Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 270 Nuclear Explosion Flame Fist

The power of a big tail can be so terrifying. This is something Ye Chuan never expected. After all, Ye Chuan has not seen this strong waveguide aura that reaches the sky for a long time.

Except for the few at my parents' house, I didn't expect that my parents' salted fish friends would also have such fighting power, and they would always have a big tail.

"Fire Dinosaur, our opponent this time is quite strong." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the Fire Dinosaur in front of him clenched his paws, and then roared, as if he could feel the strength of his opponent.

Especially at the moment when the flame fists collided, the numbness from the fists made the fire dinosaur couldn't help but grin, and the flame breath slowly penetrated from its mouth——

The next second, the fire dinosaur moved, and with the terrifying power increased by Dragon Dance, it began to launch a violent offensive towards the big tail, punch after punch, as if it could shatter the air, and kept attacking the big tail. With.


The big tail turned around, and after seeing the incoming flame fist, its body twisted at a strange angle, and then its tail swung straight towards the fire dinosaur's head.

"Pa!" The fire dinosaur staggered, and then it stabilized its body, and purple light condensed on its claws:

"Dragon's Claw!"

The fire dinosaur dragged the power of the dragon's claws, and once again collided with Ootate's fist. Seeing that the dragon power on the claws was constantly disrupting his breath, Ootate pushed the fire dinosaur fiercely, without giving the opponent a single inch. Opportunity.

"Oh, not bad, not bad, he deserves to be his son." Liu Xueling clapped her hands, as if she was admiring after seeing the fire dinosaur and her big tail standing fighting to such an extent.

"Fire Dinosaur, continue." Ye Chuan's waveguide power was operating to the extreme, providing the Fire Dinosaur with the strongest perception to face the opponent in front of him!

"Gah!" The fire dinosaur's fist rekindled the flames, and it clashed with the big tail. The next second, continuous explosions sounded, and every collision between the fists caused an extremely terrifying roar!


There was another collision, and now the two elves separated. When Ye Chuan saw this, he said:

"Fire dinosaur, long-range attack, spray flames!"

The Fire Dinosaur is good at melee attacks, does that mean it can't fight at all from a distance?

No, although the fire dinosaur is stronger in close combat, it also has the power that belongs to its level at long range. Then the flames were released and directly overwhelmed the big tail.

"Succeeded?" An Shiyu blinked at the side.

"No..." Ye Chuan shook his head and saw Ou Li slowly walking out of the flames, with a mocking smile on his face: "Hey."

"It's really scary." Ye Chuan felt that none of his parents' friends were normal people. Aunt Xueling was a gamer. The elves were so scary. They were all senior trainers.

At this time, the fire dinosaur has consumed a lot of physical strength by continuously releasing skills. It has released so many skills, coupled with the continuous consumption of physical strength by Dragon Dance, it is a very high consumption for the fire dinosaur.

As for Ootate, he still looked at ease. Apart from some burnt hair on his body, he was almost unharmed.

"How about it, do you want to surrender obediently?" Liu Xueling said with a smile, and then patted her chest:

"Am I strong enough to guide you?"

"Very strong." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he suddenly grinned:

"But it's not enough for the time being..."

The fire dinosaur slowly raised its head at this time, its muscles swelled, and then a red stream of light flowed along its body. With the increasingly hot breath on its body, it roared——

Red light soars into the sky from within its body!

"Boom, boom, boom -" The terrifying fire power burst out from the body of the fire dinosaur, making the entire gym start to heat up.

Features: Fierce!

After falling into a desperate situation, she greatly improved her fire power characteristics. After the fire power in the fire dinosaur's body was completely stimulated, Liu Xueling on the opposite side blinked:

"Ah, isn't this fierce fire a little scary?"

"Fierce fire..."

An Shiyu was also stunned. As his number one fan, Ye Chuan's fire dinosaurs are actually rarely forced to this point. After all, the effect of the fierce fire characteristic is a characteristic that will only be released after physical exertion reaches a certain level.

Ye Chuan's fire dinosaur has not been inspired to burst into flames for a long time.

"Then, let's fight again." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the fire dinosaur was wrapped in the breath of flames and rushed directly towards the big tail, and all the power in its body burst out——

"Fire Fist!"

After seeing the flame fist, Oudao immediately used the same move to fight, but when the two collided, suddenly, the flames on the fire dinosaur's fist began to become disordered, and the two unbalanced flames began to intersect and collide. , the last buzz:


There was an explosion!

The big tail was thrown away directly, and then fell to the ground.

"What move is this?" Liu Xueling showed a curious expression, because before the fire dinosaur had even touched the big tail, the flame fist detonated on its own like a bomb, and its power was quite high.

"This is an improved version of the Flame Fist." The power of the waveguide flashed in Ye Chuan's eyes:

"Go on, Fire Dinosaur."

The fire dinosaur continued to rush towards the big tail, the flames on its fists merged and collided again, and finally the more violent power was chaotic and punched out again!



The terrifying power brought about by each explosion actually suppressed Ohori for a while, and Liu Xueling, who saw this scene, couldn't help but say:

"What kind of monster skill is this?"

Each punch brought about a fire explosion that was no less powerful than self-destruction, enough to make Otachi feel threatened.

"But having said that, having a master-level elf in the first grade is a very outrageous thing." Liu Xueling recalled her first year in high school.

At that time, in order to pass the final exam smoothly, she would directly hug her boss's thigh and never let go. Of course, she also hugged Ye Chuan's father's thigh. In short, she hugged his thigh all the way. Third grade.

With her current strength, her big tail was actually suppressed and beaten by a fire dinosaur for a period of time?


"Too strong..." Liu Xueling muttered, and then she had no choice but to give orders:

"Oudao Tate, use your defense!"

The green energy barrier was released, directly supporting the attack of the fire dinosaur's nuclear blast flame fist. Then the moment it released the barrier, its fist burst out with dark light.

Exploding punch!

"Boom--" The explosive fist hit the fire dinosaur's body directly.

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