Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 483 Preparation before the National Competition

Ye Chuan naturally won the battle without any suspense.

"Come back, Lucario." Ye Chuan took out the elf ball and took Lucario back.

"That, that!" Chen An called Ye Chuan at this time, as if he wanted to say something to him.

Ye Chuan's eyes slowly moved to his face, and then he smiled at Mu Xiaoxi who was watching, "You are really young."

"That's not true!"

"Can I still challenge you in the future? If there is a chance." Chen An asked, as if he was not joking.

Hearing this, Ye Chuan smiled slightly: "If you aim to participate in the top elf league, I think there are still many opportunities."

"Top competition..."

Hearing this, Chen An suddenly clenched his fists: "I, I will try my best to participate in the national school competition!"

School competition...

Ye Chuan actually smiled.

After saying goodbye to Mu Lan, Ye Chuan also left the Feiyun City Gym. With the Feiyun City Gym badge in his hand, he was getting closer and closer to his goal.

"National Trainer Competition." After discovering that the gym owner could not stop his progress, it was time for Ye Chuan to consider his next move.

With his current strength, although he is not considered weak in the trainer competition, he is not among the strongest either.

"Not enough." Ye Chuan murmured, maybe he needed more time?

But where does time come from?

Even if he now flies around the country, he still doesn't have enough time. Starting from the gym leader level, the amount of training in one or two months is still relatively limited, and the room for improvement is still relatively limited.

"It would be great if there was a special space where time flowed at a different speed and I could train safely there." Ye Chuan spread his hands and imagined the scene in the comics.

But speaking of which, he does have something similar.

That was the game device obtained from the previous three-school league. Although I don’t know how the group made it, even if Ye Chuan stayed in it for a long time, the real time after taking off the device would only be a short moment.

"But games are just games, and training is useless." Ye Chuan thought.

However, it seems okay to hone your skills?

Ye Chuan suddenly seemed to have thought of something. After all, when he brought the elves in before, the elves obviously had memories, although he didn't know how.

"Would you like to try it tonight?" Ye Chuan muttered as he returned to the elf center.

"I'm back."

"Aye, come here and eat dumplings!" An Shiyu walked out of the kitchen, her apron covered with flour. After seeing this, Ye Chuan looked at Ye Xiaoyi and the others again. At this time, Ye Xiaoyi also had flour on her face. A little flour looks like a little cat, but zero is even more exaggerated, with more flour sticking to it.

"Sorry, I'm not very good at this." Ling said, while An Shiyu on the side smiled and said:

"No, Miss Ling helped me a lot, and so did Xiaoyi."

"You're really in a hurry." Ye Chuan laughed, and then said, "Would you like to take a shower first?"

"I'll go back to the room and wash up." Zero said.

"It's okay. The three of us can take a shower together today. The bathroom is big enough anyway." An Shiyu suddenly smiled and said:

"After all, it can save a lot of time."

"Three, three people?" Zero was stunned, and then said embarrassedly: "How is this possible?"

"It's okay~~~~"

After An Shiyu took them to get their clothes and prepare to go into the bathroom, suddenly, the girl seemed to notice Ye Chuan's eyes and said with a smile:

"Aye, what's wrong with you?"

"I want it too!" Ye Chuan stretched out his hand!

Of course he didn't go in to take a peek, but just curious about how many people took a bath!

"No." An Shiyu stuck out his tongue, and naturally refused outright.

Ye Chuan suddenly looked heartbroken. After An Shiyu saw it, he whispered:

"We only give it when we are alone."

"Aye is not allowed to look at other girls."

Ye Chuan looked at her. At this time, An Shiyu blinked slightly with a red face and went into the bathroom.

"Well, I just want to see you alone." Ye Chuan touched his nose.

At this time, Youyou emerged from the wall on the side and hugged Ye Chuan's neck directly:

"Ye Chuan, Youyou will take a bath with you!"

"That's okay, call the Fire Dinosaurs, and I'll give everyone a bath today." Ye Chuan rolled up his sleeves and said.


"By the way, don't tell Steel Armor Crow."

As soon as he finished speaking, one of Ye Chuan's elf balls shook.

"It heard..."

"Ahem, that's because I'll be rubbing my body for the Steel-Armored Crow alone outside later, and there's not enough space in the indoor bathroom."

Perhaps it was because the time for fun passed so quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was already afternoon after Ye Chuan finished eating and gave the elves a bath. It didn’t seem good to leave for the next city at this time, so they Plan to stay one more night.

And Ye Chuan also took time out to train the elves.

He rented a training room near the elf center and summoned all the elves one after another.

"Okay, okay, everyone, come here. You should feel comfortable after taking a shower. Then you have to train well." Ye Chuan said.

The elves gathered around and shouted.

"If nothing else happens, we will soon be participating in the National Elf Competition, because our opponents at the master level can no longer stop us." Ye Chuan said:

"Although his current strength is not the strongest among his peers, it is at least at the top level."

"Therefore, it is not enough to look backward blindly. We must choose the right goals to work hard to make our strength stronger."

After Ye Chuan finished speaking, many elves were stunned.

"Ye Chuan means that everyone is not strong enough yet and needs to train!" Youyou on the side stretched out her little hand.

"Ouch!" The elves all showed understanding expressions.

"Well... that's more or less what it means. The gym leader level goes up to the grand master level and the king level. In the National Trainer Competition, not only are the master level gym leader level opponents running around, not even the king level It is an existence that cannot be encountered, so our first goal is to reach the master level or above before participating in the competition." Ye Chuan said:

"Although I know it's hard to say this, after all, we are not on the same starting line as those uncles in the trainer competition in terms of time, but..."

Ye Chuan smiled and said: "No matter what, you have to challenge it. What if you win?"

The elves nodded.

"Then..." Ye Chuan took out a pamphlet:

"This is the preliminary training plan that I spent some time in the afternoon to draw up. I will tell you a little bit about it."

"The first is the fire dinosaur." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the fire dinosaur stretched out its claws.

"Although your strength is not weak, you are still close to evolving into the final form. I also know that it is extremely difficult for you to evolve into a fire-breathing dragon because of your bloodline." Ye Chuan smiled: "I think, or you The inability to evolve is more or less related to your excessive daily melee training. From today on, I will train you with the goal of evolution, and truly transform into a real fire dragon."

The fire dinosaur nodded. In fact, after fighting the fire-breathing dragon several times, the fire dinosaur was still eager to have the ability to fly. If it temporarily put aside the training of melee abilities during this period to accumulate evolutionary experience, it would be quite happy.

"Then the second one..." Ye Chuan looked at Youyou who was looking at him with round eyes.

"Here!" Youyou consciously made a cute salute gesture.

"Youyou, your current combat power is probably the highest in the team. You can use ghost power to collapse space, you can release the shadow ball with the power of nuclear bombs, and you can mega evolve..." Ye Chuan looked at Youyou and then said:

"So, as before, just go to the extreme attack training and try to get a shadow ball to solve the battle."

Moreover, Ye Chuan also found that Youyou was the one with the fastest growth in strength. Ye Chuan didn't understand the reason. It was obvious that this little ghost was just like a homebody all day long and had not been trained much.

"Yeah." Youyou's head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and then she said hesitantly:

"The comics... put them aside for now?"

"Comics are your hobby, I won't stop you." Ye Chuan said.


Then, Ye Chuan looked at the Flying Mantis: "Flying Mantis."

The flying mantis nodded slowly, and the ferocious huge scythe glowed with cold light, as if it could even cut the air in half.

"You are taking a special path, so I can't help you." Ye Chuan said:

"But whatever resources and things you need, I can help you get them..."

Ye Chuan smiled: "I hope you can polish your own knife so that it does not contain any impurities."

Flying Mantis closed his eyes, indicating that he understood.

"Then, the fourth one." Ye Chuan said and looked at the Steel Armored Crow.

"Crow." The steel-armored crow spread its huge wings and made a happy sound. It's my turn.

"Crow Crow, you were the weakest elf in our team at first, but later you were able to evolve due to the original power of Phoenix King. I will give you some special training." Ye Chuan said:

"Because Larulus said that you still have the original power of Lugia in your body, so I think that if there is a chance to activate the power of Lugia in your body, then you may master a brand new power. Of course, I will be prepared to activate your power."

The steel-armored crow flapped his wings to show that he understood.

It longs to become stronger, perhaps because it was once weak, but Ye Chuan never gave up on it, so it wants to become stronger to protect Ye Chuan.

"Then there's Lucario." Ye Chuan looked at Lucario:

"You should continue to follow the dual-blade route as I trained before. You are capable of both melee and long-range combat. You can fight flexibly like a snake oil." Ye Chuan said:

"After all, you can use the power of the waveguide, and our cooperation in the battle is the highest."

Lucario nodded.

Inadvertently, it glanced at the silver bracelet on its wrist, and slowly closed its eyes, seeming to recall its agreement with a certain girl.

Go become stronger and stand in the national competition.

Even if she might not be able to see the game...

"Wow." At this time, the round land shark raised its fleshy little claws.

"As for the Round Land Shark, you have to be better lately." Ye Chuan knelt down and poked the Round Land Shark on the head with his finger.

"Wow." Yuanlu Shark pointed at himself, as if asking about the training plan.

"What's the training plan? You first get rid of the bad habit of biting things. This is your latest plan." Ye Chuan poked the round land shark's face with his finger, which felt a bit like poking a leather sofa.

"Wow?" Yuanlu Shark nodded.

Whether you can listen or not is another matter.

"Okay, that's about it." Ye Chuan took out a booklet and recorded it.

"What about me?" At this time, a voice suddenly rang. Ye Chuan turned his head and found Chaomeng looking at him.

"You don't have to do it for the time being, because it won't be too late to make a plan after you become interested in the elf battle." Ye Chuan smiled.

Chaomeng is very strong. If he goes all out regardless of the headache, Youyou will definitely not be his opponent, but letting Chaomeng fight in a way that hurts himself is unacceptable to Ye Chuan.

"I don't want to be different." Chaomeng said lightly.

When Ye Chuan heard this, he looked at Chaomeng for a while and then said:

"I understand. I will make a training plan for you tomorrow, but you have to cooperate with me."

Mewtwo nodded.

"Very good -" Ye Chuan looked at his booklet, each page recorded the detailed data of his elf.

【Fire Dinosaur

Strength: Hall leader level

Attribute: fire

Features: Fierce

Skills: Flash Charge, Dragon Claw, Steel Claw, Dragon Dance, Charged Fire Strike...

Special ability: Master the bloodline of violent salamander, amazing melee ability

Personal rating: melee S, speed A, long range C, defense A, physical strength A]


Strength: Hall leader level

Attributes: ghost, poison

Features: Floating

Skills: Shadow Ball, Resentment, Curse, Stand...

Special abilities: wall penetration, shadow escape, ghost power to collapse space, corrosive defense, mega evolution, unlimited power bank of flower rock monster in the body.

Personal rating: melee D, speed A, long-range SS, defense C, physical strength C]

【Flying Mantis

Strength: Hall leader level

Attributes: Insect, flying

Traits: Skill Master

Skills: None

Special ability: Ignore defense

Personal rating: melee S, speed S, long range C, defense C, physical strength B]

【Steel Armor Crow

Strength: Hall leader level

Attributes: steel, flying

Characteristics: sense of oppression, mirror armor

Skills: Iron wall, heavy impact, steel wings, wing attack, feather perching, iron head, bodybuilding...

Special ability: Inherits the original power of the Phoenix King, ignores fire attacks, and absorbs flames to increase all power.

Personal rating: melee A, speed B, long range C, defense S, physical strength S]


Strength: Hall leader level

Attributes: steel, fighting

Characteristics: Heart of justice

Skills: Wave missile, absorption punch, bullet punch, enhanced punch, bone stick beating, close combat...

Special ability: Waveguide power

Personal rating: melee A, speed A, long range A, defense B, physical strength A]

【Round land shark

Strength: Ordinary level

Attributes: dragon, ground

Features: Hidden in the Sand

Skills: Bite, Dragon's Claw, Dragon's Fury, Sand Splash, Impact...

Special abilities: none

Personal rating: D in melee, D in speed, D in long range, D in defense, D in physical strength]


Strength: Hall leader level or above

Attributes: superpowers, unknown to be added

Characteristics: unknown

Skills: Mental blade, telekinesis, mental power, self-regeneration, meditation...

Special abilities: unknown

Personal rating: melee A, speed S, long-range SS, defense A, physical strength A]

After reading all this, Ye Chuan slowly closed the booklet and said with a smile:

"Then, starting from today, everyone starts preparing for the national competition."


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