Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 478 The real trump card and conquest

An explosion drowned Mewtwo!

Wave missile...

when? !

The man looked around and finally noticed Lucario in the corner, but Lucario had already passed out.

What is going on?

At this time, Ye Chuan looked towards Chaomeng and saw the thick smoke slowly dissipating, revealing Chaomeng's figure.

It was unscathed, and not only that, the armor on its body was also intact.

"Huh?" Ye Chuan was stunned.

"Hahahaha, that's it. Do you want to destroy the armor?" The man laughed, as if he had seen something ridiculous.

"The armor bound to its body is made of special hardened material that cannot be destroyed even by destructive death rays. Do you think it can be broken with a small wave missile?"

Ye Chuan was slightly silent after hearing this.

At this time, Chaomeng seemed to be in pain. It stretched out its hand towards Ye Chuan, once again planning to use its super power to suppress the opponent.

"Poor child..." Ye Chuan looked at Chaomeng with a look of pity. After a moment, he sighed quietly.

never mind.

Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, and the waveguide power in his eyes gradually faded away, replaced by pure dark gold.

"Huh?" Compared to the blue of the waveguide, which cannot be detected by people other than waveguide sensors, the slightly golden color in Ye Chuan's eyes was clearly visible to everyone present.

"Are you a superpower?!" After seeing this, the man said unexpectedly, then he came back to his senses and grinned:

"I see, but it's can the young master of the alliance not have any trump cards?"

"What, do you want to use telekinesis or waveguide power?"

"Do you think you will be Mewtwo's opponent?"

"Come on, show your trump card and let me crush your last struggle, hahahaha!" The man laughed like a maniac.

When Ye Chuan heard this, he stretched out his hand and looked at his palm with dark golden pupils: "It's not the power of telekinesis, nor the power of waveguide..."

"In the alliance's database, there is only one record of ability similar to it."

Ye Chuan then stretched out his hand:

"This power is called the power of overcoming."

Overpowering power...

"The legendary magical power possessed by the Arceus family who worshiped the creator of the world?!" The man was stunned for a moment, then seemed to have thought of something, and sneered:

"Nonsense, this is just something recorded in mythology!"

"Probably, although our family probably doesn't worship Arceus either." After Ye Chuan finished speaking with a smile, with him as the center, the golden light spread out and enveloped his elves.

"The fusion of grass and water can heal wounds." The light in Ye Chuan's hand changed continuously, alternating between green and blue.

The elves' injuries began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. They stood up, looked at themselves, and finally looked at the man and Mewtwo.

"Stop him, Mewtwo!" After seeing this, the man realized that something bad would happen if this continued, so he shouted loudly.

Chaomeng's eyes glowed with purple light, and an overwhelming and suffocating force of terrifying thoughts was forced towards Ye Chuan!

"Earth and steel can isolate all energy." Ye Chuan finished speaking, and the light in his hand turned into earth and silver.

A translucent barrier appeared, directly deflecting the purple thought power that seemed to be turning into substance.

"Dragon and fire bring the power of destruction." Ye Chuan smiled, and the light in his hand was purple and red.

The fire dinosaurs suddenly felt that a steady stream of power began to appear in their bodies. They all looked at each other, and the next second, they rushed directly towards Chaomeng.

"Hiss!" Mewtwo propped up the barrier of telekinesis and tried to push the elves away again, but the flying mantis' scythe broke through Mewtwo's barrier in the next second. The fire dinosaur appeared and his fists ignited with explosive flames!

"Gah!" A punch hit Chaomeng's mask hard, and the flames exploded suddenly!

Chaomeng was half-kneeling on the ground. The mask suddenly shattered and a piece fell. One of the eyes inside was trembling slightly.

"Oulala, enter the space and eat Youyou's balls!"

At this time, Youyou was floating in mid-air, condensing a shadow ball with one hand, and then turned into a black shadow and sucked Chaomeng and the man into the space that collapsed with ghost energy, leaving only a black ball in place.

A moment later, the black ball shook violently, as if a nuclear explosion had been suppressed.

Then the black ball collapsed, and the shattered man and the scarred Chaomeng and Youyou reappeared.

But Chaomeng was half-kneeling there, and his superpowers began to rise. After Ye Chuan noticed this, he looked over and found that Chaomeng's armor was broken, and his superpowers seemed to be gone. Controlled madness pours out.

The surrounding air began to feel oppressive, and not only that, almost everyone felt the heaviness of their bodies.

This is pure superpower pressure, but Chaomeng himself did not take any action. This pressure is naturally emitted!

"I see, is this the real superpower? No wonder that guy said you can conquer the world by mass-producing it." Ye Chuan shook his head.

At this time, Chaomeng's eyes were full of pain, because it could not suppress its tyrannical power and began to have a severe headache, as if there were countless sharp thorns piercing into its brain.

The power in Ye Chuan's hand began to turn into soft purple and pink colors, and he said slowly: "Superpowers and fairies can eliminate your power."

Under the influence of this power, Chaomeng's painful appearance began to slowly diminish.

After a moment, it stood up and looked at itself in disbelief.

My head... doesn't hurt anymore.

There is no longer a feeling of restraint on my body.

"Why?" A telepathic voice sounded, and it was undoubtedly Chaomeng's.

"Why why?" Ye Chuan said.

"Why don't you kill me?" Chaomeng looked at Ye Chuan and asked.

Hearing this, Ye Chuan said with a smile: "Although you were born in this world in the wrong way, you are not a mistake yourself, and you naturally have the right to live."

Chaomeng was silent for a while:

"Alive, what is it?"

"It's not killing, it's not destroying, it's just enjoying every day." Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"This is living."

Chaomeng's eyes were full of confusion. He didn't understand, but for some reason, what Ye Chuan said touched his heart.

It can read minds and naturally knows that the man in front of it has no ill intentions towards it. On the contrary, it feels more pity for it.

"Don't you understand? It's also..." Ye Chuan said with a sigh. Then he seemed to have thought of something, took out a fairy ball and said:

"Would you like to come with me? Maybe you will know one day?"

Chaomeng said nothing.

"Don't worry, this device won't restrain you, it just gives you a place to rest." Ye Chuan said:

"Of course, if you don't want to either, I can let you go."

"This device cannot restrain my power." Chaomeng said suddenly.

"They say this is not a device to restrain you." Ye Chuan said, and then realized:

"Will you come with me?"

Chaomeng was silent for a few seconds and nodded.

"In that case..." Ye Chuan took out dozens of elf balls and smiled:

"Come on, pick one. The thing I don't need the most is the elf ball!"

When Chaomeng saw a lot of elves in Ye Chuan's hand, he was stunned for a moment, and finally pointed at a purple elf ball.

"Is this the elf ball?" Ye Chuan looked at the purple elf ball in his hand:

"It's called the Master Ball, but it's just a defective product. Because it doesn't have the ability to 100% conquer the elves like the real Master Ball, I took it as a souvenir."

Ye Chuan still has a lot of weird things in the Bai Group.

Mewtwo nodded.

"Then please give me some advice. By the way, they are all your future partners, so they are not acquainted without fighting." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, Chaomeng looked around.

I found that the elves around me were looking at it kindly.

This is something Chaomeng has never experienced in the research institute, because the elves in the research institute are wary of whether it will suddenly hurt people or whether it will escape.

Maybe if you leave with him, things will really be different in the future.

Chaomeng no longer hesitated. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the elf ball in Ye Chuan's hand. Then it turned into white light and was taken in.

There was no shaking, and Mewtwo seemed to be very comfortable inside.

"Well, after all, the structure inside the Master Ball is similar to that inside the Deluxe Ball, and they are both quite comfortable." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he looked at the Poke Ball in his hand:

"Then, let's get along well in the future, Mewtwo."

The elf ball glowed slightly with a faint purple light, like Mewtwo's response.

After Ye Chuan put away the poke ball, he turned around. At this time, An Shiyu was naturally standing behind him with a curious look, her face almost touching Ye Chuan's.


After seeing An Shiyu's big eyes, Ye Chuan smiled and said, "I will explain it to you when I get back."

"I don't care about this. What I care about is that we have been together for so many years, and I didn't know you had a secret!" An Shiyu crossed her arms, then stretched out a finger and said like an old lady:

"If a husband who hides his lover cheats on her, he will swallow a thousand needles."

"What does this have to do with cheating..." Ye Chuan said speechlessly.

"That's about the same meaning, and..." An Shiyu seemed to think of something, frowning and looking at Ye Chuan:

"What's going on with the heir to the Bai Group?"

"It's a long story. Sister Qianlan's grandfather is the helmsman of the Bai Group." Ye Chuan said.

An Shiyu was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses: "So, Aye, your grandfather is..."


"Then why do you inherit it?!"

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Ye Chuan spread his hands, dumbfounded: "If you want to blame, blame Sister Qianlan for not living up to expectations."

At this time, in a small villa in a certain city, a girl with twin ponytails was lying on the table with a flat face. She yawned boredly, and then suddenly her nose twitched and she sneezed:

"Who is talking about me?"

After Ye Chuan looked at the tragic situation around him, he looked at Zheng Shuang and the others. At this time, they were already unconscious.

"Aye, they..." An Shiyu asked.

"It's okay. The Alliance will clean up the scene later. Fortunately, this is a semi-abandoned old city with almost no one living there." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he shook his head:

"Let's go back."


At this time, Lao Ye's family.

Lalulas, who was sitting on the sofa with a paralyzed appearance, was eating potato chips for herself with telekinesis and playing with her mobile phone.

After a moment, it suddenly raised its little head and said, "Ogawako seems to have used strength."

An old man sitting at the table drinking tea heard this and smiled slightly: "That kid has so many ways to hide things. If you can force him to use that guy's power, you must be in real trouble."

"Should I go to Kangkang?" Lalulas asked.

"No, there is no need to intervene before there is real danger to life." Grandpa Ye said while blowing on the tea cup:

"You've been here this way, how can you grow if you don't hone yourself?"

"After all, our old Ye family's ability to cause trouble must be first-rate, and we must also be first-rate in solving problems." After Grandpa Ye finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something interesting, and couldn't help but touch his beard happily. :

"Young man, let him go on his own. Besides, this kid is much better than his father back then."

"That's right." Lalu Lasi bit into the potato chips, and then found that she had eaten them all, so she shouted:

"No more, potato chips."

"Go buy it yourself."

"No money."


"Me neither."

"Do you think I believe you..."

"If you don't believe it, just touch it. I really don't have it on me." Grandpa Ye said.

"Where's the mobile phone?" Larulus asked: "Who still carries cash these days? Hand it over and pay!"

"Go and do something for me, and I will consider giving you some money." Grandpa Ye took out his mobile phone and said with a smile:


Hearing this, La Lulas looked at Grandpa Ye and muttered: "It's too little, I won't do it."

"One thousand is not enough. It's enough for you to buy Coca-Cola potato chips and a few boxes of games." Grandpa Ye said.

"You look like this and you want me to do some dirty work. I won't do it. Isn't it nice to lie here and play games?" La Lulas said with an expression like "I know what you want to do", floating in the air. The body hugs the arms.

When Grandpa Ye heard this, he smiled and said, "It seems you understand very well."

"Actually, I just want you to run an errand to pick up something."

"It's a reverse world or a super-ancient different world. When you say that, it's definitely not an ordinary errand!"

"Ahem, really, am I that kind of person?" Grandpa Ye coughed suddenly: "I just want you to run errands in the next world."

La Lulas looked like you are indeed like this, and her head suddenly felt like a rattle: "If you don't do it, I won't even kill you."

"10,000." Grandpa Ye suddenly said.

After hearing this, La Lulas finally reached out her hand and refused: "If you don't go, you won't go!"

"Sigh... I was still thinking that if you go, I will give you 10,000 first, and then I will give you 100,000 when you come back." Grandpa Ye sighed:

"It seems that we can only find someone else."

At this time, La Lulas suddenly moved and sat on his lap, stretched out her little hand: "Give money, when will we set off!"

"Aren't you willing to go even to death?"

"Then you can beat me to death, but you have to pay me!"


As expected of you.

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