Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 288 Where are the people?

The next day.

The faint morning light shone from the window sill, slowly floating on a boy's face, and was coated with a slight golden light. Then with a soft whisper, Ye Chuan slowly opened his eyes on the bed. blinded his own eyes.

Then, his eyes moved slowly, and finally fell on Gu Qi, who was lying on the bed next to him. At this time, Gu Qi was lying on her side and sleeping soundly. Her soft hair was scattered on his forehead, and her face was rosy, white and delicate, making others look... I thought it was a cute sleeping girl.

"No wonder those guys in the class look like they want to fight you with bayonets."

Seeing this, Ye Chuan sat up and stretched. There was a rattling sound in his bones, and along with a yawn, he walked out of bed, and then started brushing his teeth and washing up. At this time, the mobile phone beside him It rang, attracting his attention——

It was a message from the communication, and this person was naturally An Shiyu.

An Shiyu: () Good morning Aye!

After seeing the message from An Shiyu, Ye Chuan smiled slightly and pressed his fingers.

Ye Chuan: Morning.

An Shiyu: (˙ω˙) How did you sleep? Is the hotel bed OK?

Ye Chuan: So-so, I always feel like something is missing on the bed.

An Shiyu: What?

Ye Chuan: You.

An Shiyu:......

An Shiyu: (*/\*) Idiot Aye.

While the two were chatting, the sound of getting up suddenly came from the side. Ye Chuan turned his head and found that Gu Qi walked behind him with a confused look on his face and muttered:

"Ye Chuan, ha...good morning."

The deep yawn made Ye Chuan feel how sleepy he was at this moment. Seeing the confused look on his face, Ye Chuan had no choice but to say:

"What time did you go to bed last night? You looked so sleepy."

After Gu Qi heard Ye Chuan ask herself, she counted the numbers on her fingers, and finally looked helpless: "I was so obsessed with playing the game yesterday. After all, the heroine was almost able to defeat it, but the last option was not figured out. , it directly led to a bad ending, which made me so angry!"

"If you are so obsessed with playing the Pretty Girl Game, be careful if the teacher finds out and scolds you to death." Ye Chuan said. After all, if Teacher Jiang knew that Gu Qi played the Pretty Girl Game all night and didn't care about the battle match, he would probably give Gu Qi A good meal to eat.

Gu Qi seemed to have thought of it, and she shrank her neck with a frightened expression.

After he quickly washed his face, he stretched out like Ye Chuan, and then said:

"Great, another great day!"

Ye Chuan showed a helpless expression.

After they finished washing, they went downstairs to have breakfast side by side.

The hotels near Tianhe Square are very expensive, especially the price of one night in this hotel is four figures. However, because the school pays for it, Ye Chuan and the others travel at public expense, and the first floor is more generous. self-service area.

"No, let's do it first." After seeing the dazzling array of delicacies, Gu Qi became extremely greedy and walked over with the plate in hand.

When Ye Chuan saw this, he looked away and picked up the plate to get the food.


But around the corner, Ye Chuan seemed to have accidentally bumped into someone. With the sound of the plate falling to the ground, Ye Chuan found a girl in front of him who was saying in a panic: "I'm sorry, I accidentally knocked over your plate." plate!"

"It's okay." The girl in front of him seemed to be about the same age as him, and she looked a little petite and cute. Ye Chuan looked at his plate on the ground. Fortunately, there was nothing in it, so he only broke a plate when he dropped it. .

After finishing speaking, the girl opposite seemed to be very apologetic and continued: "How about I give you everything on this plate."

Ye Chuan took a look at her plate and found that it was filled with various foods such as fried chicken, pan-fried meat, cheese, and pork chops, which are also commonly known as calorie bombs. Shiyu would definitely not make this kind of thing often at home. He eats.

Because in the eyes of that girl, these foods have very strict standards. Simply put, the nutrition of each portion is prescribed. Although additional snacks are allowed in the middle, the overall amount will not exceed Anshi. The value that was predetermined.

Although it feels a little too systematic, who asked An Shiyu to make it so delicious? Ye Chuan doesn't mind being managed like this.

"It's okay, I don't like eating these high-calorie foods." Ye Chuan looked at the girl in front of him and refused directly, but as soon as he finished speaking, the girl opposite suddenly had an expression that said, "Do you really know what delicious food is?"

"Do you know why people prefer to eat meat and those delicious things?" The girl asked Ye Chuan a question.


"Because high-calorie foods make the brain feel happy, only high-calorie foods can bring happiness to people."

Ye Chuan: "..."

Ye Chuan looked at the girl in front of him and found that although the girl said so, she was not actually fat, or rather thin.

It may be because of the ketogenic diet. The so-called ketogenic diet is a method of changing the diet structure. To put it simply, people in China prefer to eat carbohydrate foods such as rice, steamed buns and noodles, supplemented by Meat protein.

The ketogenic diet is to eat a lot of meat, but only eat a small amount of carbohydrates, that is, food such as rice. The difference with this approach is that the human body will start to consume energy from fat, which makes people on the ketogenic diet Maintain a leaner body shape.

All in all, Ye Chuan knew that he was being tricked by a high-calorie food lover.

Seeing the serious expression of the girl in front of him, Ye Chuan smiled and said: "My stomach is not very good and I can't digest these high-calorie foods, so I like lighter things."

As soon as she finished speaking, the face of the girl in front of her suddenly changed. She said with an embarrassed expression: "So that's it. I really can't blame you. So, just wait for me here and I'll get one." Here’s the plate for you.”

After all, the woman was quite embarrassed for knocking over Ye Chuan's plate, so she turned around and ran to get the plate for Ye Chuan.

"Yeah." Although Ye Chuan didn't care, the other party looked like he wouldn't be willing to make up for it properly, so he agreed directly.

Later, after the girl left, Gu Qi quickly appeared next to Ye Chuan and directly took his wrist:

"Let's go to Ye Chuan. Teacher Jiang has something to do with us."

"What's the matter?" Ye Chuan was slightly startled when he heard this.

"Just go and find out, let's go."

"But..." Ye Chuan looked around, but found that the girl had not come back. At this time, Gu Qi was still holding his wrist. Ye Chuan had no choice but to smile and leave with him.

At this time, the girl trotted over with a new plate. She returned to where Ye Chuan was and looked at it, then blinked:

"Where are the people?"

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