Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 503 The final battle is coming!

Bi Diao's appearance was frozen in the ice. Through the transparent ice, Bi Diao's fearful expression due to nightmares could still be seen.

Green said nothing.

He sighed.


"Hasn't the hypnosis been lifted? Why is Bi Diao still no match? Is the legendary elf so strong?!" Gu Qi muttered in the audience, this Darkrai's strength must be too abnormal.

"Bidiao has used tree fruits to release his sleep state once, but it still looks a lot worse." Ye Lin said lightly: "After all, according to the regulations, it can only carry one prop. If it has a few more tree fruits... …The outcome is really uncertain.”

"Can I only bring one fruit?" Gu Qi thought for a moment: "I heard that mega evolution also requires props, right?"

"Is this illegal?"

Ye Lin came back to his senses after hearing this: "Yes..."

"According to the current rules of the National Trainer Competition, mega evolution stones do not belong to the category of props." Zero suddenly said at this time.

"It's hard to say about the future." Ye Lin first showed a surprised expression and then said.

"Is it because it's too special? Not many people have it, so it's not within the scope?" An Shiyu blinked.

"Yes, Miss An." Ling nodded:

"This is the current rule, but it may not be the case in the future. According to the data, more and more people are beginning to master the power of mega evolution. I heard that in other areas, there are also Z moves and special ones called Dynamax. Strength... By that time, the alliance may issue new battle regulations for these forces. It’s hard to say.”

"I see……"

After Mega Eagle fell, the other elves were no match for Darkrai, not to mention that Darkrai used tricks to greatly increase the power of long-range attacks.

"Let us congratulate player Shan Huang for advancing to the finals!!!"

With the host's loud shouts, the audience became excited and shouted Shan Huang's name:

"Shan Huang!"

"Shan Huang!"

"Boring." After Shan Huang glanced at Lu, he took out the elf ball and took Darkrai back, then turned and left.

Midori clenched her fists, then turned and left.

Sitting in the lounge, Ye Chuan looked at all this on the screen and was not surprised at all. After all, Darkrai was also a legendary elf, so naturally he would not fall down so easily. it my turn?

Ye Chuan let out a breath, feeling that the difficulty of the game had reached hell level.

"I really don't want to lose." Ye Chuan muttered, looking at the elf ball in his hand.


The Internet exploded. After all, this year's National Trainer Competition was so exciting and the discussion remained high. Everyone speculated on the outcome of the finals, but most people still supported Shan Huang.

It is mainly because of the charm of the legendary elves, and there are many people who support Ye Chuan. After all, since the school competition, Ye Chuan is still very famous among some high school students, and the majority of them are women. They spontaneously praise Ye Chuan on the Internet. Sichuan supports.

"Shan Huang is still the best. Although Ye Chuan is also very strong, he is at the level of Lu at most. Shan Huang is really strong."

"I also's really strange this year. At this time in previous years, everyone started discussing the Master Category National Trainer Competition to be held tomorrow afternoon."

"The legendary elves have appeared, so who cares about the master group? In previous years, the purpose of going to the master group was to see a first-hand mega evolution. This year, the youth group is complete."

"Chuanbao go go go go go go!!!"

As the Internet became more and more popular, the headlines of the decisive battle between Ye Chuan and Shan Huang dominated the news.

"The final battle between the strongest high school student in three thousand years and the legendary elf trainer!"

The gimmick directly raised the bar and gave Ye Chuan the title of the strongest high school student in three thousand years, although I don’t know if there was such a thing as high school three thousand years ago.

Of course, Ye Chuan himself doesn't want this, and he also sees these discussions on the Internet.

"Isn't it a bit scary that the number of people paying attention is ten times the number in previous years." Sitting at the dinner table, Ye Chuan looked at the chatter on his mobile phone and couldn't help but said: "Are these people so idle?"

"You're out of the circle. This incident of the legendary elves has attracted many people who are not trainers to watch." Gu Qi said, and then added:

"I heard that Yinshan will not have classes in the morning tomorrow, so he chose to live broadcast your battle."

Ye Chuan:?

He twitched the corner of his mouth, it was too harsh.

"So I want to eat well today!" An Shiyu prepared a lot of delicious food and filled the entire dining table.

An Shiyu was also full of energy today, planning to cook the most sumptuous dinner for Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan glanced at the mouth-watering delicacies and said with a smile: "You can eat as much as you like, but you can't waste it."

"It seems I accidentally did too much..." An Shiyu stuck out her tongue cutely:

"It is true that food cannot be wasted. I will pay attention to it next time."

"Are you underestimating our combat effectiveness?" Gu Qi suddenly raised her hand and said.

"Have eaten. Shiyu's cooking is so delicious, and there are so many of us." Jiang Xue said with a smile:

“Absolutely no food is wasted.”

"Well, finish eating, and if you can't finish eating, my Kirby beast can solve everything..." After Chi, who was sitting in the corner, finished speaking, he glanced at the man and woman next to him: "By the way, you are here too."

Lan raised her scissor hands and made a face: "Ye Chuan invited me."

Midori said: "Although I don't like parties very much, but I'm invited and it's hard to refuse."

Chi was speechless: "You are really skilled."

"Then let's do it." Ye Chuan smiled and put on his gloves, aiming at a roast chicken.

"Mine." A small hand came over and held down the roasted chicken.

Ye Chuan raised his eyes and found that it was his cheap sister who looked over with an expressionless face.

"It really won't be wasted... I forgot about you." Ye Chuan said, perhaps thinking of Ye Lin's fighting power.

"Although you may be hurting me, I will not give up this roast chicken to you."

"So you like eating chicken so much?" Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"If you weren't so vicious, I would consider asking Shiyu to cook more chicken dishes."

Ye Lin glanced at Ye Chuan, then silently tore off a chicken leg: "If you think my words are venomous, you must have done something wrong. Good advice has always been harsh to the ears. One day you will understand that when you listened to Those who do not go on will become the truth..."

Ye Chuan stuffed Ye Lin's mouth with a cod stick: "Eat like a darling."

Ye Lin clicked the cod strips into his mouth like a little hamster, then looked at Ye Chuan expressionlessly, chewing with bulging cheeks.

She really looks a bit like my mother.

Ye Chuan couldn't help but think about it.

"Master, the sparkling water you like to drink..." At this time, Ye Xiaoyi on the side handed over a glass of apple sparkling water:

"It won't taste good when it runs out of gas."

"Be good." Ye Chuan touched Xiaoyi's head, and the latter seemed very happy.

Ye Xiaoyi is no longer as shy as before, and there are many more smiles on her face, which is good news.

As everyone said, it was indeed all eaten, but not enough.

Ye Chuan really didn't expect these people to have such terrifying fighting prowess, especially Chi and Ye Lin, who were simply gods of war at the dinner table.

However, An Shiyu asked the hotel waiter to order some food in the restaurant, which finally satisfied everyone's stomach.

"Hiccup, right? You eat so cleanly." Gu Qi burped and touched her round belly:

“It certainly won’t be wasted.”

Ye Chuan smiled.

"Ye Chuan, are you sure about tomorrow's battle?" At this time, Gu Qi suddenly asked.

"I'm sure, what are you asking?" Yao Zao on the side gave Gu Qi an annoyed look.

"'s really difficult, that Darkrai." Jiang Xue also said.

Red and Green looked at each other and remained silent.

Yes, very strong.

Green struggled for a while, but Red was completely beaten. However, it cannot prove that Green is stronger than Red. The main reason is that Green was prepared, while Red was the first player to face Darkrai and had no chance to prepare. .

"I'm sure..." Ye Chuan looked at the ceiling, then smiled and said, "No."

"No?!" Everyone showed surprised expressions. Ye Chuan, who always gave people extremely confidence, actually said that he was not sure.

"Indeed, it's not. After all, it's a legendary elf, but I will try my best." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"Yes, just try your best, you are a pervert after all." Gu Qi muttered: "But if you really win the championship, then you and our school will be completely famous."

"I'm not a person who likes fame." Ye Chuan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, many people looked over.

Ye Chuan looked innocent: "I really don't like this."

If he really liked fame, he would probably have exploded on the Internet the day after he inherited the Bai Group. After all, changing the chairman of the Bai Group is a big deal.

"Forget it, don't worry about it. All in all, I will cheer for you tomorrow." Gu Qi said, then patted her chest:

"As long as I can help, just say it!"

"Wear women's clothes and cheer for my brother." Ye Lin suddenly said calmly.

Gu Qi was stunned: "Eh?!"

"After all, with such a cute face, it would be a pity not to wear a cat girl costume." Ye Lin said with regret.

"I don't want it!"

"Five 648 plus any five NS games." Ye Lin said, taking out a card.

"Damn it..." Gu Qi wanted to refuse, but she gave him too much!

Finally he gave in.

But at this time, Ye Lin put away the card again and smiled:

"I'm joking, do you take it seriously?"

Gu Qi immediately shouted: "You are actually playing tricks on me!"

With that said, he came to Yaozao's side crying: "Yaoyao, I want a hug."

Yaozao looked disgusted and moved his butt towards Jiang Xue.

Seeing Ye Lin playing tricks on Gu Qi like a little devil, Ye Chuan said, "Stop making trouble, Ye Lin."

Hearing Ye Chuan's rare commanding tone towards him, Ye Lin curled his lips and said, "Of course I will give you the reward. I was just joking."

"Your sister is so scary." Gu Qi came to Ye Chuan's side:

"How did she know that I wore women's clothing..."

"I gave her a photo of you in women's clothing." Ye Chuan smiled.

Gu Qi suddenly twitched the corner of her mouth: "Ye Chuan, you are the devil!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

"I'm not complimenting you!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing. The slightly solemn atmosphere just now eased a lot. Ye Chuan stood up:

"Okay, go back to your room and go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow, otherwise you won't have the energy to compete."

"Then let's go back too."

"Ye Chuan, try your best tomorrow."

"I will." Ye Chuan smiled, and then he and An Shiyu got into the elevator and went back to the room.

In the elevator, An Shiyu stood next to Ye Chuan, and then asked softly: "Aye, actually you don't really have no confidence, do you?"

After hearing An Shiyu's question, Ye Chuan said:

"There is still some certainty."

"I knew Aye would not be defeated so easily." An Shiyu said with a smile.

Ye Chuan looked at the rising numbers on the elevator display and suddenly smiled:

"You have come up step by step, how could you fall down so easily?"


After returning to the room and taking a shower, Ye Chuan didn't do any exercise today. After conserving his energy, he climbed into bed early and went to bed.

The next day.

Before the alarm clock rang, Ye Chuan opened his eyes. The girl in his arms seemed to feel something. She murmured in confusion and slowly opened her beautiful eyes: "Morning..."

"Good morning." Ye Chuan's fingers gently pinched the girl's cheek.

"Hmm." An Shiyu sat up and buried herself in Ye Chuan's arms: "I'm so sleepy..."

After a while, she suddenly realized: "By the way, today is the day of Aye's competition!"

“I didn’t make that custom breakfast I was thinking about last night!”

When An Shiyu went to bed last night, his mind was full of thinking about making a nutritious breakfast for Ye Chuan.


"Well..." An Shiyu grabbed the air in front of him with his two small hands and looked at Ye Chuan with a pitiful expression:

"Aye, what should I do?"

"Idiot." Ye Chuan couldn't help laughing, then leaned down and kissed the girl.

After a long time, Ye Chuan raised his head, pinched An Shiyu's chin and smiled: "Customized breakfast, I'm full."

"Idiot..." An Shiyu's pretty face turned red.

Ye Chuan got up and got out of bed, then walked to the curtains and opened them, allowing the sunlight to shine in and fall on his cheeks.

The elf balls on the side opened one after another, and all the elf appeared beside him.

In the hotel room where Ye Chuan is located, the tall transparent glass floor-to-ceiling windows can clearly see the competition venue in the distance.

The hot air balloon is floating with ribbons hanging on it. Many spectators have begun to enter the venue one after another. The drones are flying and the elves are singing. Today is destined to be an extraordinary day.

Ye Chuan watched this scene for a long time, then turned around and looked at the elves, who were also looking at him.

"This is the last battle." Ye Chuan suddenly smiled.




Listening to the high-spirited responses from the elves, Ye Chuan smiled. Then he patted his cheek and flicked the corner of his clothes:

"Set off!"



"Aye, you haven't washed up yet."

"Um, I almost forgot. I'll wash up first. You guys wait for me here."


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