Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 258 Wife, I’m hungry

"There was something wrong at first, because Shiyu would only call me Aye, but not you." Ye Chuan looked at "An Shiyu" in front of him and said calmly:

"So, you are the one who created this fog?"

"An Shiyu" walked back a few steps with a smile, then said with a smile:

"Absolutely. I have to say that your keen ability is the strongest I have ever seen. So now, can you still find me?"

After saying that, its figure slowly disappeared into the mist, and disappeared without a trace, exactly the same as before!

After seeing this, Ye Chuan turned on his own waveguide, and then began to scan the surroundings.

"Now, tell me, what's your name?"

A pair of pale hands stretched out from the mist, hugged Ye Chuan's neck directly and said:

"Say it."

Ye Chuan looked at this scene and then said:

"You are a ghost elf, right?"

The pale hand froze slightly, then retracted and laughed: "So?"

"So..." Ye Chuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then stretched out his foot and slowly kicked the big tree beside him:

"This tree isn't real either."

As Ye Chuan kicked down, the big tree beside him shattered like broken glass, and then the scene in front of him began to collapse, and finally sunlight penetrated.

Ye Chuan opened his eyes and found himself lying on the ground, with an unconscious girl next to him, it was Jiang Xue.

After seeing the surrounding scene return to its original state, Ye Chuan looked around and finally focused on one place:

"Fire dinosaur!"

The elf ball in his hand opened, and the fire dinosaur appeared and used a flame fist directly at one place.

The flame breath exploded, screams were heard, and then a purple-black figure slowly emerged——

It's an elf!

Ghostly elf dream monster!

"As expected, he is a dream demon who is good at creating illusions. He was almost deceived." After Ye Chuan saw that there was a dream demon here, he immediately rubbed his forehead. Fortunately, the fake An Shiyu did not call him Aye, otherwise It's possible to be scammed.

"Gah!" The fire dinosaur glanced at Ye Chuan, and then continued to attack the dream monster.

The dream monster's combat effectiveness was far inferior to that of the fire dinosaur, and its strength was probably around the elite level, so it was defeated quickly.

"Jiang Xue." At this time, Ye Chuan knelt down and started to wake Jiang Xue up.

The latter groaned, and then slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Ye Chuan's face very close to her, she chuckled:

"What, what do you think of me?"

"No." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he pointed at the dream monster in the distance:

"I just met the dream demon, and I don't know when it made me fall into a dreamland."

"So that's it." Jiang Xue had seen the dream monster in the illustrated book, so she was quite familiar with the characteristics of this kind of spirit that was good at creating illusions.

"Let's go on." Ye Chuan stood up and was about to head to the destination with Jiang Xue when his body froze slightly.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xue beside her asked.

"Oops, I accidentally summoned the fire dinosaur." Ye Chuan pointed to his elf ball. Because only one elf could be used for training, he accidentally summoned a second elf besides the blue jay.

"Ah, it seems that tonight's dinner is gone." Jiang Xue said distressedly.


Ye Chuan and his party came to a barbecue restaurant.

Looking at Gu Qi next to him who was eating so much, Ye Chuan seemed a little speechless and held his face. At this time, Teacher Jiang saw this and said immediately:

"I set up that dream monster. I didn't expect you, Ye Chuan, to be able to fall for it!"

"Please, who knew you would do something like this." Ye Chuan never expected that Teacher Jiang would bring a ghost elf out to cause trouble. After taking a look at the fragrant barbecue next to him, he felt a little helpless.

Because according to the rules, he can't even order one for himself here.

"Aye, let's eat for you..." An Shiyu, who was beside her, quietly put meat on Ye Chuan's plate.

"Hey, no." Teacher Jiang quickly grabbed it, and then said cheerfully:

"Even if you want to eat, you have to go home after we finish eating, and then you can go find something to eat in the rest of the time. You'd better watch us eat at this time."

Ye Chuan: "..."

When An Shiyu on the side saw this, she had no choice but to slap his thigh as if massaging:

"Aye, it's okay. I'll make you something to eat when you get back. Just be patient."

Ye Chuan felt miserable and had no choice but to bury his face in An Shiyu's soft chest, smelling the girl's delicious body fragrance to soothe the hurt in his heart.

After dinner, it was already nine o'clock when we got home.

He went out for training all afternoon and didn't come home until nine o'clock. However, Ye Chuan's hunger reached a new level, not to mention that he was currently in adolescence and had a huge appetite. As soon as he got home, he was so hungry that he had no energy. Got:

"Daughter-in-law, I'm hungry..."

Seeing that Aye was so hungry that she called her daughter-in-law, An Shiyu's face was pink and she went to prepare dinner:

"Okay, I'll be fine soon."

At this time, the fire dinosaurs were also hungry, lying on the sofa like Ye Chuan, their stomachs rumbling.

When An Shiyu saw this, her jewel-like eyes curved into cute crescent moons, and then she said softly:

"What a fool."

After eating a full meal, Ye Chuan touched his bulging belly with satisfaction:


The elves also burped one after another.

"Are you full?" An Shiyu asked with a smile.

"Not yet, we still have some dessert after dinner." Ye Chuan shook his head, looking like he was not yet satisfied.

"Dessert?" An Shiyu was stunned for a moment after hearing what Aye said, and then began to think about what ingredients for dessert were in the refrigerator.

Ye Chuan saw An Shiyu thinking seriously and said with a smile:

"I want to taste the jelly on your mouth."


An Shiyu was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, her pretty face flushed: "Idiot Aye!"

Ye Chuan closed his eyes and didn't forget to touch his lips with his finger.

When An Shiyu saw this, she bit her lips lightly, and then she had no choice but to lean over, blushing and click on Ye Chuan's lips. She found that the other party directly held her waist, and then took her into his mouth. Her lips.

Ten minutes later, An Shiyu, who was as soft as mud, lay in Ye Chuan's arms. Looking at Ye Chuan's evil smile, she whispered:

"I'm going to tell my aunt and uncle that you bullied me."

The uncles and aunts she spoke of were naturally Ye Chuan's parents.

"Do you dare?" Ye Chuan asked in a low voice:


An Shiyu immediately stretched out his pink fist and hit Ye Chuan on the chest, but it didn't have any strength at all, but it felt a little comfortable.

"Hmph, I'll hit you."

Seeing An Shiyu's cute appearance, Ye Chuan couldn't help but pinched An Shiyu's cheek and asked, "Do you want domestic violence?"

An Shiyu was in pain and scratched the air in front of her with her small hands, whining:

"It's obviously Aye who is bullying people."

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