At this time, An Ran shook hands with Ye Chuan and then returned to his team at Qianshi Middle School. At this time, Gu Qi beside him whispered to Ye Chuan:

"Ye Chuan, that guy looks pretty good and kind."

After hearing the words "kind and kind", Ye Chuan shook his head slightly and asked Gu Qi to say no more.

At this time, Teacher Jiang also finished chatting with the teachers from Qianshi Middle School. After all, the two schools are relatively friendly between the schools. This is similar to the No. 1 Middle School in the city. It doesn’t matter how the students compete or make trouble. The school is happy to do so anyway. Saw this scene.

And if one's own students are promising, it won't be a bad thing for the school.

At this time, Teacher Jiang came back and said to Ye Chuan and the others: "Okay, we're done talking. Come and draw lots." After saying that, he took Ye Chuan and the others directly to the front desk.

"Or fishing for Carp King?" At this time, Ye Chuan looked at the pond next to him and asked with a strange face. It seems that there is such a thing as a competition draw. Why do they like to use Carp King two to decide the lottery numbers so much?

"Okay, hurry up and catch one." Teacher Jiang reached out and patted Ye Chuan on the shoulder, and then said:

"What are you doing in a daze?"

"Yes." Ye Chuan put down the hook, and within a few seconds, a lively salted fish king was caught. It was jumping around and turning over from time to time.

"The number is...23." After taking a look at the logo on the side of Carp King, Ye Chuan said:

"Where's the opponent?"

"It hasn't been decided yet, but this will do." Teacher Jiang glanced at the number Ye Chuan took out and continued:

"Okay, that's enough, let's go back and rest."

"Don't you need to see who the opponent is?" Gu Qi asked curiously from the side. After all, they just drew the numbers and don't know who the opponent is yet.

After hearing this, Teacher Jiang reached out and patted his head, and continued: "Not all schools come here to draw lots now, so how can they start lining up their opponents so quickly? Okay, pack up quickly and go back to the hotel to have a good rest. One night, you can know the result tomorrow at the latest!”

Gu Qi suddenly understood and nodded: "Yes, other schools haven't come here yet."

Afterwards, Ye Chuan and his party returned to the hotel. Soon, after returning to the room, Gu Qi put aside his book about chasing girls, and then took out his NS game console. This is Nintendo. The released console can play many exclusive games.

"What are you playing?" Seeing Gu Qi's interested expression, Ye Chuan curiously leaned over and took a look.

Because he also has an NS game console at home, but that guy La Lulasi usually uses it. Although Ye Chuan is not particularly fond of games, he still occasionally goes to watch the promotional PV of the game. Nintendo’s NS game console There seems to be some good games in there.

"Here, this." Gu Qi glanced at Ye Chuan and found that it was actually a galgame game, also known as a beautiful girl game. After seeing this, Ye Chuan suddenly showed a speechless expression: "You can play this with the game console. ?”

"Yeah, isn't this very good? You can play it at any time, and you can also learn some skills to attack girls." Gu Qi said, and then explained to Ye Chuan:

"Look, this girl's portrait is particularly beautiful."

"Hmm." Ye Chuan looked at it a little perfunctorily, and then asked:

"Don't you like Yaozao? Is it okay to play with this?"

After Gu Qi heard what Ye Chuan said, she immediately jumped up from the bed, then stared at Ye Chuan and asked:

"How do you know I like Yaozao?!"

Ye Chuan: "..."

We are not fools, how could we not know?

When Gu Qi saw Ye Chuan looking at her like a fool, she coughed, continued to lie on the bed and said, "Ahem, well, after all, Yao Zao looks so cute, has a good personality, and has a sweet voice. , how could anyone not like it?”

After hearing what he said, Ye Chuan continued to point to the NS game console with a speechless expression:

"Is this why you play the girl game?"

"I'm studying, studying!" Gu Qi immediately patted her chest:

"If I can't even capture the girls in the virtual world, how can I catch Yaozao?!"

After hearing what Gu Qi said, Ye Chuan felt inexplicably that it made sense. Then he looked at Gu Qi and continued:

"So, you cleared the level?"

"Um..." Gu Qi frowned when Ye Chuan asked him this, and then shook his head: "Not yet, mainly because my game is more difficult, and it is more difficult for girls to conquer."

At this time, when Gu Qi saw Ye Chuan's expression, she immediately said loudly: "It's really difficult!"

Ye Chuan: "..."

"You can't conquer the girls in the virtual world, so just give up. After all, isn't Yahao-senpai a big star who has retired from the industry?"

"It's not a big star, after all, she quit the industry a few years after her debut." Gu Qi explained: "Idols are easy to become popular and invisible."

"Otherwise, so many celebrities on the Internet wouldn't try their best to create popularity for themselves."

"But Yaozao was different. She seemed to think that she was too popular and too eye-catching, so she withdrew from the circle."

Seeing Gu Qi's girl-like expression, Ye Chuan looked at him speechlessly and waved his hand:

"Well, whatever you want, come on, I hope you can conquer all the girls in the beautiful girl game."

After Gu Qi heard what Ye Chuan said, she immediately showed a strong man's gesture, and then said with a smile:

"Leave it to me!"

"Yes, yes." After seeing Gu Qi playing the beautiful girl game with such gusto, and even starting to smile at the paper figure inside, Ye Chuan had no choice but to take out his phone, click it, and send An Shiyu a message of his own The hotel information has arrived.

After a while, the message from the other side came back——

An Shiyu: Ah Ye, please rest quickly. Will the battle start tomorrow?

Ye Chuan: It’s not clear yet, maybe. Tomorrow seems to be the time to decide the opponent.

An Shiyu: Come on, Ah Ye. By the way, if I didn’t cook for you, Ah Ye wouldn’t be used to it. After all, it’s been so many days.

An Shiyu: If you get a good grade, I will cook you a very, very sumptuous meal.

After Ye Chuan saw this message, he smiled slightly: OK.

Then, as soon as the two of them finished chatting, An Shiyu made another video call. After Ye Chuan answered the call a little strangely, he found that An Shiyu was in class at this time, and she put her phone on her lap, only revealing Snow white neck.

Seemingly seeing Ye Chuan's expression, An Shiyu lowered her head and stuck out her tongue cutely.

Ye Chuan's eyes turned into crescent moons: "Idiot."

At this time, Gu Qi looked at the beautiful girl on his game console and then at the beautiful girl on Ye Chuan's mobile phone.

Suddenly the game console felt boring.

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