Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 224 Gengar’s Evolution Stone

The gem in front of him is undoubtedly the Mega Evolution Stone, because it’s not like Ye Chuan has never seen the real thing. His father has an Evolution Stone. When he was a child, he used it as a large glass ball to play with. Later he found out that it was a Mega Evolution Stone. A very important prop.

"Who sent it here?" Ye Chuan thought for a while, then took out the evolution stone and found a small note underneath, which said:

[This is a gift from my sister-in-law. Guess what kind of elf evolution stone it is. 】

After seeing this message, Ye Chuan finally understood that this was the evolution stone sent by his sister-in-law. Maybe it was because his parents were not around when he was young. In fact, he spent a lot of time with his sister-in-law. In other words, his sister-in-law regarded him more as She gave her child the best no matter what.

"Aye." Beside her, An Shiyu asked in a low voice, "Did Aunt Keke send it here?"

"It belongs to my sister-in-law." Ye Chuan took the evolution stone in his hand, then turned around and hurried upstairs. Without knowing it, he took down a rainbow-colored gemstone. This was the evolution keystone he had obtained at his grandfather's house.

"Evolution stone, evolution key stone." Ye Chuan held a gem in one hand and said:

"This is the secret of mega evolution."

"Mega evolution..." An Shiyu blinked her big jewel-like eyes, then completed the crescent moon and said with a smile: "This way Aye's combat effectiveness has been improved."

After hearing what An Shiyu said, Ye Chuan shook his head: "No."


"Because I don't know what kind of elf evolution stone my sister-in-law sent me. Another point is that the first condition for mega evolution is that the elf is the final form of evolution." Ye Chuan said:

"Neither the ghost, the fire dinosaur, nor the flying mantis are in their final form, which means that this powerful power cannot be used by me for the time being."

"Really?" An Shiyu blinked his eyes.

However, Ye Chuan smiled and said, "However, although I won't be able to use this power for the time being, it will be hard to say in the future."

"Yeah!" An Shiyu smiled sweetly.

Later, Ye Chuan called his sister-in-law.

The other end of the phone quickly answered: "Xiaochuan, why did you suddenly call my sister-in-law?"

There is a sense of ridicule.

"Sister-in-law, please stop laughing at me. You sent the evolution stone, right?" Ye Chuan asked with a smile.

"Oh? Are you here now?" Ye Chuan's sister-in-law was sitting in the office of the trainer's headquarters, twirling her long hair with her fingers, and said:

"That's a gift from my sister-in-law, Gengar's evolution stone."

"Gengar's?" Ye Chuan looked at the evolution stone in his hand, and then held it tightly in his palm:

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

"It seems like you are going to do something in a year. Come on, go for it. By the way, remember to give your sister-in-law a big fat boy as soon as possible." A smiling voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's not so early!"

After chatting for a while and hanging up the phone, An Shiyu blinked curiously beside her: "What did Aye just talk about?"

"Interested?" Ye Chuan smiled.

"Yes." An Shiyu nodded lightly, but felt something was wrong with Ye Chuan's gaze.

Ye Chuan lowered his head and whispered in the girl's ear: "She said she wanted to hold our child."

An Shiyu's face turned red for a moment: "Too, too early!"

"At least after graduating from high school."

Seeing An Shiyu's panicked look was one of Ye Chuan's rare bad tastes. After he reached out and pinched An Shiyu's face, he smiled and said:


In the next week, Ye Chuan and his team grew up rapidly under Teacher Jiang's training, and the team members got along with each other very quickly.

At the very least, Ru Yaozao did not resist Gu Qi's kindness towards him, and was sometimes willing to talk about some past events, but the core part - such as why he gave up being a popular idol, was still not revealed after all.


Teacher Jiang watched the elves in front of him stand up supporting each other, with an expression of relief in his eyes.

"Okay, that's enough."

Training is over.

Although it doesn't take long, the harvest is not small.

Next Monday will be the day of the college league. First, there will be the municipal qualifying round. There will be group competitions with other high schools in the city. The winner will advance to the next round to participate in the provincial competition, until the national college league.

"Ye Chuan, you are going to represent the school in the competition on Monday. How about we go have a meal on the weekend?" Gu Qi was thinking about it and always wanted to drag Ye Chuan out to play.

"Five?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Well, there are five of our team members." Gu Qi said, and then asked Yaozao and the others:

"How about it?"

"I'm fine." Yaozao pushed up his glasses with thick bottoms, seeming to be quite interested in this kind of thing.

"Me too." Jiang Xue smiled and seemed to have no objection to this.

"Then...just." Before Gu Qi could say anything, Gu Youling said calmly:

"No time."

"Ah." After seeing Gu Youling's refusal, Gu Qi was stunned for a moment and said with a dry smile:

"Gu Youling, look, everyone is going. If you don't go, it will be a little bit..."

Gu Youling just looked at him quietly.

"Gu Qi." At this time, Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and put it on Gu Qi's shoulder, then looked at Gu Youling and smiled:

"Since you don't want to go, we won't force you. This is a matter of personal preference."

After Gu Youling heard what he said, he nodded slightly, turned around and left.

"What? Gu Youling is always so cold." Gu Qi muttered when she saw Gu Youling's leaving figure.

"After all, hanging out together is a matter of respecting personal wishes." Ye Chuan shook his head, then patted Gu Qi on the shoulder:

"Don't say anything like that because everyone is going, you won't be a part of the group if you don't go."

"All right."

After deciding to go out for the weekend, Ye Chuan informed An Shiyu one day in advance and told her that she didn't have to cook her own meals on the weekend, and that he would go out to eat by then.

"Okay, come back soon." An Shiyu smiled softly. No matter what Ye Chuan decided, she would always support him silently and would not have any objections.


When the weekend came, Ye Chuan got up early and changed his clothes.

"Eat breakfast first before setting off." An Shiyu was wearing an apron and had a spoon in her hand.

"I know." Ye Chuan glanced at the dining table and found that the breakfast was extremely rich. It was not an exaggeration to call it lunch.

Ye Chuan: "..."

Glancing at the smiling An Shiyu beside him, he had no choice but to smile and eat them all.

"Let's go, don't be late." After breakfast, An Shiyu stood on tiptoes and carefully arranged the wrinkles on Ye Chuan's clothes, and said with a sweet smile.

"Hiccup, let's go."

Ye Chuan set out with a big belly.

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