Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 269 Battle against Liu Xueling

After finally getting Aunt Xueling to calm down, Ye Chuan looked at her speechlessly, while An Shiyu next to him was smiling.

"So, this is impossible." Ye Chuan said slowly:

"My strength is average, so I can't help you get an Elf Hall Master. And the most important thing is that I don't have time right now. I'm still only a high school student."

"Just once or twice a week is enough!" Liu Xueling said pitifully:

"Save the child!"

He looked completely unbecoming of an elder, leaving Ye Chuan speechless after seeing it. How could his parents have such a friend? But at least he had hugged him when he was a child, so he didn't think about it so much.

"What's the benefit?"

After sighing, Ye Chuan asked:

"If you let me be the acting director, there must be some benefits, right?"

"I can teach you a lot of fighting skills." Liu Xueling heard that Ye Chuan seemed to be relenting and said quickly:

"Moreover, there are out-of-print skill discs that I have collected for many years!"

"You teach me how to fight?" Ye Chuan just thought that Aunt Xueling's strength was not even as good as him, but when he thought about it carefully, since the alliance gave her the position of gym leader, it meant that her level of strength was completely passable.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuan looked at Liu Xueling and suddenly said:

"Aunt Xueling, let's have a battle with me. If you really have something that I can learn, I will promise to help you act as the museum owner for a day or two every weekend."

"Hohoho." Liu Xueling's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this, and she dragged Ye Chuan into the gym to fight.

"Wait for me." An Shiyu quickly followed after seeing Liu Xueling pulling Aye into the small dark room.

Turning on the lights, the Elf Gym lit up, but there was dust everywhere, which showed that no one had cleaned it for a long time.

"Fire dinosaur." The elf ball in Ye Chuan's hand glowed above white, and a red-orange fire dragon appeared, emitting a breath of fire.

As soon as he took action, Ye Chuan brought out his strongest combat power. Although Aunt Xueling was unreliable, she still had the position of the museum leader. In terms of strength level, she was at the master level or above, so Ye Chuan still Didn't let down his guard.

"It's a very good fire dinosaur." After Liu Xueling saw this strong fire dinosaur, she asked with a smile:

"Could it be a fire dinosaur that's good at close combat?"

After being told the truth, Ye Chuan was slightly stunned, and then smiled: "Well, my fire dinosaur doesn't like long-range attacks, so it takes the melee route."

"Hey, let me take a look. There are signs of wear and tear on the claws. It seems that claw skills are often used... and there are calluses on the fists. It seems that skills such as Flame Fist are also used frequently."

As Liu Xueling was talking, Ye Chuan's expression began to look a little strange. Why did Aunt Xueling see everything?

Could it be that she is actually a very powerful elf trainer?

No, Ye Chuan once heard his parents’ comments about Aunt Xueling——

"A salty fish trainer. After graduation, in order to play games, he went to make his own games for himself."

"Speaking of which, Liu Xueling almost couldn't graduate at that time, mainly because her score in the cultural subject was too low, and she was also a sneak into the key classes."

Recalling what his parents had said about Aunt Xueling, Ye Chuan looked at her speechlessly, and then said:

"Aunt Xueling, where is your elf?"

After seeing Ye Chuan urging herself to summon the elf, Liu Xueling took out her elf ball:

"Here comes the freshly baked elf!"

Above the white light, a raccoon-shaped elf appears. Its appearance is composed of off-white and brown patterns, circle after circle, which looks a bit confusing.

Big tail stand!

This is a general type elf, Otate. Generally speaking, this type of elf is not suitable for fighting. It is often kept as a pet because its combat effectiveness is too low.

"This kind of elf..." Ye Chuan looked stunned. He had no discrimination against elves, but he felt that not all elves were suitable for fighting. After all, elves were not meant to fight from the moment they were born.

But no matter how Ye Chuan thought about an elf like Ootachi, he didn't understand how to fight it.

Because Otachi's natural attributes are too fragile, he can be used as a cute pet. In battle, he will basically break into pieces at a touch.

The cute big tail meets his own fire dinosaur...

"Take action, don't be in a daze." At this time, Liu Xueling opposite said:

"Are you willing to promise me as long as I defeat you?"

"Absolutely." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed:

"Fire dinosaur, use flame punch!"

After the fire dinosaur roared, it rushed directly towards the big tail. Flames condensed on its fists, making the surrounding air begin to stir.

Seeing the opponent's menacing look, the big tail stood up, and then his small claws condensed white light, and he collided with the fire dinosaur that followed——

White light intertwined with flames, and the next second, the fire dinosaur was bounced away, while the big tail was still standing on the spot, with white water vapor slightly emitting from its small claws.

"It actually bounced the fire dinosaur away..."

In terms of strength, Ye Chuan has always believed in the strength of the Fire Dinosaur. Now that he saw that the Fire Dinosaur lost to Ootate in terms of strength, Ye Chuan was stunned.

To what extent has the strength of this big Odachi reached?

This feeling is like fighting against Teacher Jiang's Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Then, the big tail rushed towards the fire dinosaur. Like white lightning, it appeared in front of the fire dinosaur very quickly, and then hit its head directly:


With a loud noise, the Fire Dinosaur staggered back a few steps. It seemed that the opponent's strength far exceeded his expectations. The Fire Dinosaur grinned, and then dragon-type power burst out from within his body.

The power of red and purple began to turn into a shimmer and surround the fire dinosaur. After the Dragon Dance was activated, the aura of the fire dinosaur rose to a very terrifying level.

Then the fire dinosaur stepped forward, purple flames wrapped its fist, and blasted straight towards the big tail!

"Hey!" Fire condensed on the big tail's fist, and it also blasted towards the fire dinosaur!

It’s also a flame fist!


The two flaming fists collided, causing a horrific explosion. Then the fire dinosaur was seen retreating from the thick smoke, staring straight at the black fog in the distance.

I saw the thick fog slowly dissipating, and Ou Li walked out with two small claws condensed with flames. His petite body had an indescribable terrifying aura.

After seeing this, Ye Chuan's eyes gradually glowed with a faint blue——

The power of the waveguide was released, and in Ye Chuan's perception, the waveguide aura of the big tail...

It was as strong as a blue beam of light rising into the sky!

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