Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 488 Hidden Menu

Iwakyo City, Second Airport, 12:00.

A plane slowly landed at the airport with a roaring sound, and then passengers lined up to leave the plane.

After Ye Chuan and An Shiyu got off the plane side by side, they came to the exit aisle. At the exit, Ye Chuan saw a large number of people holding signs high and waiting for something eagerly. He glanced at it without a doubt. The name of the brand seemed to belong to a celebrity, but Ye Chuan didn't recognize it.

"It must be him!" At this moment, a fan suddenly pointed at Ye Chuan excitedly:

"I can recognize my brother's handsomeness even if he wears glasses!"

Others glanced at Ye Chuan and rushed over:

"elder brother!"

"elder brother!"

Ye Chuan: "???"

Ye Chuan's eyes under his sunglasses were full of astonishment. At this moment, several security-looking people appeared inexplicably to protect him. Seeing those excited fans, Ye Chuan showed a questioning face:

"Are these guys the reincarnation of Li Qing or the rebirth of the Emperor of Heaven? Their eyes are so blind..."

At this time, An Shiyu was holding Ye Chuan's arm in fear, because these people were so crazy, as if they were possessed by evil spirits.

Ye Chuan also took off his sunglasses directly, and those people were stunned when they saw Ye Chuan's face.

"Not brother?"

"Who is he? Did he admit his mistake?"

"Why are you pretending to be our brother?"

The security guard was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Why are you wearing sunglasses?"

When Ye Chuan heard this, he narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Is there a rule at the airport not to wear sunglasses?"

When the security guards were about to say something, they suddenly noticed the Poke Balls on Ye Chuan's waist. They did not dare to say anything more and returned to their seats to wait for others.

Anyone with five or six Poké Balls hanging around their waists, who is either rich or noble, is not something they, the security guards, can mess with.

After seeing the people around him disperse, Ye Chuan took An Shiyu's hand and left the passage.

"Don't these people have to work?" At this time, Ye Lin suddenly said lazily: "So free."

"Chasing stars." Ye Chuan smiled: "Some people force their parents to give their hard-earned money to vote for their favorite stars in order to chase stars. Some people feel that it is more uncomfortable for someone to scold their favorite game company than to scold their own parents. I think this is very common. After all, there are so many people in this world, so it’s not surprising what kind of things will happen.”

"A star..." An Shiyu couldn't help but tilt her head, as if she was thinking about something.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan glanced at her.

"When I was watching the news some time ago, I heard someone say that some popular celebrities can earn millions a day, while veteran actors who are really capable and have acting skills only get paid hundreds of thousands for the entire drama. I feel that the entertainment industry seems a bit strange. ." An Shiyu said silently:

"It's no wonder so many people want to get in, but why don't the capital sides look for people with strength?"

"And there are fewer and fewer good film and television works recently. Except for the "Global Elf Age" movie we watched last time, there is almost no one of decent quality."

"Because the capital side doesn't care about the quality of the film." Ye Chuan smiled.

"You don't care?" An Shiyu blinked, with a curious look on his face: "Why don't you care?"

"Because the money they want to make has already been made in the early stage." Seeing An Shiyu's curious baby look, Ye Chuan smiled and said:

"Some media and film companies have been losing money year after year, but they are producing more and more movies. Normally, shouldn't they have closed down long ago?"

"Yes." An Shiyu nodded: "Why can you continue filming?"

"Do you know how the company distributes dividends after making money?" Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"It's like a piece of cake. Whoever pays more can eat more."

"I know this." An Shiyu still knew this.

"When a project is established, in order to attract more shareholders to invest, those companies will use popular celebrities and a popular script to persuade shareholders to invest. It doesn't matter whether the star is powerful or not, as long as he is popular, even if The salary is 100 million, all I need to do is convince the shareholders.”

"But if the actor's salary is high, wouldn't it be a loss if the show is not popular?" An Shiyu asked doubtfully: "After all, the investment is big and the income is small."

"Yes, because the actors' salaries are high, so compared with the income of this drama, it will not seem high." Ye Chuan nodded.

"Eh?" An Shiyu was confused.

"So, it's easy to explain to the shareholders." Ye Chuan suddenly smiled: "Because the actors' salaries are high, the props are expensive, and the special effects are expensive, the show is losing money."

"Aye, you mean..." An Shiyu seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Well, it was the investing shareholders who lost money, but the company did not." Ye Chuan said: "The money spent on actors and props, etc., to put it bluntly, is just an explanation given by the company to those investors. The company said how much money was spent on filming. , it is just how much money is spent, and the actual money spent is far less than what is spent on the project.”

"It's like a movie that claims to have spent 300 million yuan on special effects, but the result is not as good as the special effects that others made with millions more. But the so-called 300 million yuan is not only for the audience, but also for the shareholders. , as long as the show is online, it means that it has spent 300 million. Only the company knows how much it actually spent..."

Ye Chuan smiled slightly: "So why there is an endless supply of bad dramas, but investors are working hard to make them? It's actually because people don't care whether the movie is popular or not. Of course, it will be good if it is popular, and it doesn't matter if it is bad. It is all about making money anyway. If it's not popular, it's just money from investors. If it's popular, it's money from leeks. Not to mention the large number of advertisements interspersed in the movie. The company will definitely not lose money. Although the financial report is in deficit every year, it makes more than this behind the scenes. number."

"What's more, after filming the movie, the actor's popularity has increased, and he can use those stars to make another wave of fans' money. The hidden benefits behind it are not just on the surface."

"It's so dark..." An Shiyu stayed for a while before saying, "Isn't the company just deceiving investors?"

"There's something darker, do you want to hear it?" Ye Chuan smiled.

"I won't listen anymore." An Shiyu held Ye Chuan's arm and said with a smile: "I finally know why Grandpa Aye wants Aye to inherit the company."

"Does this have something to do with it?" Ye Chuan thought for a while. After all, the Bai Group is a company specializing in technology, and it is not the same type as that messy group.

"It's not much of a difference, right?" An Shiyu looked curious.

Ye Chuan poked An Shiyu's face with his finger: "The difference is huge."

"Okay, if you want to flirt, please do it in private. There are a lot of people at the airport now." At this time, Ye Lin reminded him expressionlessly.

"Then let's go to the hotel first." Ye Chuan smiled.

As the central city of the region, Yanjing City naturally has a lot of people coming and going. The airport alone is several times larger than the airport in the city over Yechuan.

"The air is not very good, I always feel a bit stuffy." After walking out of the airport, An Shiyu took a deep breath, revealing her beautiful figure.

"Maybe it's because it's relatively developed, with more cars and less greenery." Ye Chuan said.

"Is that so?" After hearing this, An Shiyu suddenly asked:

"Aye, is this city banned from flying?"

"Forbidden." Ye Chuan said:

"Almost all cities prohibit flying on elves, mainly because it is unsafe."

"No, I just want to see the whole city." An Shiyu stuck out his tongue: "It's okay."

Ye Chuan heard this and smiled: "How about doing something bad?"

"bad thing?"

An Shiyu blinked.

One minute later.

The cold wind made his hair rustle, Ye Chuan hugged An Shiyu, and the two of them flew on the back of the steel armored crow.

"Aye, you won't be caught, right?" An Shiyu hugged Ye Chuan's neck tightly and asked worriedly.

"Yes, but more than this, don't you want to see what the city looks like?" Ye Chuan pointed down.

An Shiyu reached out and held her hair that was blown by the wind and looked down. The scenery below was panoramic. Yanjing City is a city that combines modernity and ancient buildings. Although the two almost completely incompatible elements are mixed together. , but it shows an unexpected harmony, as if ancient buildings and modern buildings are suitable for integration.

After looking at it for a while, An Shiyu nodded with satisfaction: "Aye, this city is so beautiful."

"Right." Ye Chuan smiled, and at this moment, a scolding sound suddenly came from behind:

"The trainer flying in front of you on the Steel Armor Crow, please stop and land immediately. You have violated Article 73 of the Trainer Alliance Trainer Code, which prohibits high-altitude flying of elves in the city. Please stop the flight immediately and accept investigation. !" Behind him, three trainers wearing the uniforms of the Trainers Alliance appeared, chasing after them on Bi Diao.

"It seems that's the end of the day. Let's land." Ye Chuan looked away and smiled.


After Ye Chuan was taken to the Trainers Alliance for investigation, he walked out half an hour later.

At this time, An Shiyu was sitting on a chair outside. After seeing Ye Chuan come out, she asked curiously: "Aye, are you done with it?"

"Well, it's done." Ye Chuan glanced at the people beside him. They were all the trainers who had just arrested him.

"It was a misunderstanding. I didn't think about the safety of you patrolling this city at high altitude, but please be sure to report it to the alliance next time to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings." The trainer said.

"Okay, I will definitely pay attention next time." Ye Chuan smiled, then took An Shiyu's hand and walked out.

"Patrol?" An Shiyu looked curious, while Ye Chuan blinked at her.

"Aye, your excuse is too bad..." An Shiyu snorted.

"The reason for the excuse is not important, what is important is whether there is an excuse."

"What's the meaning?"

After returning to the hotel and getting the room card, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu met Ye Lin and the others in the next room.

"It's so slow." Ye Lin said.

Then she looked at Ye Chuan, stretched out her little hand and held Ye Chuan's clothes: "Go shopping with me."

"Shopping?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I just came back."

"Are you going?" Ye Lin asked, his tone full of doubt.

Hearing this, before Ye Chuan could refuse, Ye Lin squatted on the ground, then huddled silently in the corner without saying a word, looking at Ye Chuan with the eyes of a small animal.


Ye Chuan felt a little numb at Ye Lin's sight, so he had no choice but to say, "I'll go with you."

"Then let me pack my luggage. After all, I have to stay in the hotel for a week, so I need to pack a little bit." An Shiyu said at this time:

"You take Ye Lin to play."

"Is it really possible?"

"Let's go." At this time, Ye Lin also pulled Ye Chuan out of the room.

Ye Chuan looked at Ye Lin, who was walking in front. She had short black shoulder-length hair, flat bangs, and was wearing a long-sleeved sweater and skirt. With her petite figure and cold expression, she looked like an exquisite mouthless rag doll.

After a while, Ye Chuan suddenly asked with interest: "Have you ever gone shopping with me like this before?"

Ye Lin glanced at Ye Chuan, and then asked, "Don't you don't believe it?"

"Well, how should I put it? I feel like you know a lot about me, including my secrets about the power of the waveguide. I think I can probably give you a little trust." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

In fact, Ye Chuan already believed 50% to 60% that this girl was his future sister, because there were actually many things that outsiders could not answer.

"If you are so cautious, I think you are very suitable for going to another world to kill slimes with your ultimate move."

"What's the meaning."

"No, please ignore what I just said." After Ye Lin finished speaking, he continued walking forward.

"You haven't answered me yet." Ye Chuan said.

"If you mean whether we go shopping often, I can only answer that you do." Ye Lin said:

"But after she was born, it was almost gone."

"She?" Ye Chuan was stunned: "Who was born, the new sister?"

"Do you really want other sisters?" Ye Lin asked.

"It doesn't count." Ye Chuan scratched his cheek with his fingers: "I just thought that even if there is a younger sister, I should be the one who brought her up, right?"

"Mom and dad don't care about the children."

Hearing this, Ye Lin suddenly became silent.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, let's go, I don't want to waste time."


Finally, under the leadership of Ye Lin, the two came to a snack bar.

"Chen's Fried Chicken..." After Ye Chuan saw the sign, he looked at the snack bar. At this time, next to a stove, a flame chicken was skillfully turning over the roast chicken on the shelf and the fried chicken in the oil pan. , although I really want to complain about why the flame chicken is frying the chicken, but if you think about it carefully, elves and ordinary creatures are not the same type of creatures at all, they just have similar appearances.

"Hey little sister, what do you want to eat with your brother?" The boss is an enthusiastic middle-aged man. Seeing the petite Ye Lin grabbing Ye Chuan's clothes, he asked with a smile.

"How do you know we are brother and sister? Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we were lovers?" Ye Lin suddenly said to the boss.

"Uh..." The boss was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ye Chuan: "Is she your girlfriend?"

"No, it's my sister." Ye Chuan replied expressionlessly.

"Hahaha, I'm just saying, the two of them look so similar, okay, what do you want to eat?" the boss asked.

"Hide the menu." Ye Lin said.

When the boss heard this, his eyes suddenly changed, and he lowered his voice: "Little girl, where did you learn about this?"

"Secret, can you do it?" Ye Lin asked.

"Of course, no problem, as long as you can afford the price." The boss grinned.

"Yeah." Ye Lin nodded.

"Can your money be used?" Ye Chuan glanced at Ye Lin.

"Otherwise, why would I take you out?" Ye Lin asked.


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