"Next, please enjoy the perfect performance, and you will be one of the participants."

"A performance of death ."

The Demon Lord opened his arms and laughed.

Xuan Du on the side also uttered an extremely harsh howling.

Perhaps, it should be called the Heart Demon symbiont.

Xuan Du has a special body, for Heart Demon, it is like "longevity meat".

In order to gain enough power, he opened his body and allowed countless Heart Demon to penetrate into his body.

The current Xuan Du can only be called the Heart Demon symbiosis.

It belongs to Xuandu's own consciousness. The moment countless Heart Demon penetrated into the body, it was torn to pieces, and finally immersed in the head of Demonic Will of various hearts.

Today's Heart Demon symbiosis can be said to be a tool of evil gods. With him, you can create infinite Heart Demon to fight!

"Can't delay it, even if they know our intentions in advance? Let's do it directly, under the impact of the army, any plot against is useless!" The Emperor Zhentian deeply shouted.

He was not too impulsive, but felt that Demon Lord might be delaying time.

"Everyone in the Hall of Ruthlessness listens to orders!"


The Hall of Ruthlessness turned out to be the first one to do it, the army of 100,000 gods. Directly like a torrent moved towards the palace and rushed away.

Emperor Moreau directly issued the order.

He agrees with the idea of ​​Emperor Zhentian, and is quite simple.

The powerhouse of the Ruthless Temple has a strong execution ability. He immediately started his hand. Various divine abilities emerged in an endless stream. The dazzling light beam penetrated the Demon Lord.

The great emperor Gufeng is frowned, he wanted to observe for a while.

But seeing the ruthless palace all shot, they were naturally impossible to watch the battle, so they ordered the Celestial Court army.

Celestial Court’s celestial troops and generals have a set of extremely powerful combined divine ability, Immortal Qi rushes into the sky, like a long spear to pierce the sky!

"Let's do it."

In the Ancient Immortal world, Zhenjun Ning Feng also gave orders.

Almost at the same time, the Three Great Supremes forces took action, and the army came down!

And the opponent, there are only two people!

The Demon Lord didn't have the slightest panic on his face, facing the army of hundreds of thousands, as if looking at the air.


next moment, the Heart Demon symbiont screamed.

The dry and cracked ground trembled, and Heart Demon crawled out, like a living corpse.

The entire dark star is a super large star, although it does not have enough Heaven and Earth energy, it is not a Peak star, not even a high-level star.

But the body is very huge!

At this moment, in every inch of the gray stars, there are countless Heart Demon crawling out of the ground!

This amount is too terrifying, infinite.

Looking down from the sky, the earth seems to be covered by a black ocean.

These Heart Demons drilled out of the ground are uneven in strength, some are only True God, and some can reach the Great Emperor.

The first attack of the Three Great Supremes forces was intercepted by countless Heart Demons.

These three hundred thousand god emperors are all elites, and they urge the joint divine ability to sweep the Quartet.

The army of the gods of the Ancient Immortal world is like a torrent, forming a huge fairy sword.

The combination of Celestial Court's divine ability is a long spear, while the one in Ruthless Palace is a bit weird, it's an eye.

However, the first wave of the 300,000 God Emperor's army was resisted.

Countless Heart Demon fends off the attack with their lives.

True Monarch Ning Feng browsed tightly knit, he saw those True God and Heavenly God Heart Demon flying into the sky, and countless Heart Demon formed a big net.

Even if the strength of the tripartite alliance is terrifying, it is enough to easily kill the emperor and hit the big net of Heart Demon. A large number of Heart Demons are wiped out. However, there are too many Heart Demons. Coming up.

"You guys, use the power of this star to feed these Heart Demon!"

heavenly punishment eyes slightly shrink.

He can see it!

This super-large star was originally a prosperous star, containing unimaginable Heaven and Earth energy and various Divine Stone veins!

The mineral veins on these stars must be the Divine Stone mineral veins of Peak!

Maybe there was a powerful creature race originally on this star, but it was destroyed by the powerhouse led by the evil god.

Heavenly punishment can't help but feel shocked. The reason why this star appears dark is because all the energy is absorbed and swallowed.

The same is true, leaving only dead trees and dry cracked ground.


Perhaps more than that, maybe the evil gods are also using these energy to open the passage of the universe!

"Isn't it just a bunch of miscellaneous fish!"

"What are you afraid of!"

The Emperor Zhentian was the first to make a shot in the extreme powerhouse.

A big seal shrouded, Heaven and Earth trembled!

The breath alone caused True God and Heavenly God’s Heart Demon to collapse on its own.

The death of the Heart Demon blockbuster movie is like the tide receding.

The Heart Demon symbiote uttered a harsh roar again, and the arm became bloated, turning into a huge Heart Demon arm, trying to block the big seal.


The Great Emperor Gufeng slashed out with a sword, and the terrifying a sword light slashed in an instant, but it could only leave a trail on the bloated arm of the Heart Demon symbiont The narrow and long opening was not cut off.

He is frowned, and the defensive power of the Heart Demon symbiosis is beyond imagination.

However, the Heart Demon symbiote was also repelled.

Just then!

A silhouette rushed out from the back of the palace, and it also showed the strength of the tenth-level extreme position. The punch broke the sky, with a loud bang, and forcibly knocked the big seal back.

Imperial Capital of Zhentian University was shocked by this huge force and took a few steps back.

"Fucked!" Hu Zhe couldn't help but roar. He made two shots, but was intercepted.

Everyone looked towards there, frowning.

Unfamiliar powerhouse that I have never seen before.

They remember that the time for the evil gods to form the Holy Kingdom is very short, and it should be impossible to summon a powerhouse of extreme rank so quickly!

"Finally here, giant." The Demon Lord smiled lightly.

"This plan is very important, I will not make a mistake." This powerhouse turned out to have a pair of golden eyes.

Behind him, space distortion, the power of silver white is converging, forming an illusory shadow as high as ten thousand zhang.

That is a giant!

The giant of silver white.

"Holy Spirit..."

The Great Emperor Gufeng stared at the man called the giant, and slowly spit out two words.

Everyone has serious faces, and Celestial Court and Ruthless Hall are also startled!

A powerhouse whose strength has reached the extreme position of order ten comes from the Holy Spirit universe!

immediately, the top leaders of the three Supreme forces knew the identity of the "giant".

The evil gods can also transform the creatures of this universe into the Holy Spirit, but the strength is definitely not too strong, reaching the upper emperor is already the highest.

Also the Heart Demon symbiosis, fusion of countless Heart Demon, plus some means of evil gods, reached the tenth rank, but the price is that one's own consciousness is disturbed.

And this suddenly came out in front of him, the man named "Giant", with the strength of the tenth rank, is obviously a powerhouse from the Holy Spirit universe!

The Great Emperor Gufeng and Moreau turned their eyes to True Monarch Ning Feng.

The passage of the universe is guarded by the Ancient Immortal world!

True Monarch Ning Feng shook the head and said: "We can be pretty sure that there is only one evil god coming out of the cosmic channel, and even the current cosmic channel is directly suppressed by our Ancient Immortal realm and completely blocked. Even Supreme can't come out."

Once a creature comes out of the cosmic channel, it will inevitably be known to the Ancient Immortal world that this "giant" did not come out of the cosmic channel of the Ancient Immortal world.

The pupils of Zhenjun Ning Feng contracted slightly, and the heavenly punishment on the side was also complexion sank.

It didn't come from the cosmic passage of the Ancient Immortal world, so where did this "giant" come from?

Is there another cosmic channel?


The evil god has opened the second cosmic channel? !

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