"Why aren't you drawing comics at home today?"

Looking at the little ghost hanging on his back, Ye Chuan asked with a smile. This little ghost is naturally his own elf Youyou. Youyou has been quite diligent during this period, staying in the room all day long and drawing his favorite comics. Occasionally go out for a meal or something.

In addition, the fire dinosaur is now sleeping, and Youyou has no intention of dancing anymore.

"Come out and get some air!" Youyou put her hands on her hips and raised her chin.

"Don't you like it in broad daylight?" Ye Chuan smiled slightly when he saw this and asked directly.

"If you don't like it, you don't like it." Youyou muttered: "There is no more fun than sitting there all day long."

Seeing Youyou's muttering, Ye Chuan smiled and stretched out his hand to touch her soft head.

Today, Ye Chuan only brought Youyou out. Blue Crow and his big brother Mumu Xiao ran to play. Flying Mantis was still the same as usual, either meditating or finding a place to practice his sword.

"Speaking of which, Youyou, you've been here for so long, and you don't seem to have any signs of evolution." Ye Chuan asked.

"Evolve?" Youyou's body shrank into a purple-black ball and turned into a ghost. Then she changed again, turning into a ghost, and then stuck out her long tongue:

"Is this how it evolves?"

"No, no, what do you look like in your true body?" Ye Chuan waved his hand, and Youyou's body turned round again:

"Ying ying ying is this guy."

Sure enough, he still looks like a ghost.

I don’t know when that evolution stone will be available.

"Hey Ye Chuan?" Youyou lay on Ye Chuan's head, like a large purple-black hat.

Youyou's body temperature was very low. After all, her body was made of poisonous gas, so her true form lay on Ye Chuan's head, making his scalp feel cold.

Soon, Ye Chuan arrived at the agreed place. Maybe because he arrived earlier, Ye Chuan only saw Jiang Xue standing on the roadside. She was wearing casual clothes, and her proud figure that was usually invisible in school uniforms was well revealed. Coming out made her look a lot more mature.

"Compared to your girlfriend, who has a better figure?" Jiang Xue seemed to notice that Ye Chuan was looking at her clothes, so she asked with a smile.

"That must be my Shiyu." Ye Chuan gave a thumbs up:

“Everywhere is perfect!”

"You really like your girlfriend." Jiang Xue said, suddenly noticing in the distance, Gu Qi came running over on a little fire horse.

"What are you..." After seeing this little fire horse, Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then showed a strange expression:

"Do you have a driver's license?"

"The speed of the small fire horse is not very fast, it is about the same as that of bicycles. Moreover, I rented this one from Didi, so I don't need a driver's license." Gu Qi got off the horse and paid the money at the collar of the little fire horse. He kicked his horse's hooves and left.

"It's really convenient." Ye Chuan will have to wait for two years to take the elf driving license and motor vehicle driving license. By then, it will be much more convenient to take An Shiyu wherever he goes.

"Hasn't Yaozao arrived yet?" At this time, Gu Qi looked around and found that Yaozao was not around, so she asked curiously.

"She's not here yet, but I have her contact information..." Before Ye Chuan could finish speaking, Gu Qi grabbed his shoulders hard:

"What?! You actually have her contact information?!"

"Gu Qi, calm down." Ye Chuan finally understood what it means to be a fanatical fan. He took out his mobile phone and made a call directly to Shizao——

In less than five seconds, the call was connected, and Yaozao's voice came:

"Um... I seem to be lost in Ye Chuan. Can you send me the location?"

"Yao Zao seems to have lost his way." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, Gu Qi patted her chest:

"Where is she? I'll pick her up!"

"It seems..." After Ye Chuan gave the location address to Gu Qi, this guy called another armored rhinoceros and ran away.

"Is Gu Qi proficient in riding MAX? Isn't it very difficult to ride an elf like an armored rhinoceros?" After seeing this, Ye Chuan realized that Gu Qi was so good at riding an elf.

Ye Chuan is different. He is better at riding others.

After telling Yaozao that Gu Qi would pick her up, the other party became silent.

After a while, Gu Qi came back early with the medicine. It could be seen that Gu Qi was quite happy.

"Then, let's eat first." Ye Chuan said with a smile. After all, he was not interested in getting involved in the matter between Gu Qi and Yaozao.

"As for the restaurants nearby, I have one that I highly recommend." Jiang Xue said with a smile.

"Really? Let's go to the store Jiang Xue went to. Do you have any opinions?" Ye Chuan looked at Yao Zao and Gu Qi and asked.


The restaurant Jiang Xue was talking about was an elf-themed restaurant. The waiters inside were made up of humans and elves. When they came outside the restaurant, they saw a lot of elves wearing clothes similar to sucking golems. Uniforms serve food to guests.

"There is also an elf performance..." Yaozao couldn't help but sigh after seeing the super-power elf Puff Pig performing magic on the stage in the distance.

"It's the Puff Pig. This kind of baby form of the Elf, the Tig Pig, is said to have a very important pearl. If the pearl is accidentally lost, the Tig Pig will also lose its vitality and strength." Beside her, Gu Qi said .

"Don't get so close to me!" Yao Zao turned around when he saw Gu Qi approaching.

"The pearls of the jumping pig are actually the same thing as the pearls produced by the pearl oyster." Ye Chuan took the opportunity to popularize some trivial knowledge. The pearl oyster and the big tongue oyster are both marine water spirits.

"Then let's order first."

At this time, the waiter came over with the menu. After Ye Chuan took it, he looked at it, then raised his head to order, but was stunned:


The waiter standing aside at this time had long silver-white hair, a pretty snow-white face, and a pair of very recognizable eyes.

"Gu Youling?!" Everyone was stunned. Why would Gu Youling work as a waiter here? !

Seeing that it was Ye Chuan and the others, Gu Youling showed no expression, then took out a mask and put it on his face.

"Don't think you can lie to us just because you're wearing a mask. Didn't you just expose yourself?!"

After seeing that he failed to hide himself, Gu Youling didn't say anything, but turned around and left.

"Wait." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and took Gu Youling's wrist. The latter's body trembled, and then he turned around like a robot, his eyes as cold as frost.

"That..." Feeling the other person's aura, Ye Chuan let go of his hand, then pointed to the seat next to him with a smile:

"Why don't you sit down and let's have a nice chat."

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