it caused, it has nothing to do with us.

If you accuse us because you suffered a sneak attack, then our evidence shows that you have also provided services for the war of a third-level civilization. How to explain your behavior?

We still suggest that since you are in a state of war, you should do your own thing well and find ways to improve your own defense. That is the right way, instead of trying to bring the other party into trouble.

Or, we suggest that you can also rent our space carrier, and we also guarantee to transport you to your destination on time to launch sneak attacks on humans. How about that? "

"The Silver Alliance only stipulates that high-level civilizations can provide services for wars between low-level civilizations. However, this behavior of human civilization clearly exceeds the scope of war. And the intention is very obvious. As a high-level civilization, Luotu civilization should be easy to see. Come out with the true intention of human civilization and understand that human civilization is purely for the purpose of killing our civilians.

In this case, the Luotu civilization still provided services to the human side, couldn't it be regarded as participating in the massacre? "

Luo Tu's legal team immediately said: "What does it mean to be beyond the scope of war? Don't your civilians fall into the category of war? When you slaughtered the human scientific research fleet, it was clearly within the scope of war. Why does your civilian planet not fall into the category of war? Is it within the scope? Can you ensure that the production and life of your civilians will not have any impact on the war situation?

Besides, what obligation do we have to refuse service to humans once we see their true intentions? "

The legal team of the five major civilizations said: "The purpose of the operation is different! Our original purpose of clearing the human fleet was to control the intensity of the war and prevent further advancement of human technology, thereby increasing the intensity of the war. Human beings' actions were simply to vent their anger and revenge.

Secondly, the scale is different! Our innocent victims have exceeded 500 million!

Again, the nature is different! The human side is the invader, and we are the resisters fighting for the independence of Yunguang Civilization!

Also, our lawsuit against humans and our lawsuit against you at this moment are two independent events and cannot be confused!

Finally, the laws of the Silver Alliance clearly stipulate that every member civilization of the Silver Alliance has the obligation to proactively maintain the peace of the galaxy. As an advanced civilization, your Luotu civilization has obviously failed to fulfill its corresponding obligations! "

Both sides exchanged words and quarreled with each other.

From a factual perspective, the fact is that the participation of your Luotu civilization caused all these incidents, and you failed to fulfill your obligation to actively maintain peace, while the Luotu civilization killed the Silver Alliance. That's the rule, this matter has nothing to do with us.

The two sides argued for several months, and the court was opened and adjourned several times. Finally, both sides had no more evidence to add and fully explained their views.

Next it was time for Yinmeng to pronounce its verdict.

The members of the five civilized law groups each looked sad. Because in just a few months, more than a dozen scientific research, industrial, and even entertainment bases were attacked by humans, resulting in thousands of casualties.

The members of Luo Tu Wenming’s legal team were all chatting and laughing, confident of winning.

However, the Yinmeng judge ended his discussion with the members of the trial team and his figure appeared on the screen again.

His expression was solemn, and he could not see any tendency. However, before the verdict was announced, he glanced to the right for some reason.

On the right, there is the figure of Luo Tu Wenming's legal team, appearing on the screen in front of the judge of the Yinmeng Court.

As a fifth-level civilized being, he actually felt a bit sad at the moment.

We are all Level 5 civilized beings, so of course I am on the side of your Luotu civilization.

Besides, Luo Tu Wenming's behavior did comply with the regulations and there was nothing wrong with it. No matter where you look at it, Luo Tu Wenming should win the case.

It's a pity...I'm just a mouthpiece. The forces behind the scenes have reached a compromise and consensus that I am powerless to change.

“I declare that the five major fourth-level civilization alliance’s lawsuit against Luo Tu Civilization for massacre of its own civilians has been established after deliberation by the trial panel.

The Yinmeng Court ruled that from now on, the Luotu civilization must immediately stop harming civilians of the five major fourth-level civilizations and must no longer provide services to human civilization.

Since the five major fourth-level civilization alliances voluntarily gave up their claims against Luotu Civilization, the compensation matter was skipped.

The trial costs totaled 226,000 silver coins, which should have been borne by Luotu Civilization. However, the five major fourth-level civilization alliances took the initiative to apply to bear this cost, so the five major fourth-level civilization alliances paid.

This trial is over. "

The Yinmeng judge disappeared directly. The next moment, in the Luotu galaxy, the members of the legal team who participated in the trial remotely were stunned.

They could hardly believe their ears and eyes.

It turned out that... it was our Luotu civilization that lost the lawsuit? Obviously we did nothing wrong, and everyone has always done this, but as a result, we lost the lawsuit this time?

What's going on? Is this Yinmeng still the Yinmeng we are familiar with?

The results of this trial caused an uproar within the Silver Alliance.

This result was not only beyond the expectations of the Luotu civilization, but also beyond the expectations of many onlookers.

Although it is mentioned in the trial documents of the Yinmeng Court, this trial is only a special judgment based on special practical conditions, which means that it will not become a routine and will not affect the transportation services provided by other civilizations for lower civilizations. However, the more In this way, the civilization onlookers feel one thing more.

There is a shady secret...

Even a dignified fifth-level civilization can be hacked by the shady people. The power of the black hands behind the scenes seems to be really not small...

After sighing, the onlookers dispersed.

When the news reached the ruling committee members of human civilization, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the committee members once again truly felt the wisdom of Head of State Liu Yuan.

The development of things was exactly as President Liu Yuan expected. Although there were some deviations in the details, the overall context and direction were exactly the same.

First, they launched endless sneak attacks on the five major fourth-level civilization alliances. Even if their own side spent more resources and it was considered a loss-making deal, they would always launch sneak attacks.

Sure enough, the five major fourth-level civilization alliances couldn't stand it and began to seek a solution.

Fortunately, we had offered a high enough price in advance, so that when Blue Mountain Civilization tried to solve the problem through negotiation, Luotu Civilization proposed a high enough price, so that Blue Mountain Civilization thought it was not worth it and turned to litigation to solve the problem. question.

Luo Tu Wenming participated in the lawsuit with full confidence, and the result was not beyond the expectations of the head of state Liu Yuan. In the end, under the premise that Luo Tu Wenming's side had all the reasons, he was eventually sentenced to lose the lawsuit.

"Führer, how did you predict that Luo Tu Civilization would definitely lose in this lawsuit?"

Liu Yuan smiled lightly: "The law of the Silver Alliance is not the law, the founder's civilization is the law.

This behavior of Luotu civilization has hurt the interests of the founder civilization that is malicious to us, but there is no suitable excuse to take action against our well-intentioned founder civilization - after all, this is a matter of Luotu civilization and not ours. , In this way, Luotu Civilization's defeat can only be inevitable.

Having said that, what surprised me was not Luo Tu Civilization's defeat, but why Luo Tu Civilization couldn't figure out these things in the first place, and why was it so confident? "

Liu Yuan sighed: "I have thought about it for a long time, and there is only one explanation.

The Luotu civilization still overestimates its status..."

The ruling committee members nodded silently.

From the perspective of Luotu Civilization, the last time your founder civilization went back on its promise, we were wronged. This time, you have to compensate us no matter what, right?

In other words, there is no need for compensation, as long as you are fair and just, it is enough. After all, our behavior is completely reasonable and legal, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Whichever way you look at it, this makes sense. Except for one thing.

What if...the founder civilizations don't care about the feelings of your Lotu civilization at all?

You feel that you have been wronged, that you are a level 5 civilization after all, and that you have to compensate me both emotionally and rationally. But it's a pity that you take yourself too seriously.

You see yourselves as "people" just like us, just thinner and less powerful. But in our eyes, you are just pigs in a pigsty.

For people, no matter how weak they are, their opinions must be taken into consideration. Having been wronged, he needs to make amends. But the pigs don't need it.

You are too pretentious.

“This lawsuit is actually just a trivial matter when it comes to any other level five civilization. It does not damage the strength of the civilization at all and will not have any other impact.

However, it is different when it comes to Luotu Civilization.

The only belief that supports their struggle for thousands of years and will continue to struggle is "We are human beings. Even if we are weaker, we are still human beings, not pigs."

The fact that "one's own interests were given up without any care" and "the founder of the civilization did not care at all and did not care about one's own feelings" will be like a needle, accurately and unstoppably piercing all their previous pride.

They should be able to see clearly whether they are humans or pigs in the eyes of the founder civilization.

Although this reality is cruel, please recognize the reality as soon as possible.

After Luotu Civilization understands their status, I don't believe they will still have hope of obtaining promotion permission. "

This is Han Yang's layout. Everything, everything, everything, so many things have been done, just to make the Luotu civilization realize this, to give up all their hopes, and then, completely despair.

They were completely in despair, and only then did they have hope.

One of the ruling members said: "I still don't understand. The founder civilization must know in their hearts that doing this will make Luo Tu civilization despair and cause some changes. Don't they care?"

Liu Yuan shook his head: "People don't care if the pig in the pigsty realizes that it is a pig, not a human. People don't even care what it thinks, as long as it can produce meat."

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