Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 484 Ye Chuan’s sister

Ye Chuan spent about a month collecting the remaining badges, and then returned home to prepare for the national competition.

Collecting all the badges was just preparation, because the moment he signed up for the competition, Ye Chuan knew that the real challenge would begin now.

Home, living room.

Ye Chuan's fingers rubbed the paper, which recorded the data of the elves and detailed explanations of skill combinations.

If the previous battles could be crushed by strength, then after participating in the competition, Ye Chuan would have to consider attributes, skills and characteristics to the greatest extent possible.

"Quack." At this time, an orange-red fire dragon walked in, holding a round land shark in his arms.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked after seeing the Fire Dinosaur come in with the Round Land Shark in his arms.

The fire dinosaur put the round land shark on the ground, and then made a gesture with his claws.

"Are there any guests? By the way, Shiyu took Xiaoyi to buy clothes today. Ling also took a few days off to see his sister. So I am the only one left at home..." Ye Chuan stood up slowly. After getting up and leaving the room, he clearly heard someone knocking on the door on the first floor.

"Why didn't you ring the doorbell?" After Ye Chuan opened the door, he found that it was a strange girl.

He is young, looking like a teenager, with short black hair and a delicate and cute face.

For some reason, Ye Chuan looked at her face and felt inexplicably familiar.

The girl looked at Ye Chuan. After a long time, she suddenly said:

"elder brother."

Ye Chuan: "?"

"Brother?" After being stunned for a few seconds, Ye Chuan pointed to himself: "You called me."

"Yeah." The girl nodded:

"Otherwise who else."

With that said, she bypassed Ye Chuan, walked to the living room, sat on the sofa, and turned on the TV.

Ye Chuan's face was full of question marks at this time, and then he walked quickly to her side: "Um, did you admit the wrong person?"

The girl glanced at Ye Chuan and then said:

"I'm your sister."

"Where did I get my sister?!" Ye Chuan said immediately, but then he thought about it and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that she is her father's illegitimate daughter?

Or a daughter born abroad with her mother?

"That's not right, could it be an illegitimate daughter?" Ye Chuan muttered, because his fluctuations were telling Ye Chuan that this girl was not lying. This was what confused him the most. A person can lie with his mouth, but he can't hide it. Not himself.

"If you're not an illegitimate daughter, I'm your biological sister." The girl seemed to have heard Ye Chuan's muttering and said slowly.

Ye Chuan looked at her and said, "I do have a sister, but she is still in my mother's belly."

"Is it possible that you came from the future?" Ye Chuan said angrily.

The girl looked at Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan was stunned.

"As expected of you, you actually guessed it right." After the girl finished speaking, she continued to watch TV quietly.

Ye Chuan: "..."

"That..." This guy of unknown origin, Ye Chuan, would not throw her out directly, but the most important thing is that this child never lied from beginning to end, unless she could deceive herself.

Is it possible that self-psychological suggestion is not possible?

Ye Chuan had heard of a psychological suggestion that could hypnotize him.

"Where's Sister Shiyu?" At this time, the girl suddenly said.

"She took Xiaoyi to buy..." Ye Chuan subconsciously replied, and then he was stunned:

"Do you know An Shiyu?"

"How could I not recognize my sister-in-law?" After the girl finished speaking, she looked at Ye Chuan expressionlessly:

"I can see that you are confused, but it doesn't matter. You just need to know that I am your sister."

"Where on earth should I start complaining..."

Ye Chuan was speechless. Then he slowly came back to his senses and asked doubtfully: "Did you travel from the future?"

The girl nodded.

"May I have your name?"

"Ye Lin."

"..." Ye Chuan was silent for a few seconds and began to speak faster.

"My parents' names."

"Ye Shuang, Bai Yuyou."

"Names of grandparents." Ye Chuan asked again

"Ye Yi, Lin Rou."

"Grandpa and grandma's names."

"Bai Chu, Shen Aoxue."

Ye Chuan: "..."

It's all right...

But it would be ridiculous to say that this girl came from the future. How could such a thing happen?

"You are doubting." Ye Lin said:

"No doubt, I even know you have a birthmark on your butt."

Ye Chuan: "?"

"Why do you know?!"

"Sister Shiyu told me."

If those questions just now can be known by others after a little investigation, then not everyone can know the birthmark on the butt!

"Do you believe it?" Ye Lin asked.

Although he looks about twelve years old, he speaks with an indescribable sense of maturity.

"No, no, no, my mind is a little confused right now. You asking me to accept this setting is equivalent to asking me to accept that a pigeon author who writes novels suddenly turns into a codeword girl." Ye Chuan shook his head.

"You are really weird." Ye Lin looked at Ye Chuan:

"There are spirits like Dialga of Time in this world. Why don't you believe in people who can travel through time?"

Ye Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth: "Legendary things and reality are completely different concepts when they appear in front of you, right?"

"If you don't believe me, you can call your parents." Ye Lin said.

Ye Chuan: "..."

Ye Chuan took out his mobile phone and called his mother. After a while, the call came through:

"Hey, Zai Zai?"

"To make a long story short, the situation here is a bit complicated." Ye Chuan's face was complicated:

"Someone who claimed to be my sister came to our house and knew everything about our family. After hearing that I didn't believe it, she asked me to call you."

"Ah Lala, sister?" Mother Ye said in a long voice:

"what is her name?"

"Ye Lin."

"That's your sister, because I am planning to name your sister Ye Lin with the child's father~~~" Mother Ye said with a smile:

"It seems like this child came through time. Take good care of her."

"By the way, I'll hang up first. I have to go to the hospital for a prenatal check-up today."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chuan looked suspicious of life. After looking at the ceiling for a long time, he suddenly said:

“Where better to complain?”

"Yeah, mom actually doesn't care about this." Ye Lin said beside her.

Ye Chuan nodded in agreement: "Indeed, should I say he is crazy or..."

Then Ye Chuan looked at Ye Lin: "Hey, I don't completely believe you yet!"

Ye Lin covered her ears with her little hands, with an expression that said, "You are so noisy." Then she put down her little hands: "Mom believes it, why don't you believe it?"

"I believe there is a ghost..." Ye Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Alas, I answered so many of your questions, but you don't believe me." Ye Lin sighed.

Then she lay down on the sofa.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds...

Ye Chuan looked at her. After half a minute, he still didn't react at all, so he asked doubtfully: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Lin replied: "As you can see, I am lying on the sofa."

"Why are you lying on the sofa?" Ye Chuan asked strangely: "Does this prove anything?"

"I can't prove anything, because it's very troublesome to explain, so I don't want to explain." Ye Lin turned over, like a salted fish.

Ye Chuan: "..."

Then he picked up Ye Lin expressionlessly and put her on his shoulders.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Lin's limbs were hanging limply. He turned his head to look at Ye Chuan and asked in a lazy tone.

"As you can see, because you can't prove your identity, I'm going to throw you out." Ye Chuan replied.

"Didn't I prove it? You just don't believe it."

"No one with a sound mind would believe it, right?"

"You mean, there's something wrong with my mother's brain?" Ye Lin said slowly.

Ye Chuan: "..."

Ye Chuan put the girl down and said helplessly: "To be honest, I don't believe this."

"It's really troublesome." Ye Lin said.

"Who is causing trouble?" Ye Chuan looked at her.

"Okay." Ye Lin thought for a while, then took out a pink mobile phone:

"I remember there are photos inside, you can take a look."

Ye Chuan took the phone and opened the photo album. It was filled with various photos, and they were all personal photos of a man. Not only that, there were also videos in it.

He clicked on one and was stunned, because the man in the photo looked like he was nearly thirty years old, but at a casual glance he looked like himself.

Could it be that the photo belongs to P?

Ye Chuan looked at Ye Lin in confusion: "Why are there so many photos of me in your phone?"

"You forced it in." Ye Lin said expressionlessly.

"Lying." Ye Chuan said, because he felt from the waveguide that the girl in front of him was lying.

"I kept it out of boredom," Ye Lin said.

"Still lying." Ye Chuan said with narrowed eyes.

"That's why I hate your waveguide ability." Ye Lin said.

Ye Chuan was stunned.

"Actually, I collected it myself." Ye Lin said, and added lightly:

"Of course, I'm not a brother-controller."

"Lie." This sentence was still a lie, but Ye Chuan didn't know whether the first half or the second half was a lie. He rubbed his brows, because Ye Chuan didn't care about this, but this girl actually knew that she had the power of wave guidance. !

"My head is a little messed up." Ye Chuan said, and then clicked on a video.

A short-haired ghost was hugging a man's neck, chirping as if saying something.

It’s Youyou!

And that man...

Ye Chuan's face became a little complicated, because that man was him. Not only that, although the video was not long, in it, Ye Chuan also saw the jet-black Flying Mantis and the golden Lucario, who were undoubtedly both His elf.

Although the video can be modified, Ye Chuan's elf is so iconic, and it has to be modified without any trace of modification, which is almost impossible.

"Do you believe it?" Ye Lin asked.

"I..." Ye Chuan pinched his eyebrows: "I believe you for now."

Ye Lin heard this and stretched out his hand.

Ye Chuan was stunned: "What to do?"

"You just carried me here, you have to be responsible for carrying me back to the sofa." Ye Lin said.

Ye Chuan: "..."

In the end, Ye Chuan put Ye Lin under his arm and brought him back to the sofa.

"It's not a princess hug, so points will be deducted." Ye Lin said while sitting on the sofa.

Ye Chuan: "Okay, I have something to ask you."

"I'm not a brother-controller."

"I didn't ask you this!" Ye Chuan said:

"I believe for now that you are really my sister. What I want to ask is, how did you get here?"

After Ye Lin heard Ye Chuan's question, her little face showed no change in expression, but she said:

"Dialga collapsed time. I was accidentally involved in the turbulence of time, and that's why I came here."

"Wait?" After hearing the words Dialga, Ye Chuan showed an expression like "Are you kidding me?"

"What Dialga?"

"Dialga is Dialga." After Ye Lin finished speaking, he seemed to have seen the fire dinosaur with a surprised expression:

" seems like you haven't participated in the national competition yet, brother."

"how do you know."

"In a word, that's it. No matter how many questions I have, I can't answer you because part of my memory has disappeared." Ye Lin said.


There was no other way, Ye Chuan had no choice but to take this guy in for the time being, because based on the current information, all aspects reminded Ye Chuan that the girl in front of him was his sister.

Although it felt like nonsense, Ye Chuan had no choice but to believe it for the time being.

At this time, Ye Lin was sitting on the sofa watching TV, seeming to be very skilled.

She has short black shoulder-length hair, a petite figure, wearing a white dress and black leather shoes, and... the model of the mobile phone is something Ye Chuan has never seen before.

She is very cute at such a young age, but she may have inherited her parents' good looks.

"Suddenly I have a twelve-year-old sister...and if my mother gives birth, wouldn't I have an extra sister and a future sister?" Ye Chuan felt a bit ridiculous, but he had to accept it all first.

At this time, the door was opened, and An Shiyu and Ye Xiaoyi walked in carrying many bags:

"Aye, I'm back."

"Master, I'm back."

"Welcome back."

After Ye Chuan finished speaking, Ye Lin on the side also said lightly: "Welcome back."

An Shiyu was slightly startled when she saw Ye Lin: "Aye, she is..."

"Sister." Ye Lin said.

"Ahem, cousin, her name is Ye Lin, she is our cousin." Ye Chuan said:

"She is the fourth daughter of my grandfather's brother's third son."

Ye Lin did not expose Ye Chuan, but nodded expressionlessly.

An Shiyu blinked, and then began to look at Ye Lin. A few seconds later, she suddenly smiled and said, "It's so cute, can I hug you?"

"If you don't use your two balls to hit me, I don't mind if you hug me." Ye Lin said lightly.

"Ball?" An Shiyu was stunned for a moment, then his face suddenly turned red: "Hey, eh——"

"Well, let's cook first. I'm hungry." Ye Chuan said quickly from the side.

"Are you hungry? I'm going to cook right away." An Shiyu put down the bag in his hand and quickly went to prepare the ingredients.

Although Ye Xiaoyi was curious about Ye Lin, she was quite shy, so she chose to follow An Shiyu into the kitchen.

Ye Chuan looked at his sister next to him and suddenly asked: "According to you, my future wife will be Shiyu, right?"

"Who knows." After Ye Lin finished speaking, he got off the sofa and went up the stairs, heading directly towards Ye Chuan's room.

"Wait, what are you doing in my room?"

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