Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 487 Departure, National Competition

"There are signs of corrosion on the wires."

In the gymnasium, Ye Chuan squatted down and picked up a wire with his hands. He saw that the rubber shell on it had been corroded and melted, exposing the metal wire inside. According to Sister Qianlan's speculation, someone might have deliberately tampered with it.

"The cause of the accident was that a communication device suddenly leaked electricity, causing some students to be electrocuted and injured." Ye Chuan looked at the corrosion marks on the wires and took out the elf ball. The white light flashed and faintly appeared beside him. She skillfully He hugged Ye Chuan's neck, then lay down behind him with only his head exposed and said:

"What's so fun?"

"Youyou, help me see if this corrosion was created by poisonous elves?" Ye Chuan said.

"Youyou Kangkang." Youyou held the wire and suddenly stuck out her tongue and licked it.

The next second she trembled as if she was electrocuted: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Ye Chuan pulled out the plug and said apologetically: "Sorry, I forgot to pull out the plug."

Youyou blinked. In fact, this kind of electric current was nothing to her. Of course, her tongue was still a little numb.

"It's the trace left by the poisonous elf. Ye Chuan, where are you looking?" Youyou pointed at the bottom of the wire, leaving a little purple trace.

"Hmm." Ye Chuan knelt down, then wiped it gently with a handkerchief, and found that there was foul-smelling mud on the handkerchief.

"if it is like this……"

Ye Chuan thought for a while, and finally a more suitable elf appeared in his mind, which was stinky mud or stinky mud.

"Okay, let's continue searching along the clues." Ye Chuan smiled.

I don't know how long it took, but in the student union's office, Bai Qianlan suddenly sat up.

She looked around sleepily, then looked at the time again, and found that it was already past the start of class.

"Oops, did I miss class?" Bai Qianlan showed a bad expression. When she was about to call the teacher, she suddenly discovered that Ye Chuan had left several messages for herself——

Ye Chuan: The leakage has been investigated clearly. It was caused by a wild stinking mud. I have already caught it. I just went to talk to the person in charge of the injured student and offered some compensation. The other party said that he will not pursue the case. Go down.

Ye Chuan: I just booked your afternoon class because I thought you might not wake up, so you don’t have to worry about missing class.

Ye Chuan: Don’t make it too difficult for yourself. If you really have something you can’t solve, you can come to me.

Bai Qianlan looked at the messages on her phone and lay down again. She held the phone in her arms and closed her eyes again and murmured.

"It would be great if my future boyfriend is half as good as Xiao Zizi."

Then she turned over:

"Forget it, no one probably likes a short girl like me."

The days passed, and Ye Chuan went to and from school normally, but there were more people at home. In addition to Xiaoyi and Ye Lin, Ling, who had returned from leave, also lived at home.

Fortunately, there are a lot of rooms at home, and I told my parents in advance, so there was no problem at all.

What struck Ye Chuan most strangely was that his parents were not surprised at all about Ye Lin's incident, even though Ye Chuan had communicated with them several times.

And gradually, the day of the trainer competition is gradually coming——

Yinshan Middle School, virtual training room.

"Fire dinosaur, shoot flames!"

A burst of flames struck a huge rock snake, and then the rock snake turned into blue particles and disappeared, blending into the air.

The master who released the flames, the fire dinosaur was rubbing his claws slightly: "Quack."

Ye Chuan withdrew his gaze: "This is the end."

The Fire Dinosaur has recently been training for long-range attacks, not because he gave up on melee combat, but because Ye Chuan believes that the Fire Dinosaur is currently training on the premise of accumulating strength, so it is better to temporarily give up spending a lot of energy to hone the melee combat, and choose to make up for the shortcomings of long-range combat. It will be better.

"Then next, the Flying Mantis." Ye Chuan summoned the Flying Mantis, then pressed the instrument, and a simulated Water Arrow Turtle appeared on the opposite side.

"Do it."

Following Ye Chuan's order, the flying mantis instantly appeared in front of the water arrow turtle.


Then the Flying Mantis disappeared from the spot, and appeared behind the Water Arrow Turtle a second later. Then dozens of sword lights bloomed on the Water Arrow Turtle like flowers, while the Flying Mantis turned its back to it and slowly left.

"After such a long period of training, the strength of Flying Mantis has also grown a lot." Ye Chuan nodded. He found that the growth rate of Flying Mantis was a bit exaggerated, especially as the opponent became stronger, the special characteristics of Flying Mantis in ignoring defense became more and more obvious. .

"Dong dong." At this time, there was a knock on the trainer's door.

Ye Chuan said: "Come in."

"Aye." An Shiyu clasped her hands behind her back, leaned half in from the door, and asked with a cute wink, "I'm not disturbing you, right?"

"No, I just planned to take a rest." Ye Chuan smiled.

After hearing this, An Shiyu walked in. She took out a towel, stretched out her hand to wipe the sweat on Ye Chuan's forehead, then folded the towel and put it away.

"Aye, I heard that there will be many very powerful players participating in this competition." An Shiyu said.

When Ye Chuan heard this, he smiled and said:

"As the top domestic competition, there are strong players every year."

"Yes." An Shiyu nodded.

Then she stared at her toes, not knowing what she was thinking.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked, seemingly aware of An Shiyu's expression as if he was thinking about something.

"It's okay." An Shiyu shook his head.

"Really?" Ye Chuan asked.

Then he pinched An Shiyu's soft face with one hand and asked with a smile, "When you have something on your mind, you can't hide it from me."

An Shiyu was pinched out of the goldfish mouth by Ye Chuan. She blinked and then had to say:

"No, it just feels like Ah Ye is getting further and further away."

"Are you going farther and farther?" Ye Chuan smiled.

While the two were talking, they walked to a bench nearby and sat down.

"Do you know why I want to participate in the national competition?" Ye Chuan suddenly asked after sitting down.

An Shiyu on the side heard this and thought for a few seconds:

"Is it because you want to become stronger?"

"No." Ye Chuan shook his head:

"For two reasons."

"First, it's because we made an agreement with the foreign company that if we don't win the championship this year, we will inherit the Bai Group."

"Eh?" Although An Shiyu knew about the relationship between Ye Chuan and the Bai Group because of Chaomeng last time, she didn't know about the agreement between him and Principal Bai.

"But there's nothing wrong with inheriting the group, right?" An Shiyu thought for a while, and she also felt that Aye was particularly suitable for the role of a domineering president.

Wearing a suit, talking and working with celebrities from all over the world, often appearing in front of the TV, at night, you will release your true nature, and only you know it...

As he thought about it, An Shiyu's face began to turn red.

"If you inherit the group, indeed, anyone from the world's top group will be tempted..." Ye Chuan said:

"But if I inherit it, if I travel around the world and can't go back home a few times a year like Uncle An, is it really okay?"

An Shiyu was slightly startled when he heard this.

Indeed, this is a real problem.

If Aye can't go back home a few times a year.

"No, I won't be able to see Aye this way!" An Shiyu said immediately.

"Right." Ye Chuan smiled.

An Shiyu came back to her senses: "Is it because Aye is afraid that I won't be able to see you, so he doesn't inherit the group?"

"This is more or less the reason. As you said, we have almost never been separated..." Ye Chuan said slowly:

"If we are suddenly separated for a long time in the future, we will be more or less uncomfortable."

"Aye..." An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan blankly.

After a while, An Shiyu asked curiously: "What about the second reason?"

"Do you still remember your childhood dream?" Ye Chuan suddenly said.

An Shiyu came back to her senses, and then said with emotion: "Become the most powerful elf trainer in the world."

"Yes, that's it." Ye Chuan smiled.

"That was just when I was a kid, and now I..."

"I know, so just leave it to me." Ye Chuan said.

An Shiyu was stunned.

"Whether you are dissatisfied with your parents, want to prove yourself, or make a promise with the elf, the most important thing is that I want to realize your dream." Ye Chuan said.

Then Ye Chuan smiled:


"Aye always does these things." An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan with extremely gentle eyes:

"But to me, this is what Ah Ye is, the unique Ah Ye."

"Can I understand that this is a compliment?"

"I'm complimenting you."

"Shouldn't you kiss me when you praise someone?"


"Stop looking around, there are only two of us as trainers."

"Okay, okay..."

There was a soft touch on his lips. Looking at An Shiyu who was blushing, Ye Chuan felt that this girl would still blush so easily after many years.

But my wife is really cute...

One week before the trainer competition——


Ye Chuan has already packed his luggage again and plans to go to the competition in advance.

The National Trainer Competition is held in Yanjing City, which is also the central city in this region. There is almost the most prosperous business district there and there are various elves-related ruins that have yet to be excavated and studied.

Talented trainers and some veteran high-level trainers will gather in this city a few days before the competition. As the top competition in the country, there are endless crouching tigers, hidden dragons and others. On the day of the competition, if you look for anyone around the venue, they may be senior trainers above the gym leader level.

Ye Chuan's preparations over the past year were all for this day.

Win the championship.

Although he knew it would be difficult, Ye Chuan was naturally prepared.

"We're almost there, finally..." Ye Chuan murmured. He was also a little nervous at this time, because he was not sure how strong his opponent was. Unlike the leader of the Elf Gym, at least the gym leader trained Trainers are basically around the gym leader level, and no matter how high they are, they will never reach the grand master level or the king level. But this kind of competition is different. It is completely full of gym master level trainers walking around.

Ye Chuan, on the other hand, is participating as the youngest player.

You must know that most participants are people in their twenties and thirties. Ye Chuan's participation in the competition at a minimum age will definitely attract a lot of people's attention.

At this time, Ye Lin was sitting on Ye Chuan's suitcase, shaking his legs, and suddenly asked:

"It seems like you're a little nervous?"

"Because it's a national trainer competition, not a rough-and-tumble school competition," Ye Chuan said.

After spending so many days together, Ye Chuan has temporarily recognized this cheap sister, but this Ye Lin's personality is really a bit unpleasant. Not only is her personality a bit weird, but she also talks like a riddle person, and she will say something obvious from time to time. I know every word, but I can't understand the words when they are spoken together.

"It's just a national competition, there's nothing to be nervous about." Ye Lin sat on Ye Chuan's suitcase and slid around, like playing with a scooter.

"Stop playing and be careful not to flatten my suitcase."

"I'm not heavy." Ye Lin said expressionlessly.

"Yes, yes, yes." Ye Chuan responded perfunctorily:

"The national competition is the top competition in the country, but in your mouth it feels like a community competition for uncles and aunts in the park."

"National competition?" Ye Lin showed a rare smile and then said:

"If you only focus on the country, you will suffer a loss sooner or later."

Ye Chuan stretched out his finger and poked Ye Lin's forehead: "I am now a slightly better trainer than a novice. Could it be that you want me to launch and fly into the sky?"

"My lovely sister, please shut up."

"Yes -" Ye Lin responded and then stopped talking. She didn't know why, but whenever Ye Chuan called her cute sister, Ye Lin would always feel more at ease.

Although he doesn't say he treats Ye Chuan as an older brother, he still has a sweet side occasionally.

At this time, Ye Chuan was almost ready. He moved Ye Lin from the suitcase to the bed beside him, and then pushed the suitcase out.

All the tickets have been bought and everyone will go there.

Compared with everyone else's luggage, Ye Lin and Ling have the least luggage. Although An Shiyu bought a few clothes for Ye Lin, this girl always used the excuse that her clothes were uncomfortable and not as comfortable as Ye Chuan's clothes, so she would wear them from time to time. Wear Ye Chuan's T-shirt as a dress.

But Zero is still the same, thinking that having too much luggage makes it inconvenient to move around.

"Aye, are you ready?" An Shiyu's voice came from the first floor. Ye Chuan looked down at the stairs and saw that An Shiyu was wearing a white straw hat and a light yellow dress. Ye Xiaoyi is dressed in a T-shirt and jeans.

"It's almost ready." Ye Chuan replied, and An Shiyu suddenly turned around: "Aye, look at my new skirt. Is it cute?"

Ye Chuan put his hands on the railing on the second floor and smiled: "Want me to praise you?"

An Shiyu's little nose twitched.

"It's not impossible. If you want to be cute, you can consider it." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Aye, you only bully me..."

"After all, Shiyu wearing this dress is so cute, she can't help but bully her." Ye Chuan said.

"Idiot." An Shiyu stuck out his tongue.

Then Ye Chuan also took Ye Lin downstairs.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Ye Chuan smiled and said:

"Then, target Iwakyo City and set off."

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