Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 502 Charizard and Nightmare

The rainbow light gradually dissipated——

The blazing wings, the dragon horns, and the huge tail dragging the blazing flames.


"Roar!!!" The fire-breathing dragon spread its wings, its eyes filled with unquenchable fighting spirit, as hot as eternal flames!

"Contestant Ye Chuan's fire dinosaur actually evolved!" the host said in surprise, but it is a pity that Ye Chuan's fire dinosaur evolved after the battle. If it evolved during the battle, then the game would definitely be more exciting. high.

"I finally accumulated enough energy for evolution...I am afraid that I will be the last to evolve." Ye Chuan said with emotion.

As his initial elf, the Fire Dinosaur must have the highest experience. However, due to physical problems, it is difficult to evolve and is not favored by everyone.

Uncle An also persuaded him at the beginning, but Ye Chuan firmly believed that Charmander would be able to successfully evolve into Charizard, and after polishing the foundation, its evolved strength and aura far exceeded the level of ordinary Charizard!

This is the reward given to it after going through hardships.

Looking at the tall orange figure, Ye Chuan had a slight smile on his face, and then murmured:

"It will all happen..."

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon raised its head high, its wings beat loudly, and it flew high and then fell, unable to hide its inner joy at all.

"Great..." In the audience, An Shiyu and others also looked happy. They naturally knew how much effort this diligent little dragon had put in to become stronger. Restricted by the racial template that had not yet evolved, the fire dinosaur could not To display your true fighting power, you can only continue to exercise and accumulate strength bit by bit.

"You actually treat me as an experience baby?" Lan muttered at this time, then put his hands on his hips and sighed:

"Forget it……"

She smiled slightly and looked at Ye Chuan: "Congratulations, Ye Chuan."

"A very exciting battle." Ye Chuan also smiled.

Do you think the draw is exciting?

After Lan complained to Ye Chuan a few words in his heart, he turned around and left the stage. After Ye Chuan thanked the audience, he also came to the waiting room, ready to watch the battle between Lu and Shan Huang.

"Let's congratulate player Ye Chuan for successfully entering the finals. Then the next game, between Lu and Shan Huang, will start at half-time!" The host also said after seeing the two people stepping down.

"Is it finally here?"

At this time, Chi was sitting in the audience and looked at the competition venue. At this time, Lu was preparing, and at the other end, Shan Huang was sitting, seeming to be concentrating with his eyes closed. In his hand, there was a purple elf ball.

Ye Chuan looked at the purple elf ball in Shan Huang's hand and narrowed his eyes.

Half an hour came quickly. Perhaps because everyone was looking forward to the game too much, the number of live broadcasts on the Internet alone had reached tens of millions, and some viewers watching the game on TV were not included in the statistics.

The audience at the scene was in high spirits, mainly because of Shan Huang's legendary elf Darkrai. This is a legendary elf. Just his appearance in the game directly set off the Internet and caused crazy discussions.

Some people thought that the elf was not the legendary Darkrai, but an elf that had never been seen before. However, this statement was quickly refuted, because Darkrai looked exactly the same as in the legend, whether it was Whether it’s his fighting style or his appearance and skills, it’s obvious that the idea that Darkrai is not the real Darkrai is untenable.

It's not that I haven't seen legendary elves before. In the Global Elf League, legendary elves similar to the Flame Bird appeared. However, in comparison, it was obviously not as shocking as the appearance of a Darkrai in the national competition.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to it. We saw that the online live broadcast rooms exploded due to too many viewers and are being repaired urgently." The host said with a smile, and then also interviewed Ye Xiaoke:

"Ms. Ye, do you have any thoughts on the appearance of Darkrai?"

"Darkrai is a legendary elf. Although it is rare, it has appeared several times in the records of the Trainers Alliance. If trainers are interested in the legendary elf, you can go to the trainers alliance books everywhere. Check out the information about Darkrai and other legendary elves in the library." Ye Xiaoke said.

"You are indeed our leader. Well, we also see that the two contestants are already in place." The host smiled:

"The game starts now!"

Lu and Shan Huang each stood on one side.

"You seem to have a great guy." Midori said:

"But I don't know much about it. After all, in my hometown, I only heard about the three holy birds."

When Shan Huang heard this, he said coldly: "You will have a chance to know."

Midori took out the elf ball: "Who knows."

The two people threw the elf balls at the same time under the instructions of the referee. The white light flashed, and then two elfs, one orange and one blue, appeared.

Charizard and Crocodile!

"Oh, both sides sent out their first elves, namely the Crocodile and the Charizard!"

The attributes are unfavorable, but Green has no intention of exchanging elves: "Charizard, air cutter."

The fire-breathing dragon flaps its wings, and finally condenses several air blades to slash at the powerful crocodile!

The powerful crocodile dodged away, then sprayed out a water cannon, blasting straight towards the fire-breathing dragon——

Water cannon is a high-level skill in the water system. If it hits Charizard, it will naturally cause great damage to it. However, Charizard flaps its wings at this time and uses its ability to fly to widen the distance at high speed, allowing the crocodile to The water cannon didn't touch him at all.

Then it found the gap and sprayed out a dragon-shaped blue wave, instantly drowning the powerful crocodile!

Dragon's wrath!

The powerful crocodile roared, instantly shaking away the power of Dragon's Fury, and then its body emitted a purple-red stream of light——

That is……

The aura of the powerful crocodile rose instantly, and then his whole body was wrapped in water and he rushed towards the fire-breathing dragon, very fast!

The stream breaks!

Charizard had no time to dodge, and was forcefully pulled down from the sky by the powerful crocodile. The two fell to the ground together, and then grabbed each other's arms and remained in a stalemate.

But it is obvious that the strength of the Crocodile is higher than that of the Charizard. Perhaps it is because of the Crocodile's strong melee ability, or it may be because...

"Dragon Dance." Green said. It was obvious that the ray of light just now was the Dragon Dance skill of Power Crocodile. With the blessing of Dragon Dance, the fire-breathing dragon would naturally not be a close combat opponent of Power Crocodile.

In just a few seconds, Charizard was suppressed by Crocodile.

At this time, the powerful crocodile also opened its mouth and was ready to shoot at the fire-breathing dragon!

When Charizard saw that he couldn't resist, he put up a barrier!

With the sound of shattering, Charizard's barrier was destroyed by the powerful crocodile with its claws, and then the water cannon hit Charizard——

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of the water cannon was extremely terrifying, causing a deep pit to be washed away on the ground. After a while, after the water cannon ended, Charizard fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

"Charizard, lost the ability to fight!" The referee raised the flag.

Midori took out the elf ball, put the fire-breathing dragon back, and then summoned a eagle.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, Bi Diao summoned a strong wind and blew it towards the powerful crocodile. The madness that swept through it directly raised the sand and gravel on the ground.

The powerful crocodile strode forward and tried to pull Bi Diao down from high altitude as usual, but it quickly failed. Compared with the fire-breathing dragon, Bi Diao was much more flexible in the air.

The sand and gravel rolled up by the storm made it difficult for the crocodile to see the area in front of it. At this moment, several transparent air blades struck directly on the crocodile's body!

With the sharp blade and strong wind, it was very difficult for the powerful crocodile to resist, and in the end he was consumed alive and fell to the ground.

"Powerful Crocodile, lost the ability to fight!" The referee raised the flag and the game was restored.

The way the two sides fought was too rough and direct, without even exchanging elves, it was so tough, but it was obvious that Bi Diao's fighting power seemed to be very strong, and after a while Shan Huang only had three elves left.

"Interesting, your Bi Diao seems to be more powerful than the fire-breathing dragon." Shan Huang said.

Green didn't speak, but looked at the purple elf on his waist: "It's almost done."

"Haha, since you are looking forward to it so much, then..." Shan Huang took out the purple elf ball:

"Appear in the darkness, Darkrai!"

The elf ball opened, black light seeped out, and then a black elf appeared, revealing narrow blue eyes.

"It's Darkrai!!!" the host exclaimed.

The audience became excited instantly and looked at it with wide eyes. It was a real legendary elf!

After seeing this, Midori groped around on his chest, and finally took out a necklace with a gemstone shining slightly.

"Bi Diao!"


The rainbow light lit up, and then the necklace on the green neck began to connect with the Bi Diao.

Mega competition!

"It's actually a Mega Diao!!" The host was surprised: "It seems that the green player also hid something. Unexpectedly, his Bi Diao has evolved into a mega. He has to give it a try when facing Darkrai."

Although the size of Bidiao has not changed much since it evolved, the feathers all over its body have become much more colorful. It chirped and its wings flapped like a strong wind!

When Darkrai saw this, he fled into the shadow and tried to get out of the way, but he didn't expect that the fierce strong wind actually blew it out!

"Eh?" The host was stunned. Why was Darkrai being praised?

"It has no defense characteristics." At this time, Ye Xiaoke explained: "The mega-evolved Bi Diao has no defense characteristics, and attacks from both sides are inescapable."

"That's it. Thank you Ms. Ye for your answer." The host said.

"You're welcome. Detailed information about the evolution of Mega is recorded in the database and library of the Trainers Alliance. Trainers who are interested can check it out." Ye Xiaoke said.

So dedicated...

This sentence comes to many people's minds.

At this time, on the field.

"Hot wind." Lu said.

Bi Diao's eyes flashed, and the sweeping wind instantly became hot, and then turned into a flame tornado to trap Darkrai!

"Sing round!"

Bi Diao suddenly shouted loudly, and waves of sound with blazing flames continuously bombarded Darkrai's body!

"So strong... Why does Darkrai have no chance to fight back..." Chi, who was watching the game at this time, murmured.

Is that the power of mega evolution?

Why does everyone have...

Chi looked at his Pikachu: "Can you also mega evolve?"

"Pi?" Pikachu tilted his head and blinked.

At this time, the dominance of the battlefield came into Green's hands.

Of course, almost everyone thinks so——

At this time, a black energy ball flew towards Bi Diao, and then exploded in mid-air, releasing a dark black wave.

Bi Diao froze, and then fell upside down. It hit the ground, raising a cloud of dust.


After seeing Bi Diao being hypnotized, many people exclaimed.

"Do you think you can deal with Darkrai like this?" Shan Huang said slowly:

"Before the real darkness falls, your actions are as ridiculous as the struggle of ants."

At this time, Darkrai floated in front of Bi Diao, his eyes glowing red: "Ancient Milan..."

Bi Diao began to show a painful expression, and it was Darkrai's nightmare that began.

"End it!"

Darkrai's outstretched claws suddenly became sharper, and then he grabbed Bi Diao fiercely!

A strange sound rang out, and Bi Diao actually turned into pieces, collapsed and disappeared!

"What?" Shan Huang came back to his senses:


"Natural." Lu said.

Then a white stream of light lit up, and from another place, Bi Diao dragged a dazzling light and hit Darkrai heavily!

The ultimate flying skill - Bird Special Attack!

Darkrai's eyes widened.

"The hypnosis was obviously successful!"

"It is true that the hypnosis was successful, but it is not impossible to untie it, right?" Lu said slowly.

He had already asked Bi Diao to hold a tree fruit that can relieve sleep, just for use at this time. In the trainer competition, the use of props such as tree fruits is allowed, although an elf is only allowed to carry one Props.

But there is no doubt that the fruit that relieves sleep played a role at this time.

Bi Diao also used a substitute when he fell to the ground and raised dust, and unknowingly opened the distance to Shan Huang's blind spot.

At this time, Bi Diao once again summoned a storm to cover Darkrai. The storm was like a knife, constantly hurting Darkrai.

"That's it, let's give it the final blow." Midori said.

Bi Diao screamed and slashed out the wind blade!

"Foolish creatures think that their struggle is not in vain."

The next second, black light erupted from Darkrai's body, instantly turning into a semicircular field that enveloped Bi Diao!

Lu was stunned: "What?"

"You are too naive." Shan Huang said, and then said:

"Sleep in a dark nightmare forever."

Bi Diao fell down again, and this time it was not pretending, but actually entered a sleep state!

Darkrai's nightmare characteristic was activated, and Bi Diao suddenly showed a look of pain.


Darkrai's body was shrouded in black light.

"Freezing light——"

Darkrai condensed the blue light rays of the tooth line and instantly froze Bi Diao! !

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