Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 477 Chaomeng Appears

"Steel Armored Crow." When Ye Chuan saw the elves attacking, he stretched out his hand and pointed.

The steel-armored crow next to him stepped forward, and his body quickly hardened, directly blocking all the flying skills, just like raindrops falling on a steel plate, without making any waves at all.

"It's useless?" Those trainers were also very surprised. Could this huge steel-armored crow be made of iron?

At this time, they also stopped. The leader, a hedgehog, smiled and said, "Our young master would like to invite you to our place as a guest."

"Being a guest?" Ye Chuan heard this and grinned:

"Attack when you come up. Is this how you invite guests?"

"Or do you think that underground groups like yours can be exempted from the control of the alliance?"

After Ye Chuan guessed it, those people were not surprised, so they all shrugged, and then they looked at each other.

The next second, another attack was launched, but the difference this time was that they separated and attacked at different locations.

"Crow!" The steel-armored crow suddenly raised a barrier and directly enveloped Ye Chuan and others.

After the skill fell, he was still intercepted by the steel-armored crow.

"Tsk, Hu Di." At this time, someone suddenly said: "Sealing Technique!"

The elf holding a spoon waved his hand, and a black light penetrated the body of the steel-armored crow, and its barrier instantly collapsed, revealing Ye Chuan and others.

"Did it seal the barrier of my steel-armored crow?" Ye Chuan had just finished speaking when a very fast vicious dog ran towards him. It was a big wolf dog. It opened its mouth and was about to kill Ye Chuan. Chuan throws himself down!


In the darkness, there was a cold light.

The big wolf dog left a shadow of a knife on its body, and it flew directly backwards, wiping out a distance of more than ten meters on the ground!

"I think you can't tell your own strength." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, and another cold light flashed in the darkness. The sickle swept through the white light and knocked several people away in an instant!

The flying mantis was like a dark god of death, constantly attacking the group of people in the shadows.

"Beware of assassins!" someone shouted.

But the remaining elves alone were completely unable to do anything to the Flying Mantis. In a short period of time, three more people and elves fell.

"What's going on? Why are you stronger than when you were in the ring?!"

"No, please stay out of the way!"

Seeing these incompetent guys, Ye Chuan smiled and said: "There are rules for fighting on the battlefield, but off the field..."

The fire dinosaur rushed out, blasting several people away with its flame fists, and screams continued.

"There is no need for rules for lackeys." Ye Chuan said.

Ling originally wanted to take action, but after seeing Ye Chuan's fighting power, he silently arranged for the elves to protect An Shiyu and Ye Xiaoyi.

After a while, everyone was cleaned up by Ye Chuan. Seeing the wailing trainers lying on the ground, Ye Chuan turned his head and found that the old man in the small shop immediately closed the door that had just been opened.

"Old man, let me transfer some money to you." Ye Chuan said.

"21, there is a QR code on the window. It's a small business. If you want to call me, please go elsewhere." The old man's voice sounded in the room.

"Well, I'm sorry to disturb your business." Ye Chuan smiled. An Shiyu beside him took out his mobile phone and paid, and they planned to leave.

But just after walking a few steps, Ye Chuan seemed to notice something. He turned his head and looked at a place with a smile:

"What are you hiding for? Rat?"

In the shadows, footsteps suddenly sounded, and then a dozen people appeared under the street lights. The leader was none other than Zheng Shuang, the owner of the underground arena!

"The battle just now was exciting. Your strength is beyond my imagination." Zheng Shuang clapped his hands and said with a smile.

Ye Chuan looked at him and said:

"What, do you think it's a shame to lose or is it because I rejected you?"

"Looking at your young age, you are quite stingy."

Hearing this, Zheng Shuang laughed. After a while, the smile on his face slowly faded: "That's's just that a friend asked me to teach you a lesson."

"When I was wearing a mask, I thought you were just a useful talent. Who knew you were a big fish?"

After saying that, a burst of purple light suddenly swept through the darkness, and it brushed across Ye Chuan's cheek in an instant.

There was burning pain on his face. Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and touched it slightly, and found that his fingers were covered with blood, as if they had been cut by a knife.

"Aye!" An Shiyu suddenly showed a nervous expression after seeing Ye Chuan being injured.

"It's okay." Ye Chuan shook his head.

He squinted slightly and looked to the side of Zheng Shuang. A man in black robe was standing there, his face could not be seen clearly, and on the man's chest, a silver cross pendant shone slightly under the street lamp.

Silver Cross Pendant…

I see.

Having said that, Ye Chuan activated the power of the waveguide and immediately felt an almost suffocating superpower aura appearing in front of him.

I saw a purple elf wearing armor walking out from behind the man. It was about the same height as an adult, had a purple tail, and its entire body was lavender.

The whole body was covered in armor and his face could not be seen clearly, but Ye Chuan could easily see the face of the elf through the waveguide.

Kind of human but not.

"It turns out that Chaomeng did not leave the city, but hid in your underground arena." Ye Chuan suddenly realized, then smiled:

"I didn't expect that I would be able to find you just by casually hanging out."

"Chaomeng?" Zheng Shuang glanced at the elf wrapped in armor, and then said: "So you still know this guy."

"Originally he..."

Before Zheng Shuang could finish speaking, the man beside him said in a low voice: "Shut up."

Zheng Shuang's words stopped abruptly, and he immediately squinted at the man: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

At this time, people around him were staring at Zheng Shuang with unkind expressions on their faces.

"Hehehe..." The man laughed. The next second, Chaomeng next to him stretched out his hand, and the people around him fell to the ground as if they were unconscious.

"What, what's going on?!" Zheng Shuang's eyes widened, and then he looked at the man:

"what have you done?!"

"It's nothing, I'm just teaching you how to do things." After the man finished speaking, a sound of bone cracking sounded from Zheng Shuang's body, and then Zheng Shuang fell softly to the ground, his face full of fear.

But his consciousness was extremely clear, and although his whole body was tingling violently, he did not pass out from the pain.

This guy did it on purpose!

When Ye Chuan saw this, he frowned slightly.

Internal strife?

No, this Mewtwo's trainer doesn't seem to be in the same group as the underground arena.

"Then it's your turn, the prince of the alliance, Ye Chuan." The man said slowly.

The prince of the alliance?

Zheng Shuang, who was lying on the ground, looked stunned. What on earth was going on?

Ye Chuan just crossed his arms: "Do you know me?"

"Of course, thanks to you, we have to move everywhere. Hehe, I really have to thank you."

The man smiled, but his voice was as unpleasant as rubbing sandpaper:

"Who knew you'd be banging on the door."

"Then my luck is really good." Ye Chuan smiled.

The man sneered and said, "I don't know if it's luck or not."

At this time, Chaomeng next to him stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

Ye Chuan felt hundreds of kilograms of weight coming from his body, crushing his body in an instant!

"Is this... controlling gravity?" Ye Chuan murmured.

At this time, the fire dinosaur launched an attack. Under the pressure of gravity, its speed was still very fast, and its fists ignited with explosive flames!


There was a flash of purple light, and the fire dinosaur was instantly ejected before it could touch Mewtwo, hitting a street lamp nearby and being knocked down along with the street lamp.

At this time, a black shadow appeared, and the sickle slashed towards Chaomeng with a cold light!


The purple light flashed again, and the flying mantis was blown away by the power of telepathy and hit the wall nearby.

The Lucario Steel Armor Crow and the others were suppressed and unable to move at all.

"Hahahaha, it's really refreshing." The man laughed. He raised his head, and the street light just shone on his cheek. It was a man who looked about forty years old, with a very haggard face.

"This is a super big fish..."

"The prince of the alliance and the future successor of the Bai Group, do you think that if the world suddenly disappears one day, will anything interesting happen?"

The future heir to the Bai Group?

An Shiyu and the others looked at Ye Chuan, because An Shiyu and the others didn't know about this.

Although An Shiyu knew that Ye Chuan was connected to the Bai Group, what happened to the heir to the Bai Group?

Zheng Shuang, who was lying on the ground, was dumbfounded. "Hey, dear, who are these people tonight?"

Where did the god appear from?

"That's almost it. Who told you that I was the heir to the Bai Group?" Ye Chuan grinned at this time.

Isn't he working so hard to challenge the gym just to avoid inheriting the group?

"Forget it, Chaomeng, torture him." After the man finished speaking, Chaomeng on the side stretched out his hand, and a powerful squeezing force appeared from around Ye Chuan's body, instantly making Ye Chuan gasp in pain. A breath of cold air, it felt like all the bones in the body were squeezed together.

"Aye!" An Shiyu shouted worriedly, but her whole body was suppressed and she couldn't move at all!

"You're pretty tough. You didn't even scream out like this." The man said:

"You at least have a few broken bones, you look more like a man."

"Of course, it's thousands of times better than you guys doing cruel experiments." Ye Chuan said with a smile, but his face was very pale.

At this time, Chaomeng looked at Ye Chuan, his face under the mask was extremely cold, like a puppet being controlled.

"It's really pitiful..." Ye Chuan glanced at Chaomeng and couldn't help but think in his heart.

Chaomeng seemed to be able to read minds. As soon as the thoughts in Ye Chuan's mind flashed through his mind, Chaomeng was slightly startled, and his control force unconsciously loosened.

Ye Chuan fell to the ground, coughing slightly.

"Chaomeng, what are you doing?!" When the man saw Chaomeng let go of Ye Chuan, he shouted loudly at Chaomeng beside him.

At this time, Chaomeng seemed to have no reaction and just looked at Ye Chuan quietly.

"Is there something wrong with the armor?" the man murmured, and then took out something like a remote control. A strange purple electric current flashed through, and Chaomeng suddenly squatted on the ground holding his head in pain: "Guhoho... …Stop…”

Telepathic sounds.

"Tsk, this device really works." After the man finished speaking, he said to Chaomeng:

"Hurry up and take action!"

Chaomeng stretched out his hand and restrained Ye Chuan with power again, and this time the power even meant to vent his pain, causing Ye Chuan to cry out in pain:


An Shiyu and Ling looked at this scene, but found that they were powerless.

Especially Zero, as a bodyguard, her fists were clenched red after seeing this, but Gardevoir, whom she was so proud of, was suppressed and unable to get up.

An Shiyu's eyes turned red: "Aye..."

"Hahahahaha!" After seeing Ye Chuan finally cry out in pain, the man burst into laughter, which seemed to be a very refreshing feeling.

The elves wanted to protect Ye Chuan, but they were all knocked away by Chaomeng's telekinesis, and there was no way they could do it!


"Let go," the man said.

At this time, Ye Chuan fell to the ground again. At this time, he was in pain and had no strength.

"Very good, very good. You can still play slowly." The man smiled and said, "Your life is just like Xiaoqiang."

"If I didn't die, I would have died when I was young." Ye Chuan said calmly, and then stood up with difficulty.

The man was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Do you still have the strength to stand up?"

"Absolutely. I originally thought that device was to enhance Chaomeng's power, but it looks like it should be a control device?" Ye Chuan looked towards Chaomeng. At this moment, Chaomeng was standing there, like a doll. .

"No, no, no, this is a suppression device, because the growth rate of our experimental subjects is very terrifying. If it is not suppressed, it cannot be controlled at all." The man sneered and said:

"I'm afraid you don't know how powerful the greatest invention of this century really is."

"Invention?" Ye Chuan said coldly: "The reason for creating it is to prove how powerful you are?"

"Otherwise, technology will never end." The man said with a smile:

"As long as there is enough time, overthrowing the alliance... no, even conquering the whole world is just something we can think about. It's just whether we think about it or not."

"Haha, the ambition is really big." Ye Chuan murmured, and then looked at Chaomeng:

"A life was created like this for such a ridiculous reason..."

Hearing this, the man burst out laughing:

"I'm laughing so hard. Is this life?"

"It's just a machine without emotions. No, maybe it's more appropriate to say it's a tool."

"It's such a pity for a tool, so what is the purpose of your alliance's existence? Is it to protect humans or elves?!"

"None of them." Ye Chuan said calmly.

Then his eyes gradually lit up with blue light: "The purpose of the alliance is to allow elves and humans to coexist harmoniously."

"Even if it was born into this world because of a mistake, it still has the right to live."

"That's all."

A blue wave missile suddenly emerged from the darkness——


It fell on Chaomeng.

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