Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 273 Five Lightning Whips

The gym was opened, but Ye Chuan soon realized a more important issue.

That's the badge.

The leader who defeats the Elf Gym can get a badge that represents proof of strength. This kind of thing is not only a symbol of status, but also a pass for some competitions.

However, according to the regulations of the alliance, the acting museum owner has the right to issue badges, and the badge Liu Xueling made is a Carp King symbol, and there is a line of words on the back of the badge -

[Just salted fish is good, Buddhist life. 】

After saying these few words, Ye Chuan was speechless. It seemed that Aunt Xueling was completely hopeless. However, he was only an acting gym owner and was not qualified to modify the style of the badge. In addition, the name of the gym itself was It's called Salted Fish Gym, so Ye Chuan doesn't mess around with it.

"Master!" Sophie trotted to Ye Chuan's side and said:

"These are the resumes of applicants, and everyone is here to apply for long-term employment."

"Long-term?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "But I won't be here every week."

"If the gym opens, the usually vacant battlefields can be used by nearby trainers for training, and as long as some vending machines are installed in the gym, it can increase additional income for the gym."

"Not only that, as long as the tickets are cheap enough, we can also provide medical equipment for trainers to use."

Hearing what Sophie said so clearly, Ye Chuan showed a satisfied expression: "Okay, then let's do it according to your arrangement."

After hearing Ye Chuan's agreement, Sophie nodded happily and continued: "So, owner, someone has already come to apply for the job. Do you want to come and take a look?"

"Yeah, okay."

Ye Chuan nodded.

Later, in a room, he sat in the interviewer's seat, and Sophie sat on the other side.

The door to the next room opened and a man came in.

When he saw the young faces of Ye Chuan and Sophie, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked shyly:

"Excuse me, is this the place for the interview?"

"Well, yes, you can sit down." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the man sat down, and Sophie poured him a glass of water.

"Let me see, you are 21 years old and have just graduated from college for one year... Are you here to apply for a cleaning job?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the other person and asked: "I think your academic qualifications seem to be very good, why do you want to apply for this job?" Come here to apply for a cleaning job?"

"I don't want to be a programmer anymore. I'm going to die working overtime every day. I fix bugs until three in the morning, and I have to get up again around five o'clock and continue working." The man said, and finally said with a wry smile:

"I see that the cleaning salary here is pretty good, so I want to come over and work as a cleaner. The most important thing is that I don't have to work overtime."

Hearing this, Ye Chuan and Sophie looked at each other, are programmers so hard?

It shouldn’t be that all programmers are very busy, right?

Seeing the angry look on the other party's face, Ye Chuan said:

"You probably have no experience in cleaning. I would rather find an experienced aunt to do this kind of thing."

After finishing speaking, the other party said nothing and took out a rubber glove from his pocket.

Half an hour later——

The entire gym had a brand new look, every place was glowing, and it was as clean as if there was no trace of dust.

"I've always been very confident about mixed housework." The man held the broom and said slowly.

"Hire me, salary will be increased by 2,000." Ye Chuan said to Sophie on the side.

"Oh." Sophie wrote it down immediately.

"Add 2,000?" The man immediately became excited. The cleaning salary at this gym was already quite high. If he added 2,000 more, it would not be much lower than the company where he resigned.

The most important thing is that you don’t have to work overtime! !

After seeing the other party leave happily, Ye Chuan looked at the resume in his hand, and then asked Sophie beside him:

"What positions are still vacant?"

"If possible, we also need a person at the front desk, as well as a security guard to maintain order."

"Yeah." Ye Chuan nodded:

"Then let the people come in."

Soon, a strong man walked in. He had dark skin and extremely strong muscles.

"Are you here to apply for a security guard job?" Ye Chuan asked immediately after seeing the other person's physique.

Because his resume is quite impressive. He is a retired boxer and a bodybuilding champion in some competitions. However, being a security guard here is a bit humiliating.

"I..." At this time, the strong man spoke:

"Come apply for the front desk position."

Ye Chuan: "???"

Ye Chuan coughed dryly, then looked him up and down: "Well, it's better for a young lady to work at the front desk. After all, you look so fierce and not suitable for being a front desk person. The position here is more suitable for you as a security guard."

"Really, it turns out you think I'm not good at it." The strong man's tone was a little low:

"My dream since I was a child is to be an excellent front desk person, answer the phone every day, and help customers handle affairs. Although, due to some things, I became a boxer."

What happened to make your dreams so distorted?

Ye Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth and asked: "Actually, it's not impossible, but the salary at the front desk is not high, and the work is boring. Are you sure you want to be the one?"

"In terms of salary..." The strong man showed off his muscles:

"There's no shortage of money."

That's right, someone who can build such muscles must be someone who is not short of money. After all, fitness is relatively expensive, similar to training an elf.

Although he felt that everyone who came to the gym was a bit strange, Ye Chuan thought about it and accepted this strong man.

"As for security..."

Ye Chuan looked at his resume and then said:

"Next person."

A middle-aged and elderly man wearing Kung Fu uniform walked in and said loudly:

"Hello, I am Ma Guobao, the founder of Lightning Five Lever Whips. I am here today to apply for a job as a security guard."

"..." Ye Chuan looked him up and down and asked:

"Um, you...came here to apply for a security guard job?"

"That's right, I have strong martial arts skills, and am also proficient in Qigong and whipping techniques..."

Before the old man could finish speaking, Ye Chuan said:

"Then, why don't you try that five-shot whip?"


Hearing this, the old man was shocked, his body began to tremble, and his voice trembled: "What, how is it?"

You...why do you feel like you've been electrocuted?

Ye Chuan's head was full of black lines: "The next one."

After the old man left, a little girl came in, who looked to be in her early teens, and asked in a low voice:

"Do you, do you want a security guard?"

Although he is very cute, Ye Chuan always feels that the people who apply for jobs are some kind of strange creatures?

Loli security guard?

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