Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 272 Then starting from today, the Salted Fish Gym will open for business

On Sunday, Ye Chuan came to the gym.

Today is his first day as an agent for the gym. If based on the location, this place belongs to Yinshan District, so the name of this gym should be called Yinshan Gym.

However, when Ye Chuan searched for names in the alliance, he did not find the name of Yinshan Gym. Instead, he searched for the name of a salted fish gym at the same location.

In other words, the names that were supposed to be divided according to regions were directly renamed by Aunt Xueling's salted fish, and as the name suggests, the gym was also called the salted fish gym.

Are you the owner? Which gym?

Salted Fish Gym.

? ? ?

Ye Chuan called him an expert.

But in the final analysis, it was just a temporary agent for the Elf Gym, and Aunt Xueling's inventory was quite rich, including all kinds of rare skill CDs, so Ye Chuan was quite happy to come to her place.

Today is the first day as an agent, and a staff member has already arrived.

"H-Hello..." This was a little girl. Although she had short hair, she looked like a junior high school student. Ye Chuan looked at her, then stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes and asked:

"Hello, are you a staff member of this gym?"

"Well, my name is Sophie. I am the main manager of this gym. I am responsible for arranging the work of the Elf Gym Leader, as well as some precautions..." After Sophie finished speaking, she then had a look of despair on her face. :

"Of course, this is actually my first official day of work, mainly because I never had the chance to come here before."

Recalling Aunt Xueling's salted fish, Ye Chuan silently extended his thumb.

"Then, let me introduce the main work." Sophie had a strong professional quality and soon began to introduce Ye Chuan to what he should do.

"First of all, the gym leader needs to clean the gym every day and..." Before Sophie could finish speaking, Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment and said:

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Yes, what's the matter?" Sophie asked with a smile.

"Does the gym leader have to do things like cleaning by himself?" Ye Chuan showed a confused face. Didn't he ask someone to help him? When did he do it himself?

"It was originally like this... It's just that the owner of the museum didn't give me the funds to hire people, so I had to come by myself..." Sophie said with a look of despair:

"By the way, I am also responsible for front desk management and personnel and finance."

"A part-time worker..." Seeing that this girl held several positions, Ye Chuan rubbed his sore forehead. How did Aunt Xueling become the gym leader before?

Not giving staff money to run is just outrageous.

Taking out his mobile phone, Ye Chuan called Liu Xueling, but the other party hung up just as he was calling.

Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment and dialed again. This time an anxious voice came from the other end of the phone:

"I'm playing games, I'll call you back later!"

Then, the phone hung up again.

Ye Chuan's face turned dark. When Sophie saw this, she asked timidly: "Um, acting museum owner, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm going somewhere." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he grinned.

At this time, in a certain apartment, Liu Xueling tied her bangs to the top of her head and fought hard with the handle in her hand. She controlled a person to fight with a monkey holding two swords.

"Bah bang bang bang—" Seeing that she was about to win, Liu Xueling's expression became more and more focused.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the door next to it was opened.

Liu Xueling was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and found Ye Chuan looking at her with a smile:

"Aunt Xueling, what are you doing here?"

"Eh...I, I'm here..." Liu Xueling looked at him blankly and forgot to press the handle in her hand.

Along with the red danger word suddenly appearing on the head of the character in the game console, a danger also appeared on Liu Xueling's head.

"Come to the gym with me."

Lifting Liu Xueling's collar, Ye Chuan pulled her toward the door.

"I don't want it, I want to play games, you don't respect your elders!!"

"And how did you get in?"

Liu Xueling struggled, still holding the handle tightly in her hand and refusing to let go.

"don't want!!!!"

Half an hour later, Sophie discovered that Ye Chuan had actually brought Liu Xueling over. She suddenly blinked strangely:

"Mr. Pavilion owner?"

"Hey, hello, um, what's your name..."

"Sophie." Ye Chuan looked at Liu Xueling expressionlessly:

"Oh oh oh!" Liu Xueling suddenly hit her palm with her fist, then stuck out her tongue: "Forgot!"

"Stop being cute when you're old. Let me ask you, where are the funds for the elf gym?" Ye Chuan stared at her and asked.

"It's in this card, but I still want to keep it to charge games..." Before she could finish her sentence.

An extra bag appeared on Liu Xueling's head, and then Ye Chuan took the card and handed it to Sophie:

"As the treasurer, the gym's operating funds will be kept with you."

Sophie took the card and saw the acting gym leader who was completely different from the gym leader. Sophie's heart suddenly became excited.

When she first applied to be the gym manager, she still held out hope that she had found a good job, but it turned out that not only had the gym owner never opened a business, but there was not even a single person in the gym.

Although she thought about resigning, Sophie felt that she should not change jobs so easily, so she persisted, relying on the guaranteed salary she had on hand.

Now the appearance of the acting museum owner has given her new hope. This is a reliable museum owner!

"Well..." Liu Xueling looked at Ye Chuan aggrievedly:

"If you treat me like this, I will complain to your mother...Don't bully your elders."

"How are you as an elder?" Ye Chuan glanced at her speechlessly, and then continued:

"And you should find my mother first."

After settling the matter at the Elf Gym, Ye Chuan put Aunt Xueling back. At first glance, he didn't know who the elder was.

"Are you a student?" Ye Chuan looked at Sophie and asked.

"No, I'm already twenty years old." Sophie shook her head, and after seeing Ye Chuan's somewhat surprised look, she said sheepishly:

"Maybe it's because I'm relatively young, so people always misunderstand me as a junior high school student."

"Well, that's true." Ye Chuan nodded, then looked at the gym:

"Then, you first recruit some cleaning aunties, as well as front desk... some staff."

"As for the funds, just withdraw them from the card. Just show me the bill after you're done."

"Yeah!" Sophie nodded repeatedly.

"But I'm just an agent, so I only work on weekends, so those people you can find can be part-timers, as long as they have adequate abilities." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he clapped his hands:

"Then starting from today, the Salted Fish Gym will open."

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