Another line of text.

Ye Chuan had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and take pictures. It must be said that he was still interested in this kind of thing. After Jiang Xue saw this, he said:

"Who are you going to find to study these words?"

"Anyway, this isn't some ruins. I'm just interested in these strange words." Ye Chuan just finished speaking, and then shook the phone in his hand:

"Maybe I'll find a scholar who studies writing then to take a look."

"What if we discover any important secret?" Jiang Xue said with a smile.

"I hope so too." Ye Chuan finished speaking with a smile.

Then they continued to search and found that there was nothing else in the tree hole. They left the tree hole and returned to the road to get the flag.

Nothing strange happened along the way, but I encountered many powerful wild elves.

Ye Chuan suspected that Lao Jiang put this down, but he did not have the ability to command wild elves, so he had to think that he was just a coincidence.

Time passed slowly, and Jiang Xue's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Ye Chuan, do you feel that we are lost?" Jiang Xue suddenly asked in a low voice.

get lost?

Ye Chuan pointed to the map in his hand and said, "No, look at the map the teacher gave us. It's almost a straight line, and there are no places where we need to turn."

If a map is given, it means that Teacher Jiang has been to this place.

After all, when arranging outdoor training for students, as a teacher, he would definitely walk through it himself, let alone plant the flag at the destination.

"But I've seen this tree just now." Jiang Xue pointed to a large, ordinary-looking tree next to it.

"Could it be that you feel wrong?" Ye Chuan asked. After all, this tree is quite ordinary and there doesn't seem to be anything special about it.

"No, I pay more attention to these details." After Jiang Xue finished speaking, he took out a pen from his bag and finally drew an X-shaped symbol on the tree.

"Let's go." After seeing Jiang Xue leaving a mark, Ye Chuan continued, because if it were later, he might not be able to catch up with their progress.

"Yes." After Jiang Xue glanced at the mark, she nodded and followed Ye Chuan's pace.

ten minutes later--

Ye Chuan and Jiang Xue stood there, looking at the mark in a daze.

"What's going on?" Ye Chuan frowned slightly, why did he come back again?

It's obviously been a straight line.

Jiang Xue also shook her head: "I just discovered it. It's that tree. I'm very familiar with it."

As he spoke, he pointed to the mark on the tree next to him.

"It's getting foggy."

At this moment, a thick white fog suddenly came from the trees, and then enveloped Ye Chuan and the others.

"Ye Chuan..." Jiang Xue couldn't help but get closer to Ye Chuan, and then said:

"Something seems wrong."

"Yeah." Ye Chuan also nodded.

However, after the fog started, there was still no special change in the surrounding environment. After Ye Chuan and Jiang Xue looked at each other, they headed back.

The fog was so weird that a faint blue light appeared in Ye Chuan's eyes, and then he found that his waveguide perception was actually blocked.

This thick fog seemed to be like a wall, completely blocking Ye Chuan's waveguide power from spreading to the outside.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xue asked beside him.

"It's okay." Ye Chuan shook his head.

Then the two of them continued walking back, but ten minutes later, the tree on the left attracted Ye Chuan's attention, especially the symbol on it, which was left by Jiang Xue.

"No matter whether you go forward or back, this is the place where you will finally come back." Jiang Xue's face looked a little unsightly, and they seemed to have been circling here.

"Blue Jay..." At this moment, Ye Chuan suddenly realized something was wrong.

Where are the blue jays? !

"Blue Crow?" Jiang Xue also came to her senses, and her hunting swallowtail butterfly disappeared without knowing when!

"No, this is definitely not part of the training."

Ye Chuan took out his mobile phone and found that there was no signal at all.

The surrounding white fog became thicker and thicker, and the visual range in front of him gradually shrank. Faced with this strange thick fog, Ye Chuan had no choice but to say:

"Jiang Xue, follow me."

After all, the two can't be separated anymore, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

But as soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, there was no response from him. He turned his head and found that Jiang Xue, who had been beside him just now, had disappeared? !

Ye Chuan quickly activated the power of the waveguide and found that it was still blocked by the fog and could not find Jiang Xue's whereabouts at all.

"That's terrible." Ye Chuan secretly said, "That's terrible." He touched his waist with his hand.


Poke ball?

What about Poke Balls?

Ye Chuan was completely calm at this time. The blue jay was gone, Jiang Xue was gone, and even the Poké Ball on his waist was gone.

"What should I do, wait here or keep moving forward?"

After Ye Chuan calmed down, he began to look for countermeasures, because at this time, he should not be anxious. Once he became anxious, more confusion would occur.

Just as Ye Chuan was thinking about what to do, footsteps suddenly came from the distance.

"Huh?" Ye Chuan took a closer look and found that a girl with long hair came out.


The girl looked at Ye Chuan and couldn't help blinking her big jewel-like eyes, and then trotted over excitedly:

"Very good."

"Shiyu?" After seeing An Shiyu, Ye Chuan asked strangely:

"Aren't you staying with Teacher Jiang?"

"I don't know either. When I was staying with the teacher, the surroundings started to get foggy for no reason." An Shiyu said, shaking her head:

"When I came to my senses, the teacher was gone."

"I had no choice but to look for the teacher, and I met you here."

"It's weird." Ye Chuan frowned slightly, how could he meet An Shiyu here?

It obviously didn't take long for the fog to start. Could it be that starting from the starting point, the fog started directly at the starting point?

"What's wrong?" the girl next to him asked curiously.

"It's okay, just follow me. Jiang Xue has separated from me just now." Ye Chuan shook his head and said:

"This fog should not be caused by Teacher Jiang."

"Okay." After An Shiyu finished speaking, he followed Ye Chuan obediently.

Not long after Ye Chuan and An Shiyu moved forward, Ye Chuan released the waveguide again——

The result is still the same, unable to detect parts other than fog at all.

But the next second, he suddenly froze and stopped.

"What's wrong?" the girl next to him asked again.

Ye Chuan's face turned cold, then he took a step back and stared at An Shiyu closely:

"Who are you?"

Hearing this, An Shiyu blinked and then showed a weird smile:


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